kimiko89.JPG 637x520(13KB) kimiko walking thru a dark path-483 viewsmitsuki: she went thur alot,and she's still alive,and knowing kimiko........she's thinking about killing orochimaru.....not joining him.....she's differnt from everyone that i know.....
mozo: will.....i'm surprised to see someone's rival to be nice and wanting to save her....
mitsuki:i'm only doing just so i can have someone to fight with....
dark:alright then,everyone agreeing to stay with this mission say aye....
everyone: AYE!!!....
darkness: alright.....let's do this...
kimiko90.JPG 640x520(37KB) mitsuki's dream part1-398 viewsmitsuki's dreaming about the day,when she saw kimiko alone and crying,and so she decied to be her best friend,but the older mitsuki is wacthing it happen
kimiko91.JPG 640x520(29KB) mitsuki's dream part3-468 viewsmitsuki's now dreaming the day when she broke up the frinedship of her and kimiko....
mitsuki: then we're rivals,till the end.....
kimiko: so.....u also love....darkness....
mitsuki: that's right,and i won't let u take him away from me....
kimiko: if that's what u want,then it's fine by me.....we're rivals till the end sister or no sister.....
mitsuki: fine see ya...
kimiko91~0.JPG 640x1040(53KB) kimiko and mitsuki as little kids-678 viewsi just made this cause i'm bored.....
kimiko92.JPG 640x573(34KB) mitsuki's dream part4-505 viewsmitsuki's now dreaming about the day kimiko had to leave the earth village and go to konaha.....
mitsuki: hey....kimiko where are u going?
kimiko: i'm not allowed to live here now i have to move to another's the hokage's order.....
mitsuki:(thinking) is her demon that bad,i....know....that her demon killed our parenets.....but that's still no good reason for her to leave.....
kimiko:i......i guess this is the last time,we'll be seeing each other.......
kimiko93.JPG 640x573(37KB) kimiko and mozo on a mission...-738 viewsmozo: so where are we going again?
kimiko: we're going to the moon village dah! sometimes i wish that u weren't so stupid....
mozo: but that's what the chicks dig about me.....
kimiko: the only thing that the chicks are only going to dig about u,is your funnerl....
mozo: that's not nice.....
kimiko: i don't care.....(trips) YIKES!!!....
mozo: ha-ha....
kimiko: arrgghh.....(pushs mozo down)
mozo: aye carunba.....
kimiko94.JPG 733x552(41KB) kimiko worried-407 viewsafter orochimaru died kimiko fainted,and so they went back to the hospital to get kimiko better,so after that kimiko woke up and saw darkness holding her hand,so she says thxs to him for beening so nice to her,and then she said why exactly are u beening nice to me after what i did.....then darkness told her that he'll love her no matter what,and that he doesn't care about since she's okey......then kimiko got off the bed and kissed darkness on the cheeks then darkness fainted....then kimiko laughed..
kimiko95.JPG 690x552(41KB) kimiko beening controled-846 viewsas kimiko was following the thing it turned out to be a mist demon,and so the mist demon was after kimiko,and is now controling her,and is going to make kimiko leave konha,so as mitsuki were following kimiko she fell into a trap door,and so darkness was looking for kimiko and mitsuki everywhere so he fell at sasuke,and he said that he'll help them find the girls.....
kimiko97.PNG 154x533(50KB) 2 years later...-888 viewseveryone is 15 years old,and here's a picture of kimiko....
kimiko98.JPG 640x518(49KB) kimiko walking and talking to mozshi-728 viewsas kimiko was walking to the gate,mozshi came running to mozshi because she also wanted to go.....
mozshi: WAIT UP!!!!!!!!KIMIKO!!!!.....i want to go to the mission to.....
kimiko: huh....oh hi mozshi......sorry but u can't go......this isn't your kind of mission....
mozshi: what do u mean?....(sad and confuse face)
kimiko: will.....u're just not strong enough to go.....
mozshi: i'm strong i'll prove it to u....i'll any stupid guy u want me to fight.....
kimiko: this isn't about a guy....
kimiko99.JPG 640x480(25KB) kimiko getting beat up...-461 viewsas they were fighting the akatsuki,kimiko's getting beat really badly,and mozshi's just wacthing her fight.... and now kimiko doesn't know what to do....and is decieding to give up.....but then she felt a weird power in her,it turns out to be the curse mark and her demon togther,and she scearming like crazy,then she fell,and alot of blood was comeing out of her mouth,then she tryed to get up to fight the akatsuki,but she still was feeling the power of orochimaru and her demon,which keep letting her fall
kimiko_s demon1.JPG 720x540(51KB) kimiko's demon-624 viewskimiko,in her demon form saw mitsuki and is now going to fight her,but mitsuki doesn't want to fight her,so then mozo told mitsuki that she can do it,and just go to the weak points of the demon and not kimiko....
kimio125.JPG 640x477(28KB) kimiko serious-615 viewskimiko; sorry guys but i won't let no stupid demon to make me to stop fighting very powerful ppl.....
boyo; oh boy,this will be some advencture.....
mozo; how did u know about this....
kimiko; i didn't but i did saw u guys heading here so i thought that i should fallow u guys
kimsuki11.JPG 720x551(44KB) mitsuki puching kimiko at the stomch...-475 viewsmitsuki: u're gonna get it,u stupid crybaby kimiko...
kimsuki12.JPG 720x551(24KB) kimiko and mitsuki-755 viewsafter mitsuki hit kimiko at the stomch,she tryed to hit her at the face,but she rememeber when she and kimiko were little,then she slaped kimiko without knowing...
kimsuki13.JPG 720x551(43KB) kimiko and mitsuki's memory part1-987 viewsmitsuki: kimiko-chan,what are u doing here all alone...don't u have any friends to be with now?....
kimiko: i...i don't have any....
mitsuki: what!.....why.....
kimiko: idk.....but everyone just...loves picking on me....
mitsuki: maybe i'll be your friend,and u can be friends with mine...okey...but u got to get rid of this stupid hairstyle kimiko-chan....i'll give u something nice to hold your hair.....
kimiko: mitsuki-chan.....
mitsuki: let's go home,i'll give it to u now....
kimsuki14.JPG 720x551(40KB) kimiko and mitsuki's memorys part 4-836 viewsmitsuki: kimiko!!!,just because u're in the same team with darkness for the chunin exams, that doesn't mean that he'll like u....
kimiko: hummp,i won't lose to u anymore mitsuki....
mitsuki: neither will i....kimiko
kimsuki15.JPG 720x551(49KB) kimiko's and mitsuki's new headwear...-429 viewsmitsuki & kimiko: alright,now it is the fianl battle...
kimsuki16.JPG 720x551(38KB) kimiko vs. mitsuki-455 viewskimiko: take this!
mitsuki: nice try!!
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