yamiprotector.jpg 400x335(55KB) Lookin' Like The PastYami Bakura dressed up like he would if he had in Egypt. *Touzoku-ou was mad that he went through his wardrobe.*
yeah.jpg 700x1053(161KB) Complete PastThe complete pic to Lookin' Like The Past. The colours are gorgous. *What am I saying?! He's gorgous!!*
alone%20in%20the%20dark.jpg 800x600(201KB) looking at my pastthis ones really pretty. i love it. reminds me of...me when i want to wait for someone.
New prince.jpg 1250x1750(631KB) prince of persiaconocept art for the upcoming game
Newprince00.jpg 1280x2240(524KB) prince of persiaconocept art for the upcoming game
Ryuucute.png 603x540(24KB) Ryuu thinking.Well ryuu thinking of his past which is ucked up.
=3= Third edit of him today.
Well enjoy.
Looking back on our past copy.jpg 733x550(102KB) Looking back on the pastThis is Little Miyuki Nara. She looks awesome. I love her shirt. Anyways enjoy
Miyuki Nara is mine
Sakura Haruno screenshot belongs to Mashashi Kishimoto
taji-02.PNG 639x480(284KB) Taji _ _ _ _ _taji again hes looking past the wall at the girl he likes x3 lawls
taji-background O.o.PNG 1361x726(421KB) Taji Backgroundx3 this is just a random taj ibackground :D every word thats there says Taji lawls i was even using symbols :D :3 x3 x) anyways.........
yea................ i started to play with makeing patterns in the letters*whistles and looks away innocently* x3 XD anyways i wanna know what u pplz thinkg of this :D i like how it came out since i was onyl really experimenting with things x3