I got bored ^w^
AWESOME!! i'm in LOVE with that song thanx to you XD
That was mah goal XD And thanks.
it was you goal! HOW MEAN! XD i need to make a bg too xD and no prob Kira
A bg? Whats that? *feels lost XD*
it means background^^
sorry i have these weird abriviations for things XD a background XD
Ok thanks XD ...Wait... O.O *Runs from Kira* SHE STILL PSYCO! RUUUNN!!!
um im disturbud check out my new pic of suki and my contest
psycho! OMG! *runs in circles*
Kira: *laughng psycotically* Come on now...LETS PLAY!!! *Gives chase*
me: NUUUE! i'm not playable!
suki: you stay far from me stats running
*The Akatsuki jump in between her and us* Pein: Kira! What the hell do you think your doing??! Kira: Having fun! *evil, unhuman laughter* Me: ..... *watching*
me: she's crazy...
Pein: Geh...Zetsu! Kakuzu! Hidan! Hold her down! Zetsu, Kakuzu, Hidan: *all run up to her and holds her down* Itachi: .... Me: ...The demon is taking control...Its getting revenge...
suki: what are you doing
me: *blink blink* i better go before they want my demon. have fun Kira *waves*
Kira: Ahh...my dear friends worry...Im so FLATTERED!!! *Throws them off* Pein: ...We have no choice...We must fight her... Itachi: *quickly looks at him* W-what?! Me: No they dont need anymore. Just stay. We might need backup.
me: *flims it all* this will be a good movie XD
suki: what about me
me: *films Suki* say hi Suki!
Me: Just keep your distance...Who knows what she'll do... Kira: Yes lets play...father... *evil giggle* Itachi: Eh?! Father??!
suki: sasuke lover *waves and goes to where shes at* who do you think will win
me: father! 0o well that was a odd
suki: what does that mean *wait what is she planning ( kira )*
me: this is getting weird
suki: yes it is what do you think she is planning
Air: I love weirdosity!
me: who knows....
suki: hi air
Me: She see's Pein as a father, because he raised her from the streets like a father... Kira: *radiates a black aura* HAVE AT ME!!! *Charges* Pein: Itachi! Use your Tsukuyomi! Itachi: My Tsuko-- NO!! Pein: Fine! Rinnegan! *copies Itachi's Tsukuyomi and uses it on Kira* Kira: Geh...!!!
suki: sasuke lover are you getting this
me: yes this is filtering through, and and suki you can call me mi-chan if you like^^ POOR KIRA!
suki: what is kira good or bad mi-chan im
me: i'm confused to, i'm guessing in demon state she's not the nicest person
suki: oh so are we going to sell this movie
Me: Shes losing control of the demon.
suki: oh no should we go hide?..
Air: 0.0 Kira-san?
suki: um so should we go hide now
me: heck yeah! *filming* wel that's lovely the oly thing me need is an out of control demon
Kira: *lets out a deafening inhuman scream* Me: O.O Yeah lets go! *runs*
suki: ok so run!!
Air: 0.e I have the popcorn! xD Me: *steals it* No you don't  Air: B-but but but NYAHHHHH!!!!!  Me: ....<.<
me: *steals popcorn* MINE!
suki: i brought all of us popcorn now pipe down
me: yay
suki: yea so lets watch ok * hands everybody popcorn *
Me: *appears out of nowhere* O.o What just happpened?
suki: kari and itchi hade a fight and mi-chan filmed it all and were about to watch it
She almost kills ITACHI!? Oh boy she must reaaally be going psycho!! Poor Kira! -hugs her-
Me: Oh! *tackles Yachiru*
suki: whos yachiro
Air: *claps* yay popcorn! Me: *watching blank screen* guys.. this fight sucks -_- Air: um... Hailey? they haven't turned it on yet Me: DON'T CORRECT ME! Air: Meep!
Im Yachiru! ^-^ AH! -falls- XD Hiya Hoshi!!!
Me: I missed you Yachiru! D8 *huggles*
I missed you too! -huggles back-
suki: um im going because i have to look at my pics ok ttyl
O.M.G Yachiru!!! *tackle/glomp* I yelled at you on DA... -w- Itachi: Pein stop! *punches him* Pein: Gah! *stops the Tsukuyomi*
AH! -falls again- Yeah I know and I answered back X3
XD Kira: *panting rapidly* I HATE YOU!!! I HATE YOU ALL!!!
Me: Holy crap wats wrong with you Kira? T-T
Itachi: Kira! Get ahold of yourself! Kira: *glares at him* ...You... *stands, arms are limp in front of her* I hate you the most... Itachi: ....!!!! Me: Oh...my...god...
Me: Kira! Whats wrong with you?!?! -utterly shocked-
Kira: I never liked you...NEVER...!!! *Charges*
Me: Whoa whoa Kira!! -gets in the way- Whats wrong with you! this is ITACHI! Itachi Uchiha! You love him!
