ren_macchi1.JPG 400x380(27KB) macchiXrenhehe... they make a cute couple.... don't you think?
Chibi Ren.jpg 451x497(26KB) Bath Time!Awww ain't this cute! I wonder if that thing in the water is Ren's knees or something else...
Chibi Taos.jpg 451x460(47KB) SiblingsYounger Jun and Less younger Ren. They're not a couple cause Jun is with Pai-Long and Ren is with Horo ^^.
Ice Cream.jpg 520x508(53KB) Ice CreamI know Ren has been wating to do that for a lng time. And that look on Horo's face just screams 'ENJOYING THIS.'
HoroXRen~0.jpg 450x350(48KB) Don't resistRen is just pretending. I can see it ^^. Get in there Horo =3.
Ice Cream 2.jpg 397x400(36KB) Ice Cream 2After Ren's popsicle incident, Horo had to buy more Ice Cream. Even one for Ren ^^
HoroXRen 3.jpg 417x450(35KB) Horo and RenDo I sense I kiss scene? C'mon Ren just a wittle closer
Ren_Len_22.jpg 429x400(22KB) for dry red eyes...heehe most of you will see where this is going lol
Ren_Len_23.jpg 400x390(37KB) i wonder why he looks so sad?...*glomps him* - cheer up I'm a offlical Fangirl!!
Chapter 1-3.jpg 1200x995(498KB) Shaman King: Chapter 1-3Hiroui gattai!
Phew! This one took me a good, long while. But it was really worth it. I REALLY enjoy how this one turned out, and I hope you do too. I'll start on the next one and see if I can do it tonight... But doubtful. XD
I think I got all the tags... x__x
Glad to be done with this one! Enjoy!
I take no credit for owning Shaman King, all rights reserved to Hiroyuki Takei. Coloring is mine. :)