emiko axel background.jpg 1325x714(86KB) axel emiko background 2background #2 for axel and emiko this time featureing they're symbols and 2 ribbons intertwineing(sp?) ^^
plzz rate and comment (p.s. axel may be dead but we still make pics of both of them cuz we love the couple but we gotta stop >.<"i kno XD)
weird dream emiko and axel.jpg 499x375(29KB) weird dream1this is about a month after axel was killed by emiko she was having a weird dream
in the dream axel was a demon/devil thing instead of his angel self and emiko went with him in the fire and she was his for an eternity she woke up screaming and crying in the middle of the night screaming for axelher parents came runnning in to help her she cried with her mom and niether of her parents kno who killed axel all they kno was hes dead
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