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Yowza! hot!
what they said *passes out*
she's so cute heh
 ......... woh....
...must...keep...my...hands...to myself
Got that right Falcon.......i just might hafta hurt ya if those hands begin to wonder......
Whoa....That's brutal for a beautiful woman.
Brutal?.....i didnt think so =)
Then sorry I used the word "Brutal" in that comment.
Very nice.
Its ok Zoda =) and thank you Brasc
Ya know,I really like that picture.
There is a tattoo place where i live and that exact pic is the sign above there door! I was like "Thats faye!" when i finally noticed who it was!
Way too hot for words!
holy sweet goddess of the sea!!! this chick is hotter than the sun itself... damn..... i needs to calm myself
..oookay..i see that not oonly girls are out of control just by seeing a hot guy... yo! go to a cosplay show and look for her!
damn she looks gooooood  very very hot
will you stop acting like the character...your not her
she's really HOT!!...
i like wat i see
 Faye i sorry but ijust have to say it holly f@$#&% sh@%
No. Don't need a husband, but yes I'm hot. Hints the name.
I understand.  And yes,you are extremely hot.
*clings to Hot Faye Valentine from behind* Mmm, you're hot... =D *purrs*
Man, she's hot!!!*drools*
grabes hot fayes hand and kisses it let me be ur lover
*pulls Hot Faye Valentine on his lap and slowly caresses her thighs, kissing and sucking on the flesh of her neck softly* Mm.. how's this?
Holy Schnike!
*kicks miroku* mine! grabes faye back
*sidesteps the kick, still holding onto Faye and manages to whack SlayedEnemy upside the head with his staff*
fires mg at miroku-sama and grabs faye*''run away!''
She has a beautiful smile.
she is pretty
Mmm... I think my pants just exploded. Why doesn't anyone post comments anymore, by the way?
She's gorg. for an anime
Hey that's an awesome picture you got there http://www.gorgeousanime.com
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