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My cutie...
he's so sweet!
But as an Inu-Hanyou he's better. Inu ears are kawaii, ne?
You know alot about Inuyasha Tskino Usagi,ne?  *meow!*
coolie  tsukino usagi. I totally agree!
he does look better with ears & white hair
His hair is not white as a half-demon it is silver.
I llike human Inu better.
Inuyasha is way hotter in his human form than in his half-demon form (and this is coming from someone who has a crush on Gaara from Naruto).  Besides, I prefer kitty ears. They're just so soft and fuzzy!!
he looks so devious ^^ i love it <3
That's an interesting pic! *Big hearts* I could hug 'im all night long! So hot! And I like him both ways! Half demon and human! Both are perfecto!
yup! Being a half-demon has it's benefits!
Haruhara Haruko?! Why do you like Gaara?!?!? He's a dork! In my appoion, I like Half-Demon InuYaha 10x's better!..You know...If you look close, he has elf ears!
His human form is so cute... TT___TT
oh no were did you ears go =( i hate the new moon inuyasha. but you'll still cute as a human
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