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hey..... im a sasuke fangirl
ami b nice. srry ashes i meant crazy obssecive fangirls that start catfights
ok...... no comment
whoah is sasuke F****** sakura?
hey, I'm a sasuke fangirl too! why can't he do that to me!D< No jk, I'm not into sex or anything. I just like because of his attitude
me and my friend got into a catfight over sasuke..... i dont like her that much anymore cause she thinks shes better then me at everything
srry ashes... my lil cousin hacked my account that wasn't me
o.O;; I agree with Masked Shadow. Those fangirls are scary.. -shivers-..They're everywhere..
i thought it would be the oother way around. oh well. it's kinda cute that sasuke and sakura are tied up in the rope like that together.
a bit disturbing...
i agree with masked shadow and
weel i wish that was me and sasuke
Sasuke:WTF!!!! im with Michiko you freak!!!! Ami (me): this.....pic is....>.< wrong! wrong couple! Michiko: DIE SAKURA!!!!
.....(evil grin) ....Want me...to take care of..."the pest"??? (Pulls out a Katana) (Is shaking with excitment) ......
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