anzu4-25.PNG 776x461(169KB) 1862 viewsShe's had so many outfits over the years that I decided to narrow it down to these few for ages 5-25 for Anzy. :0
This took all fucking dayyyyy. :/
anzyeighteen2.PNG 367x435(79KB) 1077 viewsI don't know if I want her hair short or long. :/
anzyy.PNG 278x586(163KB) 912 viewsBecause it was my favorite outfit from the timeline and she dosn't have a fullbody in it. :3
anzyyy.PNG 197x600(80KB) 1557 viewsAnzu at age 19-25
Aya and Hiro.PNG 551x360(353KB) Ayako and Hiroshi-2837 viewsAyako time travels in her sleep sometimes it doesn't last for long but usually whoever she is very close to [space wise] ends up going with her.
She and Hiro are around six or seven in this picture, and Hiro was sent to wake her up and ended up getting sucked into the time travel [that's why she is still in her nightgown and he's in normal clothes] anyway they meet Masa and Anzu and kinda freak out. :)
Karei fight..PNG 764x513(542KB) 2072 viewsKarei using Kemuritabi.
this is during age 15-16
Karei meeting..PNG 632x360(387KB) Karei meets everyone.-2901 viewsIn the begining she meets
Anzu at a festival and she seems like a normal cheerful person. to Anzy. but it's all a part of Karei's plan and Masa is suspicious but dosn't act upon it. just yet. :3
Karei young.PNG 702x444(436KB) 1973 viewsName: Karei Fugashi
Occupation: Assassin
Age: 18
Birthplace: unknown
Parents: Foster: Shida Fugashi,
Run down: 5-8 happy and cheerful a bit oblivious to the world lives with a woman and her son who took her in after her parents died. The boy quickly became her best friend [he�s the boy in the picture] Age 9: The boy [Makoto] disappears one day however his mother just seems to have no will against it Age:10-12 Slowly grows contempt for people and becomes quiet and negative, also going through the academy in the village hidden by the stone. 12-13 Genin team and chunin exams, she still hasn�t forgotten about Makoto, Makoto�s mother Shida is starting to get sickly, Fails chunin exams because of taking care of Shida, Shida becomes Karei�s last resort in humanity. 14: Shida dies right before Karei�s 14th birthday, Karei blocks herself off from all people and is always training, ends up passing the next chunin exam with ease 15: Karei goes on chunin missions and begins to realize she doesn�t like the structure of the normal ninja world and begins thinking about the advantages of becoming a paid assassin 16-17 Trains to a jonin level then leaves her village to pursue becoming a paid assaisin, known as � fainaru kouhai � [[The destiny]] 18: gets an assignment to take out Anzu and Faye. [not really Taro because he�s under the radar ninja wise] well anyway she�s after Faye and Anzu because of there relations to Pein. :3
Kemuritabi [Smoke Travel] : Karei has always had the ability to turn her body into a smoke that makes her intangible, she uses this frequently in battles and to travel quickly. It appears as a light colored fog that can move through objects with ease, however using Kemuritabi takes allot out of her if used for too long.
Newnewnew~0.PNG 1205x675(478KB) 2668 viewsAlright. this is Shippuden. [ll the back of it] and i'll have pre shipp up soon. but one of the biggest changes I�m making is that I�m making her back into the smart alec/violent girl she used to be :3 [poor Masa-kun D:]
ANYWAI. that poorly drawn thing that�s holstered to her is a sheathed little short sword :3 cause I�m that weird she can't have a normal one :3
anyway she looks like she's waiting for someone :3
reunion.png 900x540(822KB) 5295 viewsSooo, We knew thiswas going to happen eventually. :)
Softsmile.PNG 598x564(282KB) Hey Masa kun~-3908 viewsI'm Realizing now how pink-ish her hair is Dx
I'm probably going to make it a bit more reddish but I do like her new colors :3
Probably talking to Masa and talking to him into doing something he doesn�t want to do :D
TajiAnzu.PNG 300x597(228KB) 9614 viewsAlright so that's NOT Masa,
it's his old bestffriend Taji.
now why is Taji hugging Anzu?
Short term: Masa was forced to break up with Anzu otherwise Oni would kill her,she can't be told about that. so she just assumes it was just out of the blue and puts Masa on her shit list. again. [xD] anywai. Taji was talking to Anzu and she started crying about it so he hugged her tightly, Anzu not excpecting it just kinda pauses shocked.
[[original was Deidara and Sakuraa]]
toogoodtobetrue.png 300x476(121KB) 6372 viewsSo Tori and I were talking about this, There are these people after Masa, and to get close to him they use a genjutsu to pose as Anzu not knowing that they had broken up but using it to there advantage after they realize, knowing that he would miss her allot. So yeah. ;D