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here u go boyo-san,hope u like it,oh and maybe i can put u in my story if u want to
 no pro boyo-san u can come at this chapter i doing right now....
what chapter is that
ok cool
lol, so what was the 1st awesome thing that happend to u here?
tasha... say i wounder where ino is i told her to come two shes a freind of mine
oh....so the chapter i'm up to is when mozo,kimiko and mozshi are fighting orochimaru...again,he;s taken over darkness body and kimiko,mozo and mozshi are loseing really badly,but then u came boyo-san and help them fight orochimaru and u guys won,and orochimaru died  ....and u're friends with ino
uh no not the ino in naruto her AG name is ino love rivel ino is just her nick name...um say kim..can orochimaru be spaird..um i dont like the thought of killing thats all but if you want it to be that way thats fine
oh cool,and ok,i'll spaird orochimaru,i mean i wasn't planing on killing him,i mean blood is scary...
...thankyou... oh yeah*looks around*where did jam go she was here a secound ago
jam who's jam?....  and what kind of charater do u want for your body (...)
look up and youl see there was a nother person here named jacoby-love_forever oh cool i can choose own body ok lets see how about ummm(thank really hard)oh i know how about naruto can i choose my own powers to and back round two
sure  and what age 12 or 15?  or 8
OH REALLY AWOUSEMNESS ok lets see one of my powers are being able to strech parts of my body and the other is super speed and a nother one is chinnel transferr where i can camunacate and call forth defrent cretures that come out of my head and my backround is wine i was 12 i had saved another planet from a nother galixy and my mother is the goddes of taboo and my father is god of flowers oh yeah how i saved that planet at the time i choudent controll my powers and wine it reacht .. oh i ran out of space
uumm boy-san...? Tobi: tobi says hi! hi! hi! hi!
omg that's alot,......AWESOME!!!!.....ok....  and what's gonna be uor name for your charater?
hi tobi kim this is ino oh my name will be boyo of course
hiya tobi
ino:hi. tobi: hi hi hi hi hi hii hi hiiiiiiii ......tobi said hi! {tobi runs to boyo} tobi gave boyo a hug!!! ino: hey boyo, i have to go do somehting....watch tobi for me! k?
cute,  so boyo-san what do u want your charater to be named? hi tobi and ino-cahn
name will be boyo *gives tobi a hug* oh yeah my story wine it reacht its peak and wine i got angry from seeing all the cretures and people being killed i unlesht it and grew beauteful humungus crow wings and sint the invader into a hole that led to hell and my wing where so bright they light up the sky on that planet *remember this happens wine i was 12 ok and this takes place on another planet*and wine my wings rapt around me it made a gient flash and all of a sudden i was holding a black bass guiter
ok gemme tobi!
ive hurd of it but never seen it oh yeah i got the cretures coming out of my head from a sho called foolycooly and the guiter part two oh yeah all this happend wine i was 12 so im 15 in your series the rest i just came up with oh yeah wine i had my black bass guiter in my hands a small flicker of light was shining on my head it turens out those wings belongd to my mother and she was the one that sent that surge of energy through my body and i sed thanks mom oh i returend to earth with the help of the aliens
MAN *huf *huf*that was alot...so what do ya thank
wow,u're good with imagintation just like one of my friends named alonzo,oh and,can i.....just leave u with naruto skin color?  cause u're charater looks the way i have it painted right now....with naruto's skin color,and what color do u want your clothes?
.....what are you guys talking about?  ......Tobi:tobi whats to hear! tobi wants to hear!^^
will i ask him if he wants to be in my story and he said yes so now i'm asking how does he's charater to look like and he's telling me
kool. can i be in? i won't cry and stuff if you say "yes or no"....like boyo..hehehehe....i look {so my friends say..} exactly like Ino Yamnaka.blue eyes,blond hair,ponie tail...the works. Tobi: ....no body said hi back to tobi...
oh normal..skin color..well it will be a bit akward but ok i guss oh well cant have every thing ya want right any way wine i was 12 i lookt like the naota from foolycooly and how do i want my clotes well chould you make his shirt red and if its posable chould you make it a red sweater and some blue jeens to and i would like his eyes to be a blue color with a black spot in the of his eyes two oh and his hair is black is that ok i dident ask for to much did i oh and if at all possable can he where glasses to
hiya tobi,and u want to be ino? and yes u can be in it no it's ok...
tobi: tobi likes you!!^^ Ino:.....you do know who tobi is ,right....?
hi tobi oh and can he hav a red winter hat you know what they look like right and i ask for glassis becouse ill be whereing glassis in a few days oh and im sorry tobi hi
tobi: HI!!!!!^^ ino: i know you know who tobi is but what about you anime...?
whos anime?
and from what village do u want to be from?  tobi's fromthe akatsuki  and i'm from paragauy
oh yeah if its ok im not from a village i live in flowting city in the sky with my father who looks like a real pretty boy and my mom is the hokage of that city thats oh and its called the city hidden in the stars and our fhore head protecter simbol is a star that ok isent it...you are cool...what paragauy
it's in south america
oh i live in yulee florida its in north america
i heard that there's huricanes in florida,aren't u scared,that it might happen again
no not really i live in yulee ever since ive bine living here a huricane has never hit but im not saying it wont hit it might ya never know but ill probally get scared if it come in the directhion of yulee but other thene that im fine so dont worry...
ok,and i'm finished with the picture of u,i sorta messed it up a bit but don't worry about it i'll fix it next time
thats ok
the good old days
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