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pretty Amai =3 rp anyone?
Yup, she's prettiful. I did a pretty pic of Konran yesterday, but I don't think anyone saw it. Ikou: *sleeping in a field- having a nightmare*
(I'll go comment =3 ) Amai: *walking along see's him then looks around quickly then hurries over and kneels down* [hmmm definatlly a bad dream] *smiles softly and holds her hands to his temples ad closes her eyes, her hands glow faintly pink and the nightmare disperses* There now... that should help
Ikou: *sleeping better- smiles in his sleep*
Amai: *giggles* Geez being part Cresselia is easy *moves her hands from his temples and sits in the grass* [ omg x] I just remembered how Darkrai and Cresselia are like enemies what a Romeo and juliet-ish story that would be xD ]]
(True, there polar opposites.) Ikou: *waking up a lil*
( xD ik right?) Amai: *looks over at him and smiles* hey
(You're right.) Ikou: *wakes up completely* Huh? *sits up and his glasses fall off*
(thanks Yatta loony ^-^) Amai: *giggles* you were having nightmares I fixed them
Ikou: *feels around for his glasses and puts them back on- see's its Amai and blushes faintly* Oh... Thanks...
Amai: *blushes* n-no problem Ikou san ^-^
Ikou: *sighs and mumbles* Thats the 6th nightmare this week...
Amai: *looks concerned* oh really? what do you think could have caused it?...I hope there aren't any darkrai around...they are nothing but trouble
Ikou: *shakes his head* I know its not a Darkrai... Nightmares are just common to me cuz...
Amai: *looks a tiny bit relived but still worried* cause why?
(ur welcome! (yatta stance))
Ikou: *shakes his head* Its nothing... Forget I said anything...
( ^-^) Amai: *frowns* I really wish you would tell me
(Sorry, I kinda lost track of this rp.) Ikou: *sighs* I don't tell people about myself so easily... Thats just how I am.
(it's okay Iv'e kept busy ^-^ ) Amai: *smiles* I'll tell you about myself
Ikou: Huh?
Amai: *laughs* hmmm I'll tell you one thing about me then you tell me one thing about you okay? it can be anything
Ikou: I... I guess thats fair...
[[ Sorry had to eat dinner ]] Amai: *smiles* hmmm My mom is A Cresselia and My Dad is an Absol
Ikou: Oh, well thats cool... *thinking~ At least she knows who her real parents are...
Amai:... you have too tell me one thing about you now =P
Ikou: *hesitates for a moment* My mom... she isn't my real mom... *looks down kinda sad*
Amai: *frowns and hugs him lightly in a friendly way* Hey it's alright
Ikou: *blushes* But... (Now I gotta go eat.)
Amai: *moves away from him blushing * [w-wwhy'd I do that?] B-but what? (okai)
awsome edit 5/5
Ikou: I don't know... *still looking kinda sad*
(thanks) Amai: =/ it's okay i'm always here to talk if you need it y'know?
Ikou: *small smile* I'll remember that...
Amai: *smiles* good good ^-^ I love to hear that alright now I'll tell you another thing about myself...hmmm my favorite colors are pale green and light blue
Ikou: *smile kinda smirks* My favorite colors are jungle green and pale yellow.
Amai: hmmm well I actually don't like the color of my hair Dx
Ikou: I don't like that I have to wear glasses.
Amai: *frowns* really? I don't think they look bad on you ^-^
Ikou: *blushes some* Really? And I think you're hair color is perfect.
Amai: *blushes darkly and looks down* R-really? I-i...T-thanks
Ikou: *nods* ... *thinking~ Did I actually say that?
Amai" *tucks a strand of hair behind her ear nervouslly still looking down bright red*
Ikou: *looks down and his glasses fall off* Not again... *feels around for them* My vision goes all blurry without those glasses.
Amai: *laughs softly and reaches out and picks them up* here... *puts them back on his face, smiling*
Ikou: *blushes and adjusts them* Th-thanks...
Amai: *smiles softly* no problem Ikou ^-^
Ikou: So uh... Tell me 1 more thing about yourself.
Amai: hmmmm you tell me something first =P Iv'e said something first everytime
Ikou: *smirks* But I told you that my vision goes all blurred without my glasses.
Amai: *sighs* wellll I don't know what too tell you...what do you wanna know I guess?
Ikou: Uh... *thinks for a moment and looks away a lil- blushes* Do you have a boyfriend?
Amai: *blushes beet red again* N-no >///> Do you have a girlfriend? [I'm gonna have too go soon]
(-k-) Ikou: *shakes his head blushing* N-no, I don't.
Amai: ok...I have another question....w-why did you wanna know?
Ikou: I'm not really sure... I just wanted to know.
Amai: hmmm ok well *laughs* It's weird but I don't find it akward that you asked
Ikou: Can I ask you one more question?
Amai: *nods* sure
Ikou: *gulps* W-would you like to be... m-my girlfriend?
Amai: *blushes and smiles* I-i'd l-love too [[Dx I gotta go]]
(-k- goodnight.) Ikou: *smiles blushing- thinking~ OMG, I can't believe I managed the courage to say that and she agreed!
Amai: *blushing looks up an smiles at him* [[ I-i can'y brlivr hr asked that ^///^]]
Ikou: *still blushing alot* I-I'm glad... You're a really nice person... *smiling back at her*
Amai: *hugs him tightly and laughs* You are too
Ikou: *blushes so red you can barely see his zigzag- hugs her back* And you care for me... Not many people have cared for me like that.
Amai: *shushes him* I don't wanna hear about them there are plenty of people who DO care for you, like me
Ikou: *smiles- hugs her closer* Thank you...
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