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Oh! He�s sooo cute :3
u said it!!!
Kabuto is definately the sexiest man in glasses I've ever seen ^_^;;
Hell yeah, Goku XD
X3 i agree with cookie! w00t!
he's cute
Wow, I keep coming across your posts, Kissed_by_Kakashi(you need a nickname). How bizarre.
nobody cares if you were kissed by kakashi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! although he's cute. anyway like i was saying... DOESN'T MY BOY FRIEND LOOK SO SEXY!!!!
narutosuperfan#123, if u were really his girlfriend, ur name should be kabutosuperfan#123
hes not the sexiest guy with glasses thats 4 sure but hes the sexiest without glasses
Kabuto: Hello. *adjusts glasses*
Kabuto's pretty cute, but Itachi's better
i agree with kawaii_koneko_rina
hes mine
does anyone here think that he might look cuter with frecles?
NO!!! Kabuto's not cute, or hot or handsome!!!! At least, not anymore! *smacks Kabuto* He's a traitorous baka that needs a good ass-kicking! What's wrong with you people?! :\ ...Sorry for all the yelling.  In the middle of anger management classes. *kicks Kabuto* Okay! Back to class. ^^
val what is with u and kabuto
Well, it all happened a long, long time ago. I asked Kabuto to get me some Lays potato chips, and he brought me Ruffles. Can you believe it?! Ruffles! And thus ensued my never-ending hatred of him.
what is wrong with ruffels val??
*shrugs* Nothing really. I just wanted another excuse to hate Kabuto. That seemed to be the only thing that popped into my head at the time. :/ Oh, and he knew what he was doing. He deliberately brought me something completely different because he knew it would tick me off. Freaking jerk. >.< And just to spite him, I ate the whole bag right infront of him. Ha!
he brouht me lays just now when i asked him for lays
>.< You see? He's just mean to me!  WAH!!!  He does everything possible to make me hate him. And that chip thing was the last straw. And it is official. I now hate every single anime guy that wears glasses. All of you are traitorous scumbuckets. I hate you all.  (Except for Satoshi and Ishida. ^^ And any other guy who wears glasses but isn't a traitor. :-> )
What? Just because someone's a traitorous bastard doesn't mean they're not ueber hot. . .mmm. . .nerdy anime boys. . .*droools*
lol XD But seriously! I LIKE anime guys that wear glasses. And as long as they're nice. But when they turn out to be a bad guy... *eyes start to water* WAH!!! I hate you all!!!  - ...Geez. I cry a lot.
Oh, as do I . But I long ago accepted that I'm always attracted to those that are either evil or die. . .*sigh* Oh well. Glasses are ueber sexy. . .Just something about them, it seems. . .
Oh, come on! Kabuto is the sexiest one ever! Me: You can't stop being sexy Kabuto: You got that right baby! Me:*giggles* I love this guy! Kabuto: I love you too! Me:
kabuto, a strange character. A spy, a devouted servant, or just some1 who wants more power
He's just sooooooooooo cute!!!
I'm worried that he might betray Orochimaru some day...
SPY VS SPY! lol IKabuto is great imo (Manga Spoiler Related Post) Wonder what happend to him though with the current arch since his boss is kinda of MIA is he going Akatsuki? or making his own force.
Oh great... it's my ex...
Well, I'm not an obsessed fan as many people are, but I gotta say Kabuto is pretty damn fine. If only he wasn't so confusing to figure out. XD
i agree
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