L_resourceful idiot.jpg 411x300(79KB) L_Resourceful Idiot-5766 views"There is nothing more dangerous than a resourceful idiot" *Rofl*
Makato Uchiha.jpg 400x700(107KB) Contest Entry_Matako Uchiha-2026 viewsHere ya go Michiko-chan! ^w^
Mamimi.jpg 558x767(109KB) Giftie__Mamimi-1367 viewsAnother giftie.
Enjoy! ^_^
Naruto Girls.jpg 470x799(436KB) My Naruto girls-7452 views(Top row, left to right): Kira Isako, Manami Kuragari, Sayori Onishi.
(Second row, left to right): Aika Ryukuro, Akira Ryukuro
Ninja pig.jpg 572x800(141KB) Ninja Pig-18896 views*Sings along* Ninja pig, ninja pig, does whatever a ninja pig does... ^.^
Photoshop elements 5.0.JPG 1280x960(127KB) Mah editing program-4041 viewsYUSHEHNESS!!! 8DDD I have now mastered the screenshot... -w-; Anyway tis ish mah program for which I use to edit =P
Pirate Ami_Kira.jpg 800x567(115KB) Pirate girls Ami_Kira-7661 viewsJust a random Friendship gift.
Enjoy! ^_^
Raika and Takeo.jpg 420x595(170KB) Raika and Takeo-3700 viewsTis Raika and Takeo! They are partners! More like vampartners! (Couldnt resist XD! ) They are childhood friends. Raika wasnt always comfortable around Takeo ever since childhood... But she eventually warms up to him!
Enjoy! ^_^
Raika_casual.jpg 338x623(236KB) Raika_Casual-3010 viewsA random edit I did out of boredom.
Credit goes to "johnnybuddahfist" for the original pic.
Enjoy! ^_^
Ranmaru~0.jpg 543x399(20KB) Ranmaru-5110 viewsThis is Ranmaru from Naruto. He is an actual character, not an rpc.
Enjoy! ^_^
Ryuu_1.jpg 1152x1080(593KB) Ryuu-3591 viewsYush mah sexeh character ish done! 8D He ish a dragon in human form. Every once in a while, a puff of smoke comes out of his mouth, but he isnt smoking. XD If you have any questions, just ask meh.
Enjoy! ^_^
Sakura and Zochi.jpg 400x400(47KB) Requested by Ino~loves Rival and princess sakura 1010-1989 viewsHere you go! Hope I did it right! ENJOY!!! ^-^
Sasori.jpg 427x600(112KB) Sasori__By Kira-1214 viewsTis mah drawing of Sasori. I think it came out pretty good.
Enjoy! ^_^
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