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Last comments - Naruto next generation

Amika sleeping ^^.jpg

Amika sleeping ^^.jpg
Poisoniss.Chemicalsxx03/25/10 at 22:00XDD Ahaha Ummm o.o The Climb. XDD lol Type in Kisu...
Amika sleeping ^^.jpg

Amika sleeping ^^.jpg
♥Narutos~Girl♥03/22/10 at 17:09Lol ok, Whats The AMV called?
Amika sleeping ^^.jpg

Amika sleeping ^^.jpg
Poisoniss.Chemicalsxx02/26/10 at 23:48Im Using her in an AMV btw XDDDD
The Uzumaki girls in harvest moon form!.jpg

The Uzumaki girls in harvest moon form!.jpg
LostGoddess02/18/10 at 21:15Glad I could help~
The Uzumaki girls in harvest moon form!.jpg

The Uzumaki girls in harvest moon form!.jpg
Poisoniss.Chemicalsxx02/18/10 at 21:13Ahhh I See XDD
The Uzumaki girls in harvest moon form!.jpg

The Uzumaki girls in harvest moon form!.jpg
LostGoddess02/18/10 at 21:10Muffy is the blonde girl in A Wonderful Life, Popu...
The Uzumaki girls in harvest moon form!.jpg

The Uzumaki girls in harvest moon form!.jpg
Poisoniss.Chemicalsxx02/18/10 at 21:02XDD Its One of the Other Girls
Sakura and Amika Uzumaki.jpg

Sakura and Amika Uzumaki.jpg
♥Narutos~Girl♥02/18/10 at 18:10Lol, Thanks! ^^
The Uzumaki girls in harvest moon form!.jpg

The Uzumaki girls in harvest moon form!.jpg
♥Narutos~Girl♥02/18/10 at 18:07Lol, I think I've heard that name before xD
The Uzumaki girls in harvest moon form!.jpg

The Uzumaki girls in harvest moon form!.jpg
Poisoniss.Chemicalsxx02/16/10 at 21:16o_0 Her Name is Muffy? I Thought it wqas Popuri...
Sakura and Amika Uzumaki.jpg

Sakura and Amika Uzumaki.jpg
Poisoniss.Chemicalsxx02/16/10 at 21:15o0o OMG FREAKIN ADOARBLE X3
Amika mad in Shippuden.jpg

Amika mad in Shippuden.jpg
GothKurouNeko*11/22/09 at 19:01xD
Ichiro- an Akatsuki member.jpg

Ichiro- an Akatsuki member.jpg
GothKurouNeko*11/22/09 at 19:00Yw. ;D
Amika mad in Shippuden.jpg

Amika mad in Shippuden.jpg
♥Narutos~Girl♥11/22/09 at 18:56Lol Yeah XD
Ichiro- an Akatsuki member.jpg

Ichiro- an Akatsuki member.jpg
♥Narutos~Girl♥11/22/09 at 18:55Thanks! ^^.
Ichiro- an Akatsuki member.jpg

Ichiro- an Akatsuki member.jpg
GothKurouNeko*11/22/09 at 18:30Smexy!~~ *-* *glomps him too*
Amika mad in Shippuden.jpg

Amika mad in Shippuden.jpg
GothKurouNeko*11/22/09 at 18:27Someone looks pretty mad. )w)
Amika and Kisuke XD.jpg

Amika and Kisuke XD.jpg
Beth~Uzumaki10/28/09 at 20:57LOl XD.LUCKY DX i want it cut T^T
Amika and Kisuke XD.jpg

Amika and Kisuke XD.jpg
KainXMarandaForever10/28/09 at 20:52XD Yeahhh I Would Put up a Pic, but... D8 How Sad....
Amika and Kisuke XD.jpg

Amika and Kisuke XD.jpg
Beth~Uzumaki10/28/09 at 20:45AW! sounds cute! Mom wont let me cut my hair T^T
426 pictures on 22 page(s) 1

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