0w0.JPG 599x450(42KB) Kiba at Kagome's House, With Mama Kurenai Ruining the Moment-2504 views
1.kagolee.PNG 359x500(382KB) Kagome+Lee-658 viewsI Dunno...I Think Im Startin to Like lee Alot Now.... >////>
Anywhom,The Original Shirts Had Cherry Blossoms on it, But I Changed it to Their Names.....
1.lei.PNG 315x401(127KB) Rock Lei-713 viewsLei is Their Oldest Daughter
1leekago.PNG 360x480(394KB) LeeKago-443 viewsThiswassohardtodoDXXX
ahaha.JPG 2374x1607(301KB) Mirandee and Ryan Rave-2584 viewswhich one be me?
Ai.PNG 214x415(179KB) Ai for Yatta-486 viewsFor Yatta's Contest
Ai~0.PNG 214x415(179KB) Ai for Yatta-600 viewsFor Yatta's Contest
Ai~1.PNG 214x415(179KB) Ai for Yatta-396 viewsFor Yatta's Contest
Ai~2.PNG 214x415(179KB) Ai-763 viewsFor Yatta's Contest
anzu.PNG 431x477(15KB) Anzu-2308 viewsFor Anzu-chan! ^^ I hope i got her right,and that you like it! ^^
asuka.png 800x1615(199KB) Asuka-1496 viewsfor Demon*Narutard
ck.PNG 431x477(10KB) Crazee Kitteh by Meh-927 views(c) Crazee Kitteh by Ryan Rave (Kyla King)
ck~0.PNG 431x477(7KB) Crazee Kitteh by Ryan Rave-822 views(C) Crazee Kitteh by Ryan Rave
crazy driving.PNG 598x633(31KB) Team Kurenai, and Kiba's Crazy Driving-2615 viewsHinata: A-are you sure you know how to drive, Kiba-kun?
Kiba: Sure! How hard can it be?
Shino: I have a bad feeling about this...
Kagome: Just try not to kill us,ok?
Kiba: Yep. *gets in car* Kay, everyone, hold on tight!!
Kagome: Oh My Gawd, Kiba!! You almost hit that frickin kid!!
Hinata: Ki-kiba-kun,please stop!! You'll kill us all!!
Shino: I knew something wrong was gonna happen....
cursemark.png 600x450(35KB) Kagome Cursemark-1530 viewsI drew something like this,but i made it out of a pic of Sakura
Death note.PNG 398x671(6KB) Death Note-3177 viewsidk... >.> Extremely BORED
guitar.PNG 392x418(15KB) Kagome with a guitar :3-1589 viewsshes probably singing This is How We Do...... >.>
Haruka.PNG 191x319(15KB) Haruka-582 viewsI dun want her. She's probably Kabuto and Haku's kid XDDDD lmao jk
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