tracy_ino0111.jpg 505x474(65KB) RyyureiRyyurei (lastname unkown)
age: 13
village: originally ice but it gets destroyed so she secretly moves to rain. not letting anyone know about her past.
demon: ice dragon
reletive: lil sis maimi, but not blood related.
team: none but eventually goes into team 5 with Jamez, Kaz, and Tomoshyko
crush: Zaku
meet_Tomoshikyo_by_puppygrrl.jpg 300x225(16KB) TomoshikyoTomoshikyo
relatives: unkown
On team 5: Kaz, Jamez, ryyurei
crush: none
is telepathic and can not speek through her voice
ocgirls.jpg 2154x1694(620KB) the suspectsall my and my friends OC charricters. i admit i got this insparation from a girls picture on this website but the only pose i used was Ryyurei's pose. the rest was all original, all me, all drawn by hand.
from left to right: Jamez(my charrie), Ryyurei, Tomoshikyo, and Kaz