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still pretty~
:3 Anzu: *walking with Masa laughing lightly at something he had said* Karei: *up ahead*
masa: *smilging lgihtly wlakignw ith ehr* makoto: *off wherever at eh festival with oenof tis teammates*
Karei: *purposlly moves herself in the way last minute pretending to cross the street walking into Anzu* Anzu: *bumps into her because she wasn't paying attention* Oh my god! I'm so sorry!
masa :*snappe dout fo hsi daze fomr that*
Karei: *smiles lightly* It's fine~*pauses for a moment looking at her* Say~ *lowers voice a tad* Aren't you one of the neices of Pein sama~? *manages to look fondly suprised even though she knows exactally who she is.* Anzu: *feels a little bit akward* er. how do you.. Karei: *the small smile that dosn't reach her eyes * Oh~ Iv'e worked for him before~ Anzu: *eyes hold a bit of doubt but dosn't reject the idea* Oh well it's nice to meet you, uhmm what's you name agai? Karei: Karei Fugashi~
masa: *thinkgin~that name... hwer ehave i heard tha tname... i know it soudn fmailiar....~-had hear dof her a while bkac but cnat thinkg of it*
Anzu: *smiling happily* Well you already know me but thiss~ *bumps Masa playfully* Is the always "talkative" Masa Uchiha~ *laughs a bit* Karei: hah. charmed. *knows who he as is well becoming a tad wary* Anzu: Well are you with anyone Karei san? Karei: Oh no..I'm just wandering I supose *laughs lightly an amazing actor* anzu: *grins* Hey~! You should come with Masa and I~
(XD!) MasA: *usual half smile sitl lwondeirng s o sitl lbeing quiete self thinkgin`this is gonna bother me~* (g2g fo rthe ngiht, gnith gniht`)
Karei: Thanks for the offer though I wouldn't want to i- Anzu: Nonsensee! I can't let a aquaintace of my uncle just walk aoround aimlessly~ I know I wouldn't want too *being her usual outgoing, welcoming self* Karei: *smiles lightly* well if you put it that way. [[rofl @ Masa and Anzy's differencee and kk]]
Masa: *sweatdrops lgihtly at ehr whena fe wpeople look at them cuz he being slighty loud XD*
Anzu: *grins then starts walking* Cmon then~ Karei: *eyes flick to Masa with none of the previous amusment then folllows Anzu*
masa: *had noticed it and eayes meotion hardens staiyng close to anzu*
Karei: *notices his protectivness* [hmm. he might present a small problem]
masA: *thru teh linik to ryo asks him "where did we hear hte name Karei Fugashi? i cnat remember it bothering me..."* Ryo: *"wasnt ti fomr makoto?"* MasA: *"oh..yeah, i think thanks..." thinkgint o self~great...~*
Karei and Anzu: *(talking idly*
masa: *sighs lgihtly thinkgin~why am i stuck wiht thsi agin?~* makoto :*was walking near by see smasa*
Karei: frezzes for a quick second sensing a familiar presence* Anzu: *hadn't noticed*
makoto :*pops up next ot anz an masa not notice karei jsut yet* well look who its beith~
Anzu: *turns around smiling lightly* Hi Makato san!~
masA: *laughs* hey akoto~ makoto: so no assignements for u either~ ?
Anzu: *same* Karei: *side-ish*
masa: nah~ makoto: *notices he rand tkae shima moment but notices who she is* o.o
Anzu: *notices* hrmm. do you two know eachother? Karei: No.
makoto :*knows what she does and shake it off * no,no we dont, she jsut looks liek soemone i know..
Anzu: *notices the akwardness and can kinda tell she's lying* err I see, so.. Makato what are you up too?
maktoto: *shurgs* nothing, my tema is somewher ebut i dnt fele like lookign for them~
Anzu: *grins* The more the merrier!~ your welcom to come with us~ ^-^ Karei: *looking off to the side*
masa: *looks at him like "save urself"* makoto :*laughs lgihtly at masa face*
Anzu: *glares at Masa half playfully*
masa: *smiles innocnet ly at her*
Anzu: >3>
masA: *rolls his wyw lgihtly*
Anzu: *turns around and playfully muttures jerk before taking Karei's arem and walking* Karei: -_-'?
masa: *swetdrops and keeps apace iwht her* makoto :*lauhgs follwoing them walking normally*
Anzu: *still faking being mad at Masa* Karei: *thinking if it's really makoto*
masa:*wraps his arms aorund her wiast knowing shes faking*
Anzu: *meeps slightly then holds his hands lightly smiling* Jerk~
masa:oh wlel u know u love me~~
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