darkmozosuki3.JPG 637x520(48KB) team 2's mission-559 viewsdarkness decied to not have his bang all over his face anymore,and deceied to change his headbend to his headprocter insead,and the only thing that chance about mozo.....was his heghit......so they're mission was to the mist village...
darkness and kimiko.JPG 600x361(24KB) darkness and kimiko-1151 viewsi just wanted to show another chapter that's 3 chapters from now.....yes 3...anyway while they were on they're mission,darkness and kimiko were alone in a campfire,it's nothing bad just a lovey-dovey sence,and mozo and mozshi were asleep,darkness was really quiet and didn't say anything untill kimiko asked if he still love her,and he said yes then they talk about stuff then when kimiko got up she triped and fell on darkness then they both fell on the ground and they just stare at each other for a scound
daRKNESS11.JPG 720x556(44KB) darkness asking mozo something...-488 viewsdarkness: say.....um....mozo....are u really gonna fight kimiko....
mozo: idk.....maybe....i mean she's my best friend,since we were little kids,....but then again i always wanted to see how strong she is....so maybe i will......and why are u asking me this???...
darkness: no reason......
darkness13.JPG 773x600(32KB) darkness found kimiko and mozo in the forest...-559 viewsdarkness: kimiko.....mozo.....why is je bleeding.....what happend???..
kimiko: there's no time explain come on,let's take him to hospital........
darkness:(looks at kimiko) why is mad.....
darkness14.JPG 729x600(23KB) darkness not wanting kimiko to leave...-471 viewsdarkness also knew about the sound ninjas but doesn't like to talk about it,cause kimiko would get really mad about it....and darkness knew that kimiko was leaving so he went to gate....
darkness:kimiko......(crys).....why.....whyaren't u talking to me.....why are u leaveing....
darkness:kimiko....what's.....why aren't u saying anything to me....
darkness15.JPG 729x600(34KB) kimiko leaving part5-764 viewsdarkness: kimiko.....to me....u're always be strong,and to everyone to(smiles) u don't need to go orochimaru.....
kimiko: u don't understand.....i'm not letting orochimaru take over my body....
darkness: eh.......then.....why.....are u going to him.....
kimiko: that's not for u to know.....
darkness: but.......then....if....orochimaru's.....not why u're going.....then where are u going......kimiko.......plz tell me.....i'll do whatever u want.....i'll make everyday enjoyable......kimiko.....i...
darkness16.JPG 729x600(22KB) kimiko leaving part7-443 viewsdarkness: KIMIKO,I LOVE U MORE THEN ANYTHING!!!!!.......i....i really care about u kimiko,and if u go away.....i don't know....what i'll do without u here....
kimiko: will.....here's a chance to find out....
darkness: why are u like this.....this isn't like u.....
kimiko: then why don't just deal with it......
kimiko: just as i thought.....u're really weak,u can't even stop me.......what kind of idiot are u......
darkness: the kind that would do anything...that would do...
darkness17.JPG 729x600(28KB) kimiko leaving part9-699 viewsdarkness: NO KIMIKO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DON'T LEAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
darkness18.JPG 729x600(25KB) darkness fainted-573 views(kimiko punches darkness on the back)
darkness:*gasp*.................kimiko......(falls down and faints)
kimiko: glad to know your weak spot.....
darkness19.JPG 729x600(42KB) darkness telling mitsuki she's annoying-820 viewsmitsuki: hiya darkness!!!!!!!!....how are u doing today.....look darkness don't worry about kimiko....as much as stupid as she is.i couldn't even belive she did that...but u can have me now
darkness: shut-up loser.....i don't u........cause u're just plain annying.....kimiko's way better then u....
