KiraIsako_Dress.jpg 576x792(56KB) Kira Isako_Dress-1945 viewsHAHA!!! Try to steal this from Kira and she'll sick Itachi on yew! XDDD
Enjoy! ^_^
KiraItachikiss.JPG 350x800(56KB) Kira's and Itachi's Kiss-2415 viewsI thought it was cute...(AND I WAS BORED!!!!) ^^
Kira_alone.jpg 640x480(61KB) When Kira's parents were killed (last)-1641 viewsAt first, she doesnt want to believe that they are dead. But shortly, reality hits her hard. The blood of her parents is still on her...
Kira_close to death.jpg 640x480(58KB) Orochimaru Fight-1996 viewsThis was right before Orochimaru pushed her off a cliff
Kira_close up.jpg 477x477(40KB) Kira and Sasuke's chat-1692 viewsThe Akatsuki Leader gave everyone the day off. They started talking for hours. When they were kids, they used to do this alot.....
Kira_crying.jpg 640x480(50KB) When Kira's parents were killed 2-1697 viewsAt first Kira, doesnt know whats going on. After the fight, she craws out from behind a bush, and finds her parents on the ground...dead...
Kira_Disturbia.jpg 1080x792(454KB) Kira_Disturbia-2139 viewsYes! It is done!!! In this pic, you can see the chorus of "Disturbia" by Rihanna. Kira is going completely psyco and slipping into madness. She nearly kills all of the Akatsuki, including Itachi. I will comment on what happens next, just ask.
Enjoy! ^_^
Kira_hearing voices.jpg 1800x1200(252KB) Kira_STOP!-1971 viewsKira was about to step over the edge when she heard a voice scream "Stop!" (As you can see, it was Itachi)
Kira_Isako.jpg 506x600(258KB) Kira_Isako_Gangsta-1540 viewsKira's try at bein gangsta. Lol Itachi XD Think he like's it? XD
Enjoy! ^_^
Kira_ITACHI!!!.jpg 768x432(58KB) Kira_Hurtful sight-5649 viewsThis is after Kira takes control of her demon, Isakoni, and calms down. The curse mark is still active but it is slowly receding. She looks and see's Itachi, who is on the verge of death. She screams his names at the top of her lungs.
Kira_Little.jpg 640x480(58KB) When Kira's parents were killed-1677 viewsKira and her parents werewalking home. Kira saw some footprints. Her mother, Mitsukai, saw the killers and told Kira to hide. They were then killed T_T
Kira_prepared to jump.jpg 397x274(27KB) Kira about to jump-1804 views"This is it..." Kira said quietly. The breeze felt good. She started to step forward when-- "STOP!!!!" cried a voice. Kira gasped and turned around to see a man. "W-who are you?" she stuttered, surprised someone didn't want her gone. "...My name....Is Itachi Uchiha"
Kira_s Mad....jpg 400x300(32KB) Kira's mad.....-2406 viewsOrochimaru had come to have Kira join him, only to be outraged that the Akatsuki beat him to her. When she said "No", they got in this really big fight. Then she said this...and stabbed him only to find it was another body.
Kira_Sasuke swears revenge.jpg 720x540(78KB) Sasuke's revenge-2017 viewsKira is dreaming. Sasuke does a jutsu to invade and enter her dreams. They fight in her dreams every night for a week. Any physical danage done to her in the dream, happens to her in real life. On the last day, she tells him she doesnt want to fight him anymore, but he stabs her. She tells him she's sorry and she loves him. He finds the Akatsuki hideout before she died, and for gave her
Kira_strapless~0.jpg 832x1024(172KB) Kira Isako_strapless-2645 viewsSakura looked really bad in this; it made her look fat. So I made into Kira ^-^
Kira_upset.jpg 324x254(26KB) Kira_shunned-4030 viewsThis is before she runs back to her apartment crying and decides to jump off the roof
Kumiko.jpg 576x1079(141KB) Request_Kumiko-3600 viewsFor Akemi-chan =D
Enjoy! ^_^
Little Kira.jpg 640x480(81KB) When Kira's parents were killed 3-1973 viewsRight when she stuck her head out, her parents blood splurted on her. Right now, she's sitting right next to their bodies...
L_Genius.jpg 720x1000(194KB) L is a genius-6388 viewsLol! This comic was funneh.
Enjoy! ^_^
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