Kira: *grabs Yachiru by the shirt* Love...? Feh...I only love MYSELF!!! *Throws her at Itachi*
Ah! -hits Itachi and makes him fall- Sorry Itachi! -looks to Kira- Snap out of it Kira!
Kira: *brutally hurts the other members of the Akatsuki* ...And then there was one... *slowly looks at Itachi*
suki: kira get a grip or ill have no choose but o hurt you calm down
Snap out of it!! -standing in front of Itachi-
suki: kira plz stop you have to snap out of it
Kira: Move it...
-shakes head- No. Im not letting you kill the one you love! SNAP OUT OF IT! YOU LOVE ITACHI!!
suki: kira get a grip why are u mad and dont hurt them * stands both in front of them * get a grip now ok
Itachi: .... Kira: .... *laughs* You think I actually LOVED that pathetic mortal? Your crazy! Me: *gasps* ...Mortal?
suki: what does she mean
Mortal? And you did love Itachi!! And still do! Somewhere deep down! you know it! Cmon Kira snap out of it!
suki: kira are you mad because sasuke.. left you or your parents died.. because mine did ( not in real life ) and calm down
Me: ...Its the demon talking! Kira cant break through! Kira: THATS RIGHT!!! And soon, she will be gone...for GOOD!!! *Huge evil grin*
suki: WHAT!? snap out of it kira come back to your self fight it come on fight it!!
Kira: Your wasting your time...Now...LETS PLAY!!! *Rams Itachi into the far wall* Itachi: Geh! >o< Kira: *runs over and throws punches* Itachi: *trying to dodge*
suki: im srry for do ing this * hands begain to glow red and starts to glow red all over hair goes dark brown* now get a hold of your self * hits her* get a hold of you
No Kira stop!! -pulls her away from Itachi, twists her arms behind her back- Snap out of it!!
Kira: *yanks them back and continues* Itachi: *dodges them* Kira: HOLD STILL!!! DX (My new avatar is up, but it will take a while to show ^_^)
suki: wintersnow talking wont work * hand glowing red and red glow all over and hair dark brown* water begains to come then a wave splashes it over her come back
(Ok!) The names Yachiru...and yeah i know tht....but this might....-after the waves and slashing and stuff, grabs her away and throws her hard into the opposite wall- Im sry Kira....
Kira: Feh...That barely got me wet... *swings her arm back and a force field sents Suki and Yachiru flying* Now... *grabs Itachi by the neck and blocks his air* Itachi:  *gasping*
Ah! -runs back to you and Itachi- Let him go! -grabs her neck- Please...dont make me do this....-starts to block her air-
suki: i wish it wouldnt come to this * hand sighns grows fangs and a tail and claws* GRRR RAAA prepair your self * she become s a big wolf and put paw on kira presses down * get a hold of your self
Kira: *choking but it only tightens her grip* Itachi: .... *turning pale. Grabs her arm and throws her off*
suki: * paw presses down harder * come on get a hold of your self
(throws who off? Kira? XD)
(Duh. *sarcastically* Naw he threw you and Suki off cause he wants to die XDDD) Kira: That was fun...
suki: *keeps paw on kira* get a hold of your self and im a gaint wolf
suki: if you wont listen then * shrinks down to norrmally size then a sonic roar*GRRR
(I was kidding! Dunt crah! *hugs*) Kira: ... *itches where she was slapped* That tickled... Itachi: *runs at full speed towards her* Susanoo!! *a massive ethereal warrior appears* Kira: *runs at him and tries to hit him* Itachi: *the warrior blocks all her attacks*
(  -hugs back-) -watching, slightly fearful- Cmon Itachi! Snap her out of it! Only you can! (Am I right? XD)
(Yus. But this technique nearly costs him his life) Itachi: *walks over to Kira* Kira: GET AWAY FROM ME!!! *Manages to slap his face* Itachi: ...Hit me all you want..I dont care... *hugs her* Kira: .... *breaks through for a moment* ...Help me...
(NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUE!! ITACHI!!!) -runs over, stops a few feet away-
(Read on Wikipedia XD) Kira: Yachiru...Do the seal I taught you...hurry... *turns back to demon* SILENCE!!! Just die already!!!
suki: ..( sukis mind : take over giant wolf wolf: you know the effects suki: yea but she need are help wolf: ok WOLF IS TAKING OVER suki turnes into a giant 12 tial wolf ( this is her demon )
come on get a hold of your self kira
-nods, does the seal-
Kira: .... *falls* .... Itachi: *releases his jutsu and falls as well. Neither are breathing*
No! Kira! Itachi! -runs to both of you-
sukis demon: does any one know medical stuff we need a medical ninja quick
Well they aren't breathing and I know CPR so i can do tht. -does CPR on Kira and Itachi-
Me: Kira's the only medical ninja I know...Wait! *runs over to Sayomi and Manami* Guys wake up-- ...Kira killed them...
