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cool and im still fighting winter snow
Preetiful!XD! Itachi!XD Lol! Did you draw him?
No XD I did fix his hands, feet and eyes. Plus the nosebleed XD
LOVE IT! poor Itachi XD
XD Itachi!! XDD
Itachi: *covers nose* >///<
-giggles- Poor Itachi!
Itachi: SHADDAP WOMAN!!! DDDX Me: Be nice Itachi... Itachi: Ok... T.T
(two thumbs up) gangsta! :3
Kira: And livin it up homeh!!! XDDD
Kira: *looks in a mirror* Dayum I look fine! XD
me: Fine indeed! kirsten: awesome look!
Kira: Thanks homegirl ^^
kirsten and me: no prob homie!
Kira: O_O 'EY YO!!! WHO DA HELL CUT MAH HAIR??! DDDDDX -Lol I just realized I forgot to make it long XD-
(LOL XD) me: SHE DID IT!!!! kirsten: WHAT!!?? yatta: >.> <.< (hides scissors XD)
Kira: Thats whack man. Really eff'ed up yo...WHO.DID.IT??!! DDDX
me: you know I don mess up hur (hair) so don look at moi. kirsten: I'm still mad that you blamed me foo'! (slaps me) me: ow dawg!!! O.e
Kira: 'Ey Yatta. Watchu got behin yo back?
yatta: nuthin...>.>
Kira: Yee-attaaa... +>.>
yatta: kee-raaaa ._.
yatta: NUUUUEEE!!! DX YOU CAN'T TAKE MEH ALIVE FOO' (starts running fast)
Kira: *runs after her* YATTAAA!!!!
me: (watches and eating popcorn) want some itachi?
Itachi: Sure *takes some* Kira: *leaps* YATTA!!! *Tackles*
yatta: GETOFFMEH!!!! DX (bites her nose) me and kirsten: (eating popcorn)
Kira: *takes scissors and cuts her hair* HAH!!!!
yatta: MY HUUUUURRR!!! DX T.T me: hey its your fault yatta.
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