What the heck?!?!?!?!?!?!? This pic is funny and creapy but at the same time cool! Wow that's strange
oh my God! what's that? whatever it is it doesnt look good...
what the hell is that??? well minus the 'thing' his nose is normal...and sexy.
Its a big set of lips, they're trying to imagine what Kakashi looks like under his mask
well it looks werid
uuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmm wheres is his cute (small lips) at???????lol!!!!^-^;p
I suppose "they" refers to Naruto and company? I think that even a mask could not disquise that. Those guys are weird!
Probably Naruto... *sighs*
THE HELL IS THAT???? "thinking"(i dont wanna get hit by that jutsu!!!!!!!!)
I think it's Naruto's imagination gone wild... either his or Sakura's.... I can't imagine Sasuke thinking this up.
Oh, I get it, they are sharing ideas of what they think is under that mask
Yes... that's what I think.
Well thaht CAN'T be what under his mask. (thinking: I should know )
LMAO (laughing my @$$ off)!!
yeah that one is the one naruto made up i think the other is by sakura and the one with the small red lips is sasuke's imagination
i hate this pic.
Yeah, he IS supposed to be super good-looking. In ep. 100 you see, this waitress at the ramen shop sees his face, and she gets love-heart eyes. And this is Sasuke's imagining.
poor Kakashi! Realy what kind of idiot would imagine him like that !!!
Kakashi: mouth drops open :O i can not ....they think i look like that under my mask.....why is it so important to see my face????
It's not. They're just obsessed.
i c hmm
And paranoid. It's natural to be curious about what you REALLY look like, but this is obviously extreme.
keep calm i have one little thing to say........NAAARUTOO!!!!
Don't get too worked up over it... it's just his imagination.
Oh my! What big lips you have!
*sighs* I doubt...
really funny........
..i will kill the guy that make it!
Don't laugh.
* don't now if I should laugh or cry*
He needs lipo Ari-chan:LIPO!!!! I am high...LIPO!
Those lips are hard to kiss..I prefer his real lips... Gah..How can you french with that giant lip??
that is bull crap!!! who is the butt hole that posts them pictures!!!
[kakashi] uhhh [me] wuhh grr naruto will pay for this let me at him sensai ![kakashi] uhh wut naruto?[me] yeah naruto he is making sasuke see these things becasue they want to see your true face you gotta remember[kakashi] ohh that's wut they were doing that one day huu
LMAO! That fits right on his face doesn't it
Well, you know how kissable Kakashi is!
Lol Its Sasuke's imagination> Naruto sez what if kakashi has big lips? Sasuke imagines that and gets all wobbly XD
... It's Sasuke's imaginatioin...Lol, and so is the bunny teeth. He got all wobbly? I'd like to see that.
Sasuke has a sick imagination... O.O
*jumps back* omfg weres the face i actuly wanted to see???
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh x_X Faints (This is an official picture from eppy 101, This is stupid Saske's daydream!)
HAHAHAHA....It kinda looks as if he's done too much kissing.
He's been kissing all you Kakashi fan girls. I hope your happy.
Kiss kiss!
LMAO THAT'S FUNNY I DON'T CARE WHO SEES THIS, i love Kakashi more than anything but this is just too funny
poor Kakashi, Stupid Naruto and his messed up mind
[yoki] blinks and laughs out loud lol {kakashi] -_- this is not funny at all -_-[yoki] aww don't be a spoiled sport laugh it off lol XP [kakashi} -_-
LOL kakashi looks like your ........ * kakashi glares* nevermind
accually Naruto was trying to tempt Saske to come along to see but naruto said "maybe fat lips" or somthing then i guess Saske imagined it
yea thats what happened then he got a shiver down his spine
This is ep 101 ans Sasuke thinks this ok?! EVERYONE GOT IT??!!!
just scary and creepy
ah! ahahaha!ooo sexy lips. kakashi: who want's a kiss? girls?...LOL haha. this is funny. but this pic is wayyy different from what the real kakashi looks like. kakashi is more prettier n handsome. of course he is a pretty boi. hehe
Loved this episode! And the thick lips were cool! But I also liked the buckteeth. I swear, Sasuke has a weird imagination!
Actually Naruto thought this up, Sasuke thought the beaver up.
xD I dont' think he can breath.. Kakashi's lips are too big and they cover up his nose holes.. This picture still scares me.. But we all know the truth...he doesn't look like this...
this is when pastic operations go worng
no this is what happens in that idiot naruto's mind
Me: CURSE YOU NARUTO CHAN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!naruto: uh-oh!
I don't know if I should laugh or go kick somebody's sick imagination in the @$$. Hmmmm....@$$-kickn' time!!
hahahahahahahahahaha! that's under his stupid mask! hahahahahahaha!(falls on itachi and tells him your lips are better than his!then kisses him)
We all know Kakashi looks better than this, otherwise Ayame AND her father wouldn't have blushed when they saw Kakashi's face. Plus, there was a picture in the manga with his mask off, but his hand was still covering his lips. He was so adorable! Still is!
I almost crapped myself when I saw this image for the first time. I thought this was how Kakashi really looked until I read that it was just their imaginations.... *wipes brow*
actually from what i've heard he looks normal under his mask.and when he was a kid everybody hated his dad and he didn't want to look like his father,so he put the mask on.
Yeah There you go all you Obsessed Kakashi lovers! (gag) Sorry like I said i like kakashi too but I'm not in love with a fictional drawing! This was probably the best filler I saw. Hehehe
no really, sylverclaws you too maybe really obbsessed in the in side
*GAG* *CHOKE* *HEAVE* spha, here Bleh ..... Ahh, I feel better now! Kakashi rocks , but,..uh......what was I talking about...I forgot. Hmmm....nope nothing I wanna see this ep again. It was soo funny. Does anyone know what episode it was There's tooo many to look through!
i still don't see who in there sick mind whould do that to kakashi...he's a nice guy.and yea every one wants to know what he looks like under his mask but this is not funnny...
LOL on this episode you hear him laugh, it sounds weird like hehhehhehheheheeeeehh sumthing like that , and the camara turns him around and he pulls his mask off and there's those huge lips XD XP then he smiles lol
Ur totally right ~Kakashi
AHAHAHHAHAHA. Ahhh, i love this episode!
Some Girl: DAMN!! 8-ball: That's what happen when you suck dick.
LOL! Its from ep 101 when naruto sasuke and sakura tried to see his face. naruto: thicklips... perhaps xDD lol my fav episode
I LOVED THIS EP!!!! IT WAZ HILARIOUS!!! Omg Some Girl i like that!
eeek creepy
i love episode 101,this pic is hilarious!
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