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Maidensome kinda thing....

Warroir Angel BackgroundI created this within a couple minutes, but please give me feedback.

LunarLunar is a 13 year old girl from the moon village
has an older brother whom she likes to argue with.
Naruto figured out the first time he met her u dont wanna screw up her name(she beat him up for it ^_^)
this is one of my bffs rpcs plzz rate and comment
tell me what u think

SolarSolar is a 14 year old boy from the moon village
he has a sister whom he likes to annoy and embaress(sp?)
He hates when his sister is happy(for the most part)
this is one of my bffs rpcs plzz rate and comment
tell me what u think
sakura edit.jpg

sakura edit.jpg
ChinatsuChinatsu is a young girl who has a crush on Lunar's older brother Solar
she is 13 like Lunar
shes friends with Lunar and has never messed up Lunars name knowing the conciquences
plzz rate and comment tell me what u think

Tenaje and saskurathis is a pic of tenaje(hyuga) and saskura(uchiha) age-12
Tenaje:hey kiba sensei,saskura,and temara, whats that over there?
Kiba:im not quite sure tenaje its hard to tell
Temara: idk what it is
Saskura its probably just your-HOLY CRAP! ITS MOVING TOWARD US!
plzz rate and comment tell me what u think and im up for any suggestions

YoungerThis is a pic of Saskura and Tenaje when they were about 5 or 6
in this pic tenaje wants to introduce Saskura to her Friends Tema and Temara but hes acting really shy-
Tenaje: come on saskura i want u to meet 2 of my best friends
Saskura: i dont know im not very good at meeting new people
Tenaje: dont worry they're really nice
Saskura: ok ....i...guess.....i'll try it but im still not sure
Tenaje:you'll be alright trust me *smiles*
Saskura:...ok...*shy smile*

Team 36this team 36
they're Sensei is Kiba Inuzuka
(in order from left to right)Tenaje Hyuga-Saskura Uchiha-Temara Nara
everyone on team36 is only 5 in this pic
tell me what u think by commenting and rateing
the girls.jpg

the girls.jpg
At the moveies (1)this pic of some of the 1st and 2nd generations characters(2nd gen is mine)
(in order from left to right)
Maku-Temara Nara-Nagi Hyuga-Hinuto Uzumaki-Entei Inuzuka-Tenaje Hyuga-Saskura Uchiha-Sno-Lindin-Enji Hyuga-
Naruto Uzumaki-Sakura Haruno-Kakashi Hatake-Sai

plzz rate and comment tell me what u think
the girls~0.jpg

the girls~0.jpg
At the movies (2)this pic of some of the 1st and 2nd generations characters(2nd gen is mine)
(in order from left to right)
Maku-Temara Nara-Nagi Hyuga-Hinuto Uzumaki-Entei Inuzuka-Tenaje Hyuga-Saskura Uchiha-Sno-Lindin-Enji Hyuga-
Naruto Uzumaki-Sakura Haruno-Kakashi Hatake-Sai

plzz rate and comment tell me what u think

Team 36this is a pic of team 36 older
the age they are in this pic is 12 or 13
(in order from left to right)
Tenaje Hyuga-Saskura Uchiha-Temara Nara
they r talking about the last mission they did with their sensei Kiba Inuzuka
plzz rate and comment
The Girls.jpg

The Girls.jpg
The girlsthis is i pic of 3 of my friends rpcs 1 of mine and of course we're all pissed at some guy ninja who think a girl ninja cant fight for herself
(in order from left to right)
Kagura_Lunar_Natsumi_Sakura Haruno_Nara
plzz rate and comment tell me wat u think ^_^
girls gen2-1.jpg

girls gen2-1.jpg
Girlsthis is Kaguya(Kagura's daughter) and Nayomi(Natsumi's daughter)
they're at a party in this pic but first they're sitting thru a lecture thingy given by the hokage(<Naruto)(me:AHH! I WOULD DIE FROM THOSE THINGS!)
they see someone im not gonna say yet (me:hehe u cant kno yet)and they get very surprised and happy
(to see who kagura and natsumi are check out my gallery labled "naruto with me and some of my friends)
plzz rate and comment
girl gen2-2.jpg

girl gen2-2.jpg
the girls againhere are Kaguya and Nayomi again
this time they're sitting thru the chunin exams
And they're sensei makes a comment that gets Kaguya kinda mad/upset and Nayomi takes notice adn says
Nayomi:Sensei u should probably shut up now
plzz rate and comment ^_^

ME!this is sapost to be an edit of me in rl
plzz tell me wat u think by rating and comment

Cusin!this is sapost to be an edit of my 9 yr old cusin b4 she started growing her bangs and b4 she cut her hair
plzz tell me what u think by rating and commenting

lil cuz!this is sapost to be a pic of my lil 6 year old cusin shes sisters with my 9 year old cusin
plzz tell me wat u think by rating and commenting

togetherIn this pic they're about 16
both-walked near eachother on accedent
tenaje:-thinking to self-omg we're so close but this cant be real
Tenaje:-opens eyes and looks at saskura-*blushes*
Saskura:hmph ur still just as much as a winmp as i remember u cant even say 1 word
Tenaje:_has sad memories play in head-
Saskura:im out of here (thinking to self)i cant stand doing this
Tenaje:(grabs saskura's arm)
to be continued.....
plzz rate and comment
special edit.jpg

special edit.jpg
hanginthis is a pic of saskura and tenaje at ages Tenaje-15 Saskura-14(her b-day comes first)
they're hangin in Tenaje's room and they were just laying there then Neji (tenaje's dad) walked in
Tenaje-Saskura:*hangin out Chating,laughing and giggleing*
Neji:*listening thru door just started too*
Tenaje:So saskura u wanna do it come on it'll be fun
Saskura:I dont kno would we get in trouble
Tenaje:of course not we dont get caught is all do that and we're fine
Saskura:ok then lets do it

youngthis is a pic of tenaje and temara talking about saskura
tenaje:so wat'd u think of saskura
temara:he was pretty cool but way to shy
tenaje:yea he is kinda shy
temara:and u lyk him
tenaje*blush*do not!
temara:yea u do i can see it on ur face
*saskura hiding in a tree sees them and starts listneing*
tenaje:*straight face*i do not hes a pathetic lil boy and i was only nice to him cuz he was lonely
Saskura:*jumps out of tree crying and runs off*
the girls:*gasp*
plzz rate and comment
39 pictures on 2 page(s) 1

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