HN!? -still doing CPR-
sukis demon : i just remeber i can do medical stuff but in this stage im in demon form and i cant do it and... in 1 hour i will destroy every thing im srry
-looks at Suki's demon- Destroy...everything? -CPR- OK CMON MEDICAL PEOPLE!!!
sukis demon: im a giant 12 tailed wolf and hurry up it 30 mins. till 1:00 hurry and flee
Kira: .... *grabs Yachirus head* Plusheh... *hugs it* Itachi: *slowly clawing at the air, like he's trying to reach something* Me: They're ok... =w=;
sukis demon: ok and you guys better flee hurry
Ok...we'll get out...OO;; Um...Kira? You are hugging my head.
suki demon: hurry im starting to feel to destroy the village hurry
-looks at Suki's demon again- Ok. -lifts both Kira and Itachi up, runs out- Cmon other Kira XDD -meaning you-
sukis demon: good bye friends be safe GRRRGR RAA
Me: I'll take Itachi. *puts him on mah back and runs*
Ok. -shifts Kira so shes on my back, still running-
sukis demon: time to end this village grr raaoh look ppl running* stops them winter snow and other person *
Me: Wuh-oh! OO; *Runs faster* FASTER Yachiru!!! Wait! *slides to a stop* The rest of the Akatsuki!!! Hiroka: *runs past them towards the building* Me: Hiroka, no!
sukis demon: *stops hiroka and other person * hi ready to die!!
Hiroka: *quickly gathers all the other Akatsuki members and transports them along with herself* Me: *looking back* Hiroka...
Me: -running, looks behind me at where Hiroka was-
sukis demon : winter snow time to go bye bye *grabs her*
Me: Ah! -drops Kira so she doesnt get hurt- Let go!
Me: *drops Itachi, jumps up and kicks her face, making her release Yachiru*
sukis demon: never * put a forced field around you* haha it cant be broken water around askatsuki bubble remmber i m a 100 ft. wolf with 12 tails
Me: Nnn! Cmon! Let go! Kira! Get yourself, Itachi and...Kira out of here!! Now!
sukis demnon puts a un break able force field around them
Me: No!! -looks to the demon- Cmon! Let them go! please!
Me: IM IN A BUBBLE HERE!!! DXXX Kira: *wakes up* Hn?
sukis demon: haha now you ppl will go starts to sqeeze
Me: Kill me but let them go!! Please!! Cmon!!!
sukis demon: k but ill kill you and akatsuki and kira and ithchai
sukis demon : um i think you should be in there * starts to sqeeze her * haha
(Squeeze who? XDD God i'm bad at this! Lmao)
sukis demon * sqeezes harder* there is nothing that you can do hahahahahahahaha!!!
Me: ..Ah! *poofs and appears out of the bubble* HAHA!!! Hiroka! Hiroka: *transports Kira and Itachi somewhere*
Me: Thank you Hiroka!! Kira now you get out of here!
sukis demon: you cant hurt me haha if you do she will be dead i will crush her
Me: Kira just leave! I'm gonna die anyway! She'll crush me even if you cooperate! Please save yourself! -is very protective of friends if you hadnt noticed XDD-
sukis demon: ok here we go * starts to sqeeze *
Me: Nuu! Hiroka! Ya missed one! Hiroka: *leaps up and touches Yachiru's hand, making her able to go through objects. She falls through the demons hand...or paw. Idk XD* Me: Now do me! *Touches Hiroka's hand and the same thing happens* RUN!!! *Runs*
ok then ill just kill your fammilies your bff and boy friends
Me: AH! -falls through the paw, hits the ground- Owies...-stands up, starts running, stops instantly, turns around- NO WAY IN THE WORLD!!!
suki demon: *starts towrd the village*
NUUU!!! In this world, I have no family! And no bf! In reality, thats another story XD
sukis demon : * crushes village * then all the ppl
XDDD Reality I have family...no bf right now XD. Me: i do have family and you're not gonna touch them!!! -demon starts taking over- (Yes Yachiru has one in case ya'll didnt know, lmao Im from the west!! [not really])
Me: Dunt care about them XD (Talking to Suki) Ah! *jumps up* ~Demon Seal~ *seals Suki's demon*
sukis demon: already did
Botan: -had already taken over me- I was getting ready to fight!!
sukis demon: i dont have a seal try if you hit me doesnt leave a mark and * howls * i just called the nine tailed fox and the sand demon ha
Botan: -evil grin- Yes! Me: -inside him- Cmon Botan cool it!!
