harp6.jpg 650x921(393KB) Sage HarpuiaSage Harpuia *wii xD Harpie!* from the Rockman Zero series
tomahawkman1.jpg 640x480(50KB) Tomahawkmanmi favorite navi ever!!! Tomahawkman is just soooo cute!!!
trill1.jpg 640x480(38KB) Trill from BeyonyardIt's gonna be hard to fin ANYONE who's not a fan of this cute baby!!
searchman.jpg 640x480(66KB) Searchman.EXEOMG! Searchie *�* he's just too hot xDDDDDDD *sorry, i'm not really good at english, i speak spanish xD*
leviathan.jpg 250x362(37KB) Fairy LeviathanMy favorite girl character in the Rockman series, Leviathan is really cute! xD