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0.0 Oh My,What a Scary Girl XDD
Lol, XDD yeah, scary but pretty!, You can tell she has some Haruno in her OoO
XD Oh Ja. Pretty. XD o.o Yes,It Shows Rather Clearly.. .XDD
LOL, thanks, and yeah! XDD.I feel bad for Naruto, he has 4 women at his houes ( Sakura, AMika,Haruke,and Kimiko).and one boy T^T ( Narske).So are you a NaruSaku fan?
XD Hahah. Kagome and Sasuke Has.... o_0 Oh My... 3 Boys and 3 Girls. XDDD Yes I Am.
Oh, my poor poor Kagome U^U.YESH FINALLY ANOTHER NARUSAKU FAN!!, ido you think Naruto and Sakura willl end up together?
D8 I Know XDD Ahaha. 0o0 XD Psssh Yeah. They Belong Together.
Yeah!, there the best Naruto couple eva!, i llike: ShikaIno,KibaHina,NejiTen,and of Course NARUSAKU!
XD I Know. I Like: NejiTen, ShikaIno,NaruSaku, and ShinoHina. XD
LOL,Yeah.Do you think Mashai will put Hinata with Naruto? OoO NO!!!PLZ N MASHAI!
o.o Oh My,I Hope Not. XD They Don Make a Good Couple. XDD Its Masashi Silly.
yeah,Hinata needs to talk to him more.Oh Ooops my bad sorry Masashi
XD Yeah I Know. XDD Aha Is Okaii
LOL XD, yeah.
Someone looks pretty mad. )w)
Lol Yeah XD
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