(darkness leaves)
darkness20.JPG 729x600(16KB) darkness leaving konaha,to get kimiko back...-466 views1st kimiko,now darkness,now he's the idiot....he can't fight orochimaru alone and get killed.and he does know that,but since even saying that he loves her,didn't wort that he should prove it....then mozo,look for darkness everywhere,and he asked everyone if they saw him,so then he figured out that he was leaving konaha,mitsuki,ino,and dark follow him....then they saw darkness just heading for the gate,then mozo said to stop....then darkness ignore him,and kept walking to the gate....then dark yelled stop
darkness21.JPG 720x599(41KB) darkness asking dark where are they.....-561 viewsdarkness: dark,i'm tried...and i think we're lost....
dark:no one ask u.....and i'm hungry too....man.....ok....maybe we are lost....
darkness: i missed kimiko,but this won't stop.....i won't give finding her....
dark: whoa,u have guts for someone that usually gives up on things in over 3 secounds....
darkness: i used to give up.....now i'm really serious....
dark: so then u'll stop complaining about things...even kimiko....
darkness: everything expect kimiko....
dark: fine.....jeez....
darkness22.JPG 640x520(33KB) everyone found dark and darkness-514 viewsmitsuki: IT'S REALLY DARK AND DARKNESS HI GUYS!!!!....
dark&darkness: hey guys there u are....
mozo: we were looking for u guys everywhere...and it was all ino's fault that we keep getting lost..
ino: NAH-UH!!!!! it was mostly yours
mozo: WHO ASK U...
darkness: ok...anyway....let's go....the sound village is just 1 mile from here...
dark: yup...and it was tough,since we had to follow sound ninjas,and makeing sure that they don't see us...
mozo: yea,but it'll be hard since u 2 are twins
darkness23.JPG 690x552(32KB) darkness getting the shirigan-787 viewsdarkness,mozo,dark and sasuke were looking for mitsuki and kimiko,but then this evil ninja came,and attack them with alot of knifes but they were all heading at darkness,so sasuke went to protect him,and then he fell and was bleeding like crazy so then he told darkness,that he can have his shirigan eyes,sand then darkness ask how,then sasuke told him the jutzu,insead of takeing his eyes out and stuff,so after that,darkness was trying the shirigan and he couldn't control it will
darkness24.JPG 690x552(31KB) darkness scared-690 viewsdarkness is scared cause he doesn't know to use the shirigan,and he doesn't want to mess up,so then dark helps him fight,by giving him all of his chakira,so then darkness got forzen for a mintue.....then out of nowhere he did a evil smile,and went really fast and broke the guys arms,and then after that as dark and mozo saw darkness face he wasn't darkness anymore,will he is darkness but now differnt....
darkness25.JPG 605x592(39KB) darkness with sasuke's dna of the course mark-577 viewsdark figured out that darkness has sasuke's dna,when he got the sharigan,so now darkness got out of control and left really fast,so now it's up to dark and mozo to stop him before anything bad happens...
darkness26.JPG 733x549(30KB) darkness beening contorled by the mist-demon as well...-568 viewsas darkness was walking thro,the mist demon apperad out of no where,and told darkness to attack his brother and everyone else he loves in konaha....so then the mist-demon told kimiko to turn into her dargon demon form without loseing her normal chakira......so now mozo,mitsuki and dark meet darkness out of no where,and darkness told them to fight him...
darkness28.JPG 640x480(36KB) darkness beening contorled by orochimaru-755 viewsmozo and darkness were loseing really badly so darkness was traped in a iullsion by orochimaru,and orochimaru told him about all the power he can have if he killed kimiko and and all of the akatsuki memebers then darknes said no and scarem really loaud and the curse mark came and even if he said no orochimaru were still able to control him,and how will somehow when kimiko was about to kill him orochimaru did some jutzu that's just like the mind transfer expect he transfer his soul into darkness
darkness29.JPG 640x480(44KB) darkness killing ppl-881 viewsdarkness in orochimaru's voice: will good to see all of u again....so where's the demon brat...
mozo: what's wrong with darkness,i mean he sounds exactly like orochimaru....wait is beening.....damn.....i should do something and fast....
darkness in orochimaru's voice: sowho wants to die 1st.....
(the akatsuki guy points at mozo)
mozo:wtf.....i hate u so much right now....
akatsuki guy: will the youngest goes 1st....
darkness in orochimaru's voice: that's right(looks at mozshi).....
darkness3.JPG 720x540(31KB) darkness hirko-676 viewsdarkness is nothing like dark...darkness has a crush on kimiko,but doesn't know if she has a crush him,and he doesn't like to admit it cause his brother might think that his weak,and that love is useless...and darkness isn't the type of guy that hates everything...
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