hikari2.JPG 614x560(32KB) HIKARI UCHIHA-844 viewshikari is alot like sasuke,and she always act like him to at times if she wants,he has a brother,named hikaru,but she's only a few months older then him,hikari lives in the moon village with mozshi cause of the war too,and she told mozshi to change her hair,when she travels alot,but the only thing hikari has or acts like sakura,is when a boy likes her,or when someone acts like an idiot and hits them...
hikaru1_.JPG 576x651(33KB) hikaru uchiha-1096 viewshikaru is alot or a little like sakura and is like sasuke when it comes to hard battles...but he's mostly like sakura,he's younger then hikari,they're both at the same age,it just that she was born 5 months earlyier then him,hikaru likes to be alone at times cause he's thinking about his uncle itachi,because he killed everyone of his clan expect sasuke.....and hikaru really likes to draw instead of fighting he just does it to impress his dad....
hikaru2.JPG 620x723(39KB) hikaru fighting a surviving sound ninja....-916 viewsone of the sound ninja that not really fought,but sorta fought mitsuki when she and ino were going to the sound village,have survive and is fighting hikaru,
hinaakin6.JPG 720x551(50KB) hand to hand-792 viewshinasha: is that all u got,u...dumb idiot...
loakin: oh,and u can do...better...
hinaakin7.JPG 720x551(45KB) super punch-740 viewshinasha: i can win,i can.....
loakin: she's strong,but....how....
hinaakin8.JPG 720x551(59KB) hinasha's and loakin's last attack-748 viewshinasha & loakin: this is the last attack!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
after they hit each other,they tryed to get up,but they both fainted at the same time,so no one wins the 2ed match...
hinasha5.JPG 720x540(32KB) hinasha mazu-401 viewshinasha is a earth ninja,she's always happy expect when someone else likes her crush who is dark...her rival is loakin....but they were never friends but just saw each other as rivals...she only knows earth jutzus...and she knows how to use them in genjutzu,taijutzu,and ninjutzu....
hinasha6.JPG 720x551(49KB) hinasha's turn-745 viewsalright,let see if u rememeber her....hinasha mazu,now it's her turn,and she's gonna fight.......loakin zomashi,let's see if u rememeber her as well...anyway let's get back to story...
hinasha: looks like,i'm fighting my #1 rival.....loakin....
loakin: hummp....this will be easy...
hinasha7.JPG 720x551(46KB) hinasha's chakira fist-457 viewshinasha: take this!!!
loakin: rraahh!!!
jtgutklk.JPG 610x438(44KB) sana,kim and sakura training-1188 views A GIFT FOR SHYAKGANMASTER hope u like it
kimamiukichiko1.JPG 729x600(63KB) kimiko,ami,ami uzumaki,michiko and yuki-1812 viewsa gift for nejilover77,sasukelover77,suzuka-chan,and deathbyglitter
kimboyo2.JPG 640x480(21KB) NEW CHARATER-935 viewsthis boy in a red sweater(oh man i messed it up,sorry boyo-san) is named boyo,he's from the city hidden in the stars which is up there(points up) he's mom is the hokage of his village,which make boyo the poular kid in it,his dad is a real pretty boy,and the strongest man in the village,let's see what else....oh yea boyo is based on the boy,u should thx him for this charater and if u don't i'll get sasuke to kill u....then again,maybe kakashi....(evil laugh) boyo has super speed and sterch everything
kimboyo3.JPG 640x480(26KB) kimiko thanking boyo...-556 viewsas kimiko and boyo were fighting orochimaru boyo did a super blast and it killed orocimaru's jutzu spell,and then darkness fainted,then kimiko asked who is he then boyo said who he was and kimiko asked where is he from since she saw the star symbol on he's head protcter,he said that he's from a star village,and then kimiko asked boyo if he wants to come to konaha if he's not busy and stuff and boyo said that yes he'll come with them but only for a little while since he's busy and stuff
kimboyo4.JPG 640x500(33KB) boyo talking with kimiko-741 viewskimiko: i....i saw it....i saw the demon....but it was me in purple eyes...and darkness with orochimaru's eyes and talking like him...
boyo: u see we weren't lying.....
kimiko: so if orochimaru's was after me and now it's the akatsuki so what should do fight them?
boyo; i suggest to not fight anymore....
mozo: what are u trying to say our hokage is naruto uzumaki and he has a fox demon inside and he still fights....
darkness: yea....i can't belive i said.....
kimboyo5.JPG 624x504(33KB) kimiko talking with boyo-368 viewskimiko: but.....well....if can't be able to fight anymore....then.....what should i do?
boyo: don't give up hope yet.....
mitsuki: but u just said......
boyo: i know what i said....and i know if the demon is taken out of u.....
kimiko: it's gonna be ok....right.....
mozo: then what's gonna happen?
boyo: if the demon is taken out of the person who holds it.....then.....
kimiko: then what!?!
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