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Awww... soo prettyful!
So young.. So sad.. v_v *throws her arms around him*
you can't tell that he's a jerk when he looks like this
True that
i thinck hes cute
I dont think he's a jerk saturnsilencegoddess!!
pretty sunset/sunrise!
*kisses him whil he isnt looking*
he looks so depresse
how cute!!
poor inuyasha, he looks so sad *huggles him*
I love this pic.He looks so cute.  He needs to forget about Kikyo and stick with Kagome.She's the one who comforts him,and where's Kikyo?Gaboting around the country side!Kikyo said she's still gonna take his life...What kind of love is that?
I 100% agree with Kahiwa93. kikyo is a waste of time
i think he needs someone 2 talk 2.....he looks like he has a lot on his mind..
*what a beutifull sunset. I wish Kikyo would be with me* ahhhhhhhhh......baka Kikyo, she makes Inu so sad....  .....and baka Inu thinks only about her.....chikushoo
kikyo only want to b wif inu yasha dso plz try to understand her it gets me down wen peeps tlk badly of her
he looks like he needs a hug.
Awww...poor baby! And he does look like he needs a hug! *Huggles*
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