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*puts on glasses and grabs a book* Ok, Class today we're going to study about the Great Sesshomaru! And also how to draw him.. any questions?
actually your whole hand is too small. (reading a book about hands) who wants their palm read?
How dare anyone criticise my master! You ungrateful whelps!...why are you smiling my lord?
I have a question! When do we do the nude paintings? okay that was perverted but i couldnt resist and fire has gotten the better of me. It reads my thoughts and tells me what to say...O.o FIRE! (burns the non-existent classroom)
 ..... Either that or burn him. =-)
Stop telling me what to do fire!!! I have my opinions too!!!!!! AAAAAAH!!!
(sits on top of a burning car rocking back and fourth) O.o
Last time she painted me, it was with kerosene...then napalm.
hell no!anything but a nude jaken!i will have nightmares.
waht? i can't even pernounce that big word.
O_o; Lord Fluffykins? Daaaaa you better hope A very Bored Sesshoumaru doesn't see that one. There definitely will be some slaying when that happens.
*comes back with flamethrower and a handful of ashes in her hand* already taken care of...nobody calls Lord Sesshomaru pet names.
A/67 do you have to have all the fun i wanted to kill daaaaa
you will ave plenty off chance to do just that dont worry
yeah thats true *kills a couple fangirls* die you preppy beasts
^_^ you snooze you lose! You have to jump on the opportunity! like this! *sees fangirl run by and jumps on top of her* *stabs fangirl with Michael's knife* Michael: *if he could speak he would be saying "Hey! You stole my knife!"*
well i missed one but not all of them *sees fangirls run by* DIE. . . i should work out my anger in a different way though if you had a brother like mine ud hate the world too
thank god i don't have any brothers. or other family members for that matter. they all...burned in a horrific accident. But now i've bot Mikey ^_^ *hug* Michael: *stab*
you. . . burning. . . accedent. . . in the same sentence? i doubt there was an accedent but hey who am i to say. . . time to scare people... darkness in it's own work is not enough to be dark both heart and soul is not the truth but to feel thine presence is to know darkness is the way to truth...*fangirl interupts* damn *kills* ...death to all ye fangirls
*giggles but with a hint of malice* At least i have Michael! *under breath* maybe someday we'll be a family ^_^ Michael: *overhears and stabs her* A/67: ow..maybe not.
dont give up after he stabs u a little more, he might just like u so try again oh and i wiil be good from now on
I wouldn't give up no matter what! *hugs him* Michael: *throws her through a brick wall*
*pumps Michael full of tranquilizers* Maybe that will help ^_^
*evil giggle* yes, that will help. >=)
Good ^_^ glad I can help... Hey I got the first Halloween movie in. Why don't you bring Michael over here and watch it. The popcorn just finished poping and the flaming s'mores only take a few minutes to make.
kay! I lurve this movie! *carries Michael and props him up on the couch* *cuddles next to him to watch the movie* ^_^ mmm...firey smores.
*takes a enty tranquilizer and gives it to michael * beu bye
*puts more tranq in* This is my favorite part! ^_^ *eats another smore*
*coming down from sugar high* Owie my head. *falls on bed* ... Albel: *yells* Hey get up!!!... Karame: Nuuuhhh
Evgeni: (spits out smore) ugh! what is this foul tasting thing? gross. (eats fish sandwich) mmm... A/67: that is just sick. (eats the rest of his smore) how dare you mock the smore!
 Smores rock. How could some one hate them
He's russian! He's wierd and his foreign palette is not used to our high-sugar and fattening food! Evgeni: damn straight! (eats another fish sandwich) A/67: you are still a sicko. (eats another smore)
man im nuts *takes knife and stabs self*
*kills A/67 imposter* Idiot no one can post twice.....well I haven't been able to  *feeds corspe to mutant minions*
Wait...the imposter just killed themselves...well, it saves me the work of having to do it myself. Kinda looks fun though. (stabs self) hahaha! (stabs self again) Evgeni: O_O (throws up) ugh. that's gross)
NACHOS...... want my homemade dip....... what happened last time you tried... it could've been that bad ^_^
OOH! Movieeeeee! (throws knife in the air, narrowly missing Evgeni) hmmm...what to choose...(puts on Psycho) I love the old classic horror films ^_^. Evgeni: You almost hit me!!! (pulls knife out of wall behind him) A/67: what? (not paying attention)
 *grabs boyfriend and claims 1 of the couchs*
Evgeni: (using tip of knife to pick dirt out from under fingernails) A/67: Evgeni don't play with knives! That's dangerous! (chucks knife out of a window and kills an RFG) Evgeni: -_- just put the movie on.
A/67....would you like to see a real horror movie?
coloring books suck...unless they're anime jkjkjk
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