6ecf6b0b3e7c.jpg 202x382(24KB) Froslass-973 viewsThe pokemon Teraya is bassed off of (Tera said like Tara)
Amai.png 370x301(220KB) Amai-5335 viewsAmai means Generous or sweet
Amai's mother is part Cresselia and her father is part Absol
Amai takes after here mother by being caring and opptomistic she trusts and loves easily and finds it hard too say no too favors she gets easily frightened but remains relativlly calm
she's attracted too mysterious boy's not really antisocial but just quiet enough for her too wonder what they are like
Banette.png 143x135(21KB) Banette-842 viewsTera's Banette (Bani)
He's mischevious and is always scaring people
Kage and Tera Crack.jpg 600x600(155KB) Kage and Tera crack?-2357 viewsoriginally it was gonna be Kage and midori but because I deleted my old charecters and didn't want this pic too goo to waste (I already edited Kage and had just stareted mdori) I made it into Kage and Tera
Bah Kage's hair kills
looks can be deciving.PNG 679x597(342KB) Looks can be deciving-3205 viewsTera isn't shy at all she's just a great actor =]
she's quite mischevious like Konran and Bani [her banette]
she acts quiet and shy when she's getting in trouble or around older people she's not all menace too society though
there IS a concience somewhere
pink hai ish amazingg.jpg 393x429(143KB) 4798 viewsomg I just realized I forgot Vaioreto =_=
anywaii i'm making Amai's eyes red because I thought she looked too much like Saruya
mkai? so left to righ issss
Amai,Saruya,and Konran
and thisss is a picture for the ppink haired girls (minus Vaioreto cause I forgot D=)
Tera powder snow.png 300x450(149KB) 1656 viewsPowder snow: an icy gust that might cause freezing
I know it say's icy gust but the attack's name is powder snow inclining liight snow not a blizzard x]
Tera attacked.png 1024x576(488KB) 2322 viewsTera was attacked by a pokemon hunter and his Pidgeot
She used Ice shard but the pidgeot deflected it with gust with the pictures result
RP anyone?
Tera gives you hell.PNG 950x676(410KB) Tera gives you hell-1650 viewssong: gives you hell - the all american rejects [I'm obssesd withthis song righ now x] Itunes says iv'e listened too it 58 times today x]
(in a row) so thanks Vrs for using this song in one of yyour pics!
Tera in my oppinion iss one of my prettiest Rpc's =]
Tera powder snow.PNG 326x579(347KB) Tera using Blizzard-792 viewsBlizzard: Hit's the foe with an Icy storm that might freeze it
tera.PNG 512x461(350KB) Tera-2259 viewsofficial new look *-*
Tera.PNG 569x875(280KB) Tera-3851 viewsI'm going too now start making her mostly from Mizore =3 *the girl in this picture* because mizure uses icy attacks and I loves her outfits
Vivi shoot.PNG 290x398(130KB) Vivi doing a shoot for the agency she works for >.> her hair should be red-er-973 views
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