Zomg, the madness D: I never thought Kira would do such a thing to Itachi Dx
wolyanta: i didnt kill your family !! suki wouldnt let me !! but i gaining control of her so she wont have any control HAHAHAH
Botan: Well i'll kill you before you can kill them!!
Yeah but she's fine now XD And the 9-Tailed Fox is sealed, as is the Shukaku! XD
Me: Mind sealing Botan for meh Kira!?!?!? Botan: i dont think so!!!
wolyanta: look suki put them in the fire country ok and she did it befor i came ok so ok and if you kill me no more suki she will be gone
Me: Yeah I know tht! He doesnt! And Im trying to stop him. Botan: You know how I am when Im unleashed!!
suki: hel-- wolyanta; be qiet dont say a thing or you will never see her again suki : y-yes
Me: *seals Boton* Shut it Boton... -_-;
wolyanta: now die
Botan: -dissappears- Me: Thank you Kira! -looks to Wolyanta- We dont plan on dying!!
suki: help me wolyanta: be quit now dye
Me: Wolyanta back down. Give Suki control back!
wolyanta: never there is not a seal for me neither hahahahahaha
Me: -crosses my arms- It"ll be alot easier if you just cooperate
Me: This is going nowhere... -_-;
wolyanta: never now go bye byebye sonic roar and water wave suki : do a put back in justic
Me: Yeah rly =__=;; Fine...-lets the sonic roar and wave hit me-
suki do put demonback thing hurry wolyanta: dont listen to her
Me: I can do it to!! -does the seal-
wolyanta : NOO I WILL BE BACK suki gets control back and ...SUKI IS DEAD !!!! NO
Me: -shocked-
Me: *does a revival jutsu* ^w^
me: -smiles- Go Kira!
Me: XP Hah! ...Whoo... *falls*
Can you guys see my new upload?
Hi guys,you'll never believe what happened.One true media won't let me post videos to my youtube.
Heya Kagome and are you serious!?!?! Why not?
OneTrueMedia suuuucks xux
Yeah why?
Yep,and I don't know why.When I post click post to youtube,and then login.It says redirecting,and it then goes to some google page that says the page you requested is invalid.
awww, wwhy kagome? I got my part in Beauty and the Beast! I'm Chip, the teacup! yay!
Aw chip is cute,but I like Belle.Kari don't you use otm?
I like Belle too. I hate Gaston. He's so concieted
suki: thnxs
Me: *fell asleep XD*
XD WAKE UP, WOMAN! *throws freezing water on u*
*Out of nowhere* Emiko:? What's going on here?
Me: GAH! O.O ... *Falls back asleep*
me: -sighs- Kira! Itachis next to you! Wake up XD
Totaly I still remember Belle's song. Madame Gaston,can't you just see it.Madame Gaston his little wife.No sir,not me.I garente it.I want much more than this provinchal life!
XD Yeah, that song was so true! XD Uri! *hug*
Yeah it was.Belle sings in like every song.The intro Belle,Madame Gaston,and Something there.
Something There was sooo cute! XD Do they have a Beauty and the Beast two? It would be cool
Anna! -hugs back-
(No Hiroka transported Kira and Itachi away, remember? XD) Me: Nom... *turns over*
O.O XD URI! *huggle* how are you?
(I was trying to trick you! T_T) -huggles back- Im good! How are you?
Yeah beauty and the beast the enchanted chrismas,and Belle's magical world.
XD Wow. I didn't know that those 2 movies existed. DX Imma tell my mom to buy them!
Nah Kagome, I use Windows Movie Maker now. Its much better. X3
They're a bit old,but I think still buyable.Enchanted christmas is about belle wants to celebrate christmas in the castle,but Beast hates christmas cause it was the day he was turned into a beast.
Me: Mmm...Taco... ^w^
Me: XD You and tacos!!!
Me: *grabs your head again and hugs it* ...Taco plushie... ^w^
Me: -sighs- Why do people like hugging my head andthink I'm sothing else? XDDDD Lmao
Hiroka: *appears. Seems to have a frantically worried look on her face*
Me: -looks at her- Hiroka? Are you ok?
air: *clueless* Jamie: what's wrong person-I-don't-know?
Hiroka: *motions for them to follow her*
Me: -follows-
Hiroka: *points. All the Akatsuki members are dying from their injuries*
Me: -gasps- Oh no! -runs to each of them- I know a little medical ninjutsu. -healing them-
Hiroka: *starts healing Deidara*
Me: -healing Sasori-
Hiroka: *finishes then heals Pein* (Michael wants to know if you have a Myspace)
(waves oh! I have teh myspace  ) Air: wow I feel stupid Jamie: Me too
Do you mind if I do something like this?
No go ahead ^^
No problem ^_^
(Nue i don't have a Myspace. my parents won't let meh D  -heals Tobi X3-
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