sesshomaru SEXAY!!!!.jpg 335x450(18KB) sesshomaru sexay!omg lets get this straight, im in love with sesshomaru (or "sesshy" or "fluffy" w/e you wanna call him...) *snatches him* mine muahahahaha!
snuggle.jpg 600x522(135KB) Awww! too cuteBehold the cuteness! Words can't describe how adorable this pic is. Why is it so easy to make one of the most heartless characters in the show so darn kawai?
Hmm.png 350x350(38KB) What to do?I love this it is soo cute! ^.^ I kinda figured something like this would come up though sooner or later.
33.jpg 557x700(73KB) Inu and Sesssshycute
... but scary lol