002~1.jpg 550x772(59KB) Two girlsTwo girls together
Preetty....jpg 570x700(107KB) The squeal romance collection begin now. ^_^ Number one squel or at least they look almost the same;
Tenjou Tenge.JPG 1280x1024(119KB) HottiesWhat do you mean they're looking at you? They're lookning at me!
Zk.JPG 534x400(144KB) The happy Side and angry SideThe twin of the Two
The personal of Two
The happiness and the angryness.
missyou.jpg 800x600(66KB) Do you ever think of me? [Kairi]A small little nothing...It's Kairi from KH2
childfriends.jpg 772x482(202KB) Two Childhood FriendsTwo children that are friends.
BackToBack.jpg 290x430(27KB) Back to Backtwo neko girls by each others side
peace.JPG 640x480(115KB) twinsStimualating symetry. That is the fansite for Hikaru and Kaoru but if you want a great site for all of ouran stuff For Richer or Poorer is an excellent site! Check em out!
1082574086_l.jpg 600x450(43KB) Ignisits ignis again..
but i dont kno who she is with ><
ppl say it is her daughter.
but im not sure.
look at her hands.
there like claws o.o
thats awesome!
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