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Neji is funny.
Yeah, he is funny. He can be a dork sometimes but, I luv him anyway!
I think he's funny sometimes, but not in a dorkish kinda way. More like a trying to be tough kinda way.
Keep the headband over your mouth so we don't have to smell your breath!
he looks cute w/ the headband over his mouth
no because he looks CUTE! WHOO HOO!!!! *huggles neji*
<throws up>
NEJI is so cute
gaara_ai666foxdemonqueen, wtf is ur problem?
She doesnt like Neji. i think hes HAWT!
how could someone not like neji?! i don't get it!
Idk...I used 2 think he waz annoying with the "destiny" thing but I never hated him! I still thought he waz hawt!
Neji's a dancer
Hes not a dancer...its part of his ninja style!!!
EVERY BODY DANCE NOW! *starts danceing*
lol! -dances-
he's not a dancer
His stlye looks like dancing but its not! hey Gaara sometimes looks like hes dancing! but every1 nos that if u say that 2 him (if he waz real) wed all be dead! XD
neji doesn't dance, but i bet if he did he'd be good at it!
yeah i BET!
Me 2!!!
me 3!!!
lol! Wat about Gaara? Or Naruto? Shika? Sasuke?
hmm......... i dunno!
well there was one time sasuke looked like he was dacing
REALLY??????? WHERE!! I wanna see that!
me 2!!!
What your problem you guys or girls you never Neji dance.Or did you?That the qustion.
There is a HILARIOUS video on Youtube of Neji. Look up "Macarena no Jutsu" and have fun splitting your sides
Omg god neji! :glomps him:
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