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He looks so sad yet happy. He looks like Sasuke. *sniff* you know you love him Itachi!
His eyes look..bold.....  ...it looks like he has sympathy for someone
He loves his little brother and he knows it!!! ITACHI!!!! they need more pictures of him.
he shouldnt have killed his family y itachi y. He and his bro are so cute together
so...friggin... HOTT! I LOVE YOU ITACHI! YOUR IN MY STORY I MADE! *glomps 999 trillion times*
we need more pics of itachi and sasuke together ^-^ aaaand itachi realllly looks like sasuke here. not that its a bad thing... just stating a fact.
yea i agree with mirokus wife we do need more pix of sasuke and Itachi-kun!!! they were so cute when the were little and before sasuke hated itachi-kun
hehehe i want 2 hug him. he kinda looks like a therapist, o well hes still hot!!!
i agree with mirokus wife. OMFG i cant believe Itachi is smiling! he looks really cute here. too bad he turns evil.
wooooooowwwwwwwww......*speechless* *.*
um u guys are gaga over a guy who isnt real. what's wrong with u ppl?
he is real in our hearts... he;s to cool 4 the real world...
Itachi: EEEWWWWW! I look old! Me: Don't mind him. He's just being a weirdo... again! Itachi: I am not! It's a sick picture! I look like my great-aunt! It's fugly! Me: Itachi, just shut the hell up! Itachi: <sigh> ooookayy! <mutter mutter> Me: What was that you said?! Itachi: Nothing!  <giggle>
(Saki-chan)I just notice this but if you see Deidara's flash backs on the first time he saw Itachi they kinda look alike. Meaning Itachi in this pic and Deidara b4 the Akatsuki. Just a radom notice.
i love itachi! He looks so cute here *smiles*
Itachi: Pleeeeeaaaase tell me you're a man!!!! Pleeeeeeeaaaaase!!!!! Me: Probably not...
it like itachi is sasuke from the future  they look like twins except itachi is older than sasuke
i'll comment you itachi.....ok here's one, my love for you burns like a thousand sun
My lust burns hotter... now suck me, Itachi!!!
He looks so sad when he's smiling. DD:
yeah really sad
Let me see your other smile Itachi... the one you get when my ____ slams into the special place in your ___...
Itachi: <smiles that special smile...>
Itachi: <giggle> Where's my reward?
Itachi-san....I think you're cute, but you belong to a better girl than me...
Itachi....i hate you in this pic,....It reminds me of sasuke
he was cute when he was younger!
stay a way from him  he's my bf so stay a way
Fantastic pic you have there! http://www.gorgeousanime.com
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