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and what is itachi thinking about? itachi: *mmm...pancakes...*
I like the chain
Itachi would never think of pancakes (what are they?) and the dark chain is a great symbol of his work
Yeah, why would he be thinking of pancakes. Pancakes are nasty. Waffles...now there's something to eat.
a great symbol of his work? Jeah right.
i have something like that........i know i could be itachi for halloween!!!!.he probably thinking of how tho get rid of all these crazy chicks that are always following him....itachi:whips chains leather whatever......  OMFG I SO FORGOT HIS BIRTHDAY IS ON.....oh okay June 9th not late.....  whew i gonna get him scetios....
If you were Itachi for halloween, then I would dress up as Kisame with a samehada
his b day is NOVEMBER 9th
no, its june 9th. HE IS SOO HOTT!!!!!!!!!!!
its june 9th
Yeah it is June 9th  and waffles roocckk!! and to add I WILL BE KISAME!!!
itachi is a gay bastard
Itachi: At least girlwithagun has it right! I'm a mean lean cock-sucking machine!  Anyway this picture makes me look all manly and gross! Is there a way to delete pictures from here? I need to edit my album of all the icky pics.
im always right even when im wrong im right
I don't agree that he's ugly, but you hit the gay part right on target!
Now I forgot why I liked waffles before I like Cereal!
Itachi likes biscuits.
Hey that's an awesome picture you got there http://www.gorgeousanime.com
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