 its the best picture i've ever seen XD
uh oh somebody is mad...Duck and cover!!!! *hides*
GOD!! he is SO SMEXY like that, makes me wish he were real...and in my bedroom...while wearing leather pants...and also tied up. *Smexy Thoughts*
Sounds like Sesshomarus Lover has a very dirty mind. I would suggest a good brain washing. =-p
YEAH!!!! Sesshy-chan kicks major ass!!! grr, damn inuyasha, damn that f*ing tetsusaiga. that sword's the only reason yasha keeps beating fluffy. grr. lol, veggiehead in leather? ew, to much muscle too butch. while fluffy's gorgeous, handsome, and ass-kicking
People who call him fluffly piss me off...grrrr...*randomly bursts into flames*
like Lord Fluffy! and um...Fluffy! that just makes me SICK! The disrespect! I feel like i need to bathe...*leaves to shower off*
~opens eyes~ I...i didnt get flamed? hell yeah! lord sesshomaru saves me again!
oops! forgot! (blasts with flamethrower) Hah! you spoke too soon!
go A/67  and why the obsession w/ fire? wait....no......who cares, fire rocks
Looks like fluff boy is going to stab somebody with his hand,doesn't?
NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think it's cute, so deal with it FLUFF BOY!!!!!!!!!! Mwhahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!! * grins evily, runs up to him and plants a kiss on his cheek , and runs away before he can do, or say anything !!!*
I can't help it!!!!! you're the cutest thing I've ever seen!!!!!!!!!!!
fluffy, fluff boy? WTF! it POODLE! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! yes i know im phsyco.
(slowly kills Sesshy's mate) Leave him be, do you not see it? he does not love you or care about you. (slits Jaken's throat) yesss.... Dieee....
You wish you could kill me Camo!!!!!!!!! I know he doesn't LOVE me, but if he doesn't like me so much, why does he keep talking to me??????????
would you two shut up! god!
that episode of inuyasha sucked!! i only saw sesshomaru for a minute!!!
(looks at Sesshomaru)  Wow. well.... (kicks sesshy's mate's corpse) here you go my Lord,  (hands him a barrel filled with Sake)
Why do you guys have to be so mean? All I want is to be loved! * Starts crying *
of all people!!!! oh never mind!!
I thought you liked Sake! (Hands him another bottle)
*rolls bottle on ground amusing self*
no it don't, it shows that I am a loyal follower whom loves her master more than anything, now drink up! (Pours sake down his throat)
god Camo why not just shove every *looks over at Sesshomaru* bottle-down-his....shuting up
-kills camo- Damn it stupid girl! When I want sake I'll ask for it, You don't need to constanly hand me bottle after bottle like some haywire slot machine.
*falls out of chair* lol you know if you keep yelling at them when there dead the'll never learn
if they can still post, they can still hear.
how can you hear when you're posting  ???
maybe the clicky typing noise of the keyboard.  nevermind...*pours gasoline on a pile of burning twigs*
*pulls legs off of daddy long leg* he he they're still moving!
sadistic little thing aren't you...
im just easy to amuse
i'm a masochist. sort of...*stabbing hand with dull pencil* ^_^ i don't know what i plan to accomplish doing this but it sure does hurt!
*watches reflection in water* ya gotta blink sometime
Ugh! I do that all the time! She always wins. But someday, i swear she is going down!!! *kicks water which splashes and puts her bonfire out*
Yushiho: *pushes Nikoyasha in water* AHHHH!!
Argh. now the wood is all wet and i can't light it...ah well *dumps oil onto water and lights it* there we go! >=]
Ugh! Yushiho you know i hate being pushed into water!  you asshole *tackles Yushiho* Yushiho: *puts her in head lock* what am i? You know i dont repeat myself! A/67 can i get some help here?!
*kicks him and he goes flying into the pond* ^_^ *sits back in bonfire watching halloween*
mabye i should help him *think's to self* nah he's got that half deamon down for the count
*absorbed in Halloween*
hey pass me a copi of that movie i never saw it
*hands over all 8 of them* enjoy! ^_^ Michael...*watches him stare at himself on TV* Michael:
any one know where A very board Sesshomaru went? why did he leave us
gives her her movie back dont ave time to wach movie
Yushiho:...ow...grr.. Niko: ahhh shut up! ya had it comin to you!! Kinasha_Uchiha, he always leaves for long periods of time....
The world may never know. (eats a Tootsie pop) mmm...sugary.
Smexy? O_o Wtf? .... I hate that word it sounds like something a botard would say.... Albel: Wtf is a botard... Karame: Something I made up.... Albel: Whatever *tries to stab the people who have commented with katana for no reason* ...... *gets thrown into one of A/67's random forest fires* ....Karame: *innocnet face*
Hm *shruggs* I just don't get people some times *goes back to watching Dawn of the Dead*...*takes bite out of pizza*
*steals a piece of pizza and watches movie* i lurve this movie. eventhough zombies are scary. O_o
*guy on roof of gun shop blasts another Zombie through the head*  Haha he got ya sucka *gose to grab another slice* Hm I could have sworn there was more in there
*sitting on a pile of bodies* huh? *eating pizza with Evgeni* Mmm..good pizza. Evgeni: it's better than the kind you made A/67: What did you say!? >=( Evgeni: um..i like the pizza you made better? A/67: *SMACK!* Evgeni: *red mark on his face* i totally deserved that.
*still looking for lost clones*
what are these red tags? (looking at bodies she is sitting on) Evgeni: this red mark still hasn't gone away (looking at his face) A/67: that'll teach you to criticize my cooking!
*makes shadow clones to kill A/67 then killers her madly A/67 never comes back to this web site and roles over and dies from the rusty knives and gets locked jaw*
Hm. your plan didn't work! You'll have to come up with a better one cause i'm BAAAAACK! . (nails A/67 hater's eyelids to the floor) Hmm.. i kinda like being hated. It makes me feel...special.
heh...only sometimes. ^_^
Hah! preps. It's even funnier when boys are preps! (giggles) now hockey jocks...that's different. Evgeni: yep.
Hmmm my bf doesn't play sports he's in a band  He plays the bass(sp?)
HE sounds HOT but am more into singers ....awww 0_~
He is hot......its the only reason I forgive him for being like Miroku  You know how he is with Sango...well that's Tommy's bad habit 2
Ugh, i can't stand that. Evgeni if you ever touch another girl i will cut your groping hand off with a butterknife. Evgeni: ooookay...(backs away a few steps)
y'all are lucky. i can't get a b.f......(boy friend) sad idn't it?
Eeep!*Runs and hides behind a tree*
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