Dance_1.JPG 640x480(28KB) Dance at the FestivalGo Chrno! Go Rosette! Dance, dance, dance!
Grave.JPG 640x480(36KB) Rosette Christopher's GraveOkay, I know it's depressing but I had to do it for the memory. Such a sad ending, And besides you all knew she was going to die anyway right? Right?
Group_1.JPG 640x480(27KB) Rosette and Chrono hold hands*snifle* so sad *snifle*
Group_5.JPG 640x480(23KB) Check out the way Chrono dives in front of Rosette to protect her. Aww...
Group_6.JPG 640x480(30KB) They stand before the tattered remains of their shattered past...
Group_8.JPG 640x480(36KB) Time for a little group conference.
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