Asu&Fatherwm.jpg 1224x1566(1966KB) Asuna and Dad.o. When she finds her dad again after a whoooooooooole bunch of years.
No he's not wearing a kitchen apron.
xD He's an engineer.
So >P
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naruto_sakura0013[1]-tile.jpg 948x355(196KB) ...what are u doing here?...*that Ino can be sooo...hmpf...why am i thinking about what Ino said?..eh no matter, i don't really care, do i?*
Yuki:cus', u should know better than to think so much, u'll burn ur brain.
Shizuka: w-wh-what?...*i hate u*...anyway why are u here?
Yuki: first i already know u hate me...and i just wanted to visit my favorite cousin...aren't i sweet?...and if u'r wondering i was the boy who asked about u
Shizuka: stop reading my mind and i'm ur only cousin