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Hinata's reaction to a widgy.
Naruto kissed her. lol
Oh? In which episode?
No, he didn't he just got really close to her face
naruto told her that the kind of girl she is, is the kind he really likes
this happen when hinata attack naruto i call it (head but justu)
wow, her face is like, as red as a cherry! which statement here is true??
Poor Hinata! '^^ She's REALLY blushes... XD What's this episode??
lol!!! Hinata is so cool!
I was joking bout the kissing thing.
wat # episode??? so, wat happened????
Never saw her like this before, what Naruto do to her this time?
neji_shikamura_ lova_ 231
Its rare for the Hyuga family to have funny expressions! Except if they eat curry or in this cause get the truth about the ones they admire
I think it was around episodes 155 to 157... I have no certain! I don't watch this episode yet! Whaaaaaaa!! >.<
I saw this episode. Hinata walks into the hospital room where her sensi is when Naruto stands in front of her (face to face) hanging upside down from the ceiling, Hinata starts to turn red because she and Naruto are standing so close. Naruto looking concerned thinks she has a fever and puts his hand on her forehead, Hinata starts to panic and accidentily headbutts Naruto knocking him and herself out. HE HE HE
I'm surprised she ain't dead after hitting something as hard as Naruto's head.
LOL! OMG! is that wat really happened?!!??!!!  OMG!!!!! I HAVE TO WATCH THis EPISODE!!!!! WAT #, El puma?????!!!!!
For those of you who are intersted it's episode #148. Enjoy
Hahaha Coool!!!
 naruto should kiss sakura
no way! naruto should kiss hinata and sasuke should kiss sakura  . anyway, hinata's funny in this pic.
ive seen that episode the thing waz that Naruto was waiting 4 Tsunade and Hinata walked in and he mistook her 4 Tsunade and droped his head down and his face was like an inch away and she blushed and then she faints you can see Kiba and Shino tryin 2 catch her
naruto 4 hinata, sakura 4 rock lee and sasuke 2 suck balls!!  sori had 2 say it  (apologies 2 sasuke luvas)
I LIKE SASUK........ a little. I agree with you anni
nothing funnier than seeing hinata blush like that
i like her  ...just not the fact that she likes naruto
To me, thats the funniest thing I saw from Hinata (so far)
thats hilarious! wow...its weird that this conversation didnt come out as a fight like they usually do...good!
dang now if only cartoon network would hurry up and get to that episode.
yea! im still only in the preliminaries of the chuunin exams!
this is a pretty funny eppy. ever wonder if they ever will hookup?
gaaras girl me to damn  and day dreamer thats so true and sasuke should suck balls to
does Naruto pass the chunin exams???
hahahahaha i saw this episode it was realy funny poor naruto all he is doing id worry about hinata and then bang *hits left fist to right palm* hes knocked out for hes eforts
you know, you can find all the episodes on youtube.com, it's a great place to watch you fave episode whenever you want.
Ep. 148. Team 8 visits Naruto at the hospital and they're talking to Tsunade and Shizune about how the last time Hinata saw Naruto in a hospital she fainted cause he was covered in bandages and Hinata's like "SHUT UP!" and she opens the door and Naruto's hanging on the doorframe and his face is like, an inch away from hers. XD you can find it on Youtube, like Daydreamer said. -nod-
Its funny after cuz Shino and Kiba try to catch her but they drop her instead
lol! I saw that! Shino and Kiba tried to catch her but dropped her lol! Poor Hinata
lol i'm almost catching up to this eppy! naruto should end up with hinata... sakura is so mean to him and for that she cannot have him!!!! lol... someone here said that this conversation wasn't heading to a fight (sorry forgot the nickname), i agree with him/her and i'm happy for that to  lol
i wish they wud hurry up and show it i still havent gotten to episode 54 yet.....
aww this is very cute ^__^ NaruHina forever!
he didnt kiss her but he did put hes hand on her forhed.. which was enough... i dont know but when i see this scen and hearing her scream i cant help thinking stuff  ... GHAAA IM A CREEP!!
I did the same thing in grade 7 .... hehehe .... he fell down the stairs ... he was taking to kisss me .... and since that day I have never gotten my 1st kiss T_T
That's sad clarad003
yeah really sad
......... I dont know why I told you guess ... I feel so ..... *looks at the ground*
I have never had my first kiss either if that makes you feel bettter.
*pad you on the back* there there... there there... sorry about the best i can do from here
omg hinata is way obssesed with naruto
That's ok I'm still young plenty of time  And totally true boredom!
i guess i shoulnt say anything about me kissing then
yea she is ... and guys am old too so it's worse .... anyways COOKIES
YAY more cookies!
youre not old D
I remember this! Hinata walked into the room Naruto was in. Their faces were close Hinata fainted. Poor Kiba and Shino. They dropped her.
I want cookies
yeah they didnt catch her when she fainted
And....THUD *hinata falls to da floor* I have wonderful timing...
What I dont get is why Hinata headbutted Naruto....
Hinata: It's just like SpiderMan @_@
Awww,  Fail.
That's a nice picture you got there http://www.gorgeousanime.com
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