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*glare* what?
you are crazy... hes heartless...
no his heart is just in a different place is all he did ask for me to take it out it was bugging him
. . . hmph. . .
Kinda weird...Almost every picture shows him using the Sharingan....Doesn't he get tired or something?
his eyes are permently like this u dolt
thats not true Kinshase_Uchiha... do call yourself a itach-fan? after his escape from Jirajia his eyes turn normal... You're the dolt here
-is happy about this-
look atcha,think you all cool wit ya straw hat,well lemme tell ya somtin` ya aint!i`m a betta ninja dan you!betta dan yall ever be!
earwen... I have to agree with you
what's with people and saying that people on this show r their boy/girlfriend
Thanks Zakia Derikku
Bad guys always seem to be...the coolest...ever!
thats totaly not true! I mean Itachi is cool and all but... have you ever had a look at Kisame, Orochimaru, gatou? I mean hello!!???
I wonder where he gets his nailpolish... I've always wanted that color... ...Bruised purple... ...Yeah...
maybe it's not nail polish  anyway, ITACHI-SAMA!! PLEASE BECOME MY SENSEI!!! TEACH ME!!!
itachi-sama is really hott........x3
Itachi is so damn Hott!
he is sooo hot....
Itachi is a pretty man!
He looks like he's tipping his hat to somebody...
i just want more people to come to my site.
Stop spammin', damn you! We come here for a reason, the gallery, not for you!
true K.R.M.S....spammin is baaaad
Itachi is so cool
nice ring
One of my favorite pitcures of
JOIN THE AKATSUKI NOW AND GET A FREE BOTTLE OF PURPLE NAIL POLISH! Orochimaru: Hey! That's MY nail polish!! Itachi: *performs dirty tsukiyomi on him* Nn? Orochimaru: *shiver shiver* N-never... never mind...
What's up with all of you sayin' he's hot!? fangirls.... But... Itachi is the coolest badguy in the whole damn series. Except for his leader of course. I know who the leader is!!
who is his leader
i'm not a fan of itachi but i like this pic
Itachi is hot!
I love Itachi and Kisame wearing those hats with the little tings on the edge that sound lik a bell  Soooooo mysterious
no sharingan?
the sharingan is there its just that the shadow is making it hard to see. Itachi is so mysterious
wow this pic is hot every time I look at it I want to melt
right im so stupid.....i see it....i was just too scared to look at his eyes for that much time XD
He'd look better as a vampire
He's hotter than hell
ROLF  But as ugly as it XD
His leader is Pein and I agree sasuke's_woman! He looks hotter than hell here!
Itachi's so bad@$$, that's all i gotta say
Do any of you know the actual history of the uchiha clan??
That's a nice picture you got there http://www.gorgeousanime.com
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