boysofnaruto_1.jpg 731x539(209KB) naruto boys-14529 viewsthis is for all those crazy fangirls out there
maskedshadowdogears.jpg 316x280(47KB) doggy ears-2714 viewshehe me wit doggy ears... arigoto goschihimas to photobucket
misunderstandings_1.jpg 702x1000(54KB) part 1-5111 viewsshadow:hhhmmm i wonder wut sasuke's thinkin *evil grin*
sasuke:yea wut AM i thinkin? and were thwe hell did you get this?
shadow:just wait...
misunderstandings_2.jpg 699x1000(97KB) part 2-8968 viewssakura:hey wait i dont remeber puttin on hat dress
shadow:well that's because you didn't
sakura:wait wut?
shadow:like i said just wait...
sasuke:ya'know that's gettin annoyin...
misunderstandings_3.jpg 699x1000(120KB) part 3-13669 viewsnaruto& sakura:*twitch twitch*WTF!!!!!
shadow:well wut do think?
naruto&andsakura:I HATE IT!!!*storms off*
sasuke:i'll give you 50$ to get another one like that
narutogirls_1~0.jpg 600x327(54KB) naruto girls @ the beach-21545 viewsthe pic isnt 2 accuraye cuz of sakura and inos hair but it looks cool rite?thank you 2
nejiten_1.png 184x184(46KB) neji and tenten-6718 viewsi know most people dont like thius pic but thyre 1 of my favorit couples...FIGHT THE POWER!!!
sakurab4&after.png 1x1(0KB) sakura before and after-1942 viewsshadow:sakura-san your so pretty
sakura:i wish everybody thought that way
shadow:oh it cant be that bad can it?
sakura:*points at sakura bashers with pitchforks and torches*
shadow:oh....*turns demon shadow* (snarl) STOP BEING MEAN TO MY FRIEND OR I'LL RIP OUT YOUR TONGUES AND FEED THEM TO MY CHIHAUHAUS!(Sweet voice) okay?
sakura bashers:*whimpers*
sasusaku_1.jpg 364x434(31KB) sasuke and sakura-16707 viewsHAHA! DIE EVIL SASUKE FANGIRLS!! DIE!!!hehe srry coodnt help myself 1 of my favorit pairings
shikatem_1.jpg 301x236(65KB) shikamaru and temari-2097 viewsarent they cute? please dont kill me if your in luv wit shikamaru
shika_basketball.jpg 300x308(22KB) Shikamaru on break-3930 viewsshadow:wahoo!!! go konoha!!!
shika:troublesome women....
shadow:*peircing glare*what did you say?
shadow:good...C'mon konoha!!!!
team7_1.jpg 545x769(116KB) team 7-3628 viewstissue warning
team7_13.jpg 559x787(79KB) last part-4103 viewssrry if u get confused. i found this on art mite not be good but the story line is^__^.im hoping this is gonna the end to the series.
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