darkness30.JPG 640x480(25KB) DARKNESS-527 viewsA GIFT FOR BOYO-SAN,HOPE U LIKE IT
darkness4.JPG 720x540(26KB) darkness is neveous-544 viewsas darkness went home,he thought about going to the forest of death again...and beening with kimiko and mozo...
darkness5.JPG 720x551(33KB) darkness fire jutzu-554 viewswhile everyone was destraed by when kimiko cutted her hair,darkness did a fire-ball jutzu,at a tree,and a big rock fell on 1 of the sound ninjas,mozo only throw shireken
darkness6.JPG 720x551(33KB) darkness surprised...-590 viewsonce the sound ninja stop hitting kimiko and push her away,when kimiko got up,she hasn't move for 3 minutes,then out of nowhere the sound ninja's head got chop off by kimiko...
darkness8.JPG 720x551(33KB) darkness crying...-844 viewsdarkness: that girl,may look like kimiko.....but not the one that i love...
darkness9.JPG 720x551(41KB) darkness scared-703 viewsdarkness: i.....i can't belive that i'm getting beated by a 11 year old,who's a genin....maybe he does have a chance to beat me...
darksuki1.JPG 637x520(42KB) mozo,mitsuki and darkness talking about stuff while waiting for kakashi-768 viewsmozo: man....it's been 1 year seems kimiko left.....i wonder what's she doing right now....
mitsuki: yea......but we'll get her back somehow....
mozo: and then darkness can be all lovey-dovey again...ha-ha....
darkness: shut-up loser,and i'm over her already....
mozo: are u sure u're not gonna cry over again...
darkness: that was back then,this is now....
mitsuki: yea mozo,leave him alone he didn't do anything to u...
mozo: yea giving me wediges
mitsuki: eww....
darkness: whatever
darksuki10.JPG 447x500(19KB) darksuki part one-999 viewsmitsuki faked a fall and breakeing her leg,then she cried to darkness and try to help her get up....then darkness said ok....then he's trying to get her up...
mitsuki: ow!!!!!!.....my leg....(crys) darkness...help me plz....
darkness: oh sure don't worry...
mozo; what kind of plan is that?
mitsuki:(thinking) ha-ha here comes kimiko....
kimiko: huh...
darksuki11.JPG 356x500(18KB) darksuki part 2-1216 viewsdarknes pulling mitsuki up
mitsuki: here it goes my 1st kiss....
(mitsuki kissing darkness)
darkness: ew,what was that for.....
mitsuki: i'm sorry i guess that the wind push e to your lips(sad puppy face then loked at kimiko and did the razzberry tounge thing to her)
kimiko: darn her to heak....
mozo: darn him to heak....
mitsuki: thx again see ya....
darkness: what the....
mitsuki: ha-ha....
darksuki2.JPG 640x573(43KB) mitsuki grossed out by mozo....-662 viewsmozo was picking his nose when no one was looking then mitsuki saw it,and got grossed out and fainted.....and after she woked up,darkness knew why she fainted and then he said that mozo's only iq will be -1,and that kimiko and him seen him do that alot but didn't say anything about it......
darksuki4.JPG 667x599(54KB) mitsuki talking about getting kimiko back-996 viewsmitsuki: darkness wait up.....darkness stop i want to tell u something,plz wait....
darkness: what do u want,and why are u wearing your head protcter the same way kimiko was wearing hers.....i still hate u no matter what....
mitsuki: it's not about that,in fact let's not talk about that,cause.....CAUSE I'M THINKING ABOUT GETTING KIMIKO BACK.....
darkness: just leave me alone....
darkness: fine...
darksuki5.JPG 690x552(20KB) mitsuki's nightmare-724 viewslooks like mitsuki's haveing the same dream kimiko had,expect it's with darkness this time....so after this mitsuki woke up,and went to darkness ad mozo's house to finally get kimiko back,cause things are looking really serious
darksuki6.JPG 690x552(36KB) darkness and mitsuki are still fighting orochimaru-776 viewsthe dream mitsuki had came true,and so darkness and mitsuki are so weak to fight orochimaru but don't want to give up.....so now darkness is trying to get up....but he barly can.....
darksuki7.JPG 690x552(40KB) darkness protceting mitsuki from orochimaru-892 viewsorochimaru wanted to kidnapped mitsuki,because he wanted another komichi(mitsuki's and kimiko's last name) so in case kimiko didn't work out good.....then darkness went right in frount of mitsuki and orochimaru and said
darkness: don't u dare touch this girl,or i will kill u....
mitsuki: darkness......
orochimaru: will u must have gotten stronger over this year.....
darkness: whatever.....
darksuki8.PNG 640x508(86KB) mitsuki hugging darkness-870 viewsmitsuki: STOP DARKNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! STOP....
darkness:......must kill....
mitsuki:STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!(hugs darkness) plz.....just stop doing this darkness....(cries)......plz........
darksuki9.JPG 754x567(42KB) darkness finally out of the spell...-1065 viewsdarkness: (wakes up).....what....where are we?
mitsuki: darkness-san,u're awake.....
darkness: all i rememeber is that u hug me,and told me to stop......exactly....what did u want me to stop?
mitsuki: will.....i think that u were beening controled by this mist-demon.....and it told u to kill everyone u love,and so we were fighting u left me flat on the ground and were about to leave,but i didn't want to give up,so i hugged u to stop and try to control yourself....
darkness:oh....thx then(smiles)
evil dude2.JPG 720x540(35KB) evil sound ninja-966 viewskimiko,darkness,and mozo,were fighting an evil sound ninja send by orochimaru...cause he wanted to get kimiko's demon..and he did the move were u can see u're own death...then mozo fainted,but kimiko and darkness weren't koncked out so then darkness throw 5 expoling notes on the ninja's back,the guy almost died to...but he went back to orochimaru while he did a jutzu to heal himself...
fjfhdnfhndjhsd.JPG 1279x481(91KB) michiko,ami,yuki,hashi,kira,satsuki,jessica and angel-1347 viewshope u guys like it
hachiru.JPG 608x681(31KB) HACHIRU-CHAN-1152 viewsA GIFT FOR CUTEHARUNA,sorry if the edit sux which i know it does so can admit it,and since didn't finished makeing your charater i thought this would look good
hashi.JPG 159x390(10KB) HASHI-875 viewsA GIFT FOR TASHA-CHAN
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