kick his behind
No! Kick his sorry behind!
Girl power! XP
Sakura thought that guy was a pervert, but he was actually trying to steal her purse. GO SAKURA!!!
I wish I was that guy.
yeah, u are absolutely right SSK, that was a real cool episode, but i love kakashi, he's my man....
I remember this episode, like SSK said he wasn't in it to swipe her ass. Nobody's that desperate.
Arrowed! Sworded! Kunaid!
Yeah, Sakura "scuks" real bad. Why is she so "scuky"?
Yay someone else understands that SAKURA SUCKS yay
nice kick!!! GO SAKURA!!!!
Go Sakura!!! Beat the crap out of him!!!
They already stopped hating her so LEAVE THEM ALONE!!!!!
Thank you Laiyo
 *hands a chocolate bar* Oooh Yukari! They added that pic of Zabuza I was talking about!! xD xD It's in his album on the last page (the one where he's standing on a tree)
Ok I'll go see it now
Lol, Sakura does annoy me at times, but she does kick butt when she can, haha like here. This part was so funny, I thought he was a perv too at first.
I thouth that at first too
He WAS a perv in the manga, but they changed it in anime because of censorship and blah-blah. -_- And yup, Sakura does kick butt, or in this case face. Although in THIS particular case you can't really tell the difference between a butt and his face, so it can be butt too. So, technically, yeah, she kicks butt. ^^
This episode was funny
I'm the one who try to touch sakura's... J/k
COOL! nice job Sakura but i have a better target 4 u*moves itachi1027 in the way* much better  *sakura:take this u BASTARD!!!!  itachi: oooooowwwwww*
oooo  that must hurt
I agree with OYO
I'd like to do that to RANDOM people and when they ask why i just gave them a bloody nose (and/or broken bones) i'll tell them that i mistook them for a money stealing perv....or i'd just runaway...either one is fine ^___^;;
lol I think That would be fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yesh it would!! *goes around kicking people and getting chased after angrily* Nihihihihi!
nah id rather kick itachi1027 who agrees wit me?
*helps phoenix kick people and get ran after angrily* This be fun and I also agree with Narutootaku
what about starstrike as the target.....oh how that makes me feel better
Yup Yup or that would work too
I DO........... Hi am back in black
Hello? that's how you greet a friend yukari
nice kick
Ok How about this "Hello D*pulls strings and ballons fall down* That better
I think the kick is cool ..... I didn't think she had it in her
i believe he mite have touched her arse
I think that's ... okay yukari... but why ballons.... and anime1333 he didn't did he
Yup Yup
luk at his head
yep, im sure he did. and call me anni or oyo k?
Amine 133 is the one who said the comment
Yup Yup
it would be u that is the target anime133bitch. Do u think im not followin ur insults 2 me freak
OI BITCH ur the freak around here ALRITE!!!
hehe U GO GIRL!
thanx anime133 dnt u think that Starstrike is a pain in the ass!?
I think so!!!!! He's starting to really get on my nreaves. I might start to curse
u did haha  but curse more...she needs it
oh look another member of the looser club, princess hanata. you better stay out my way you hear!
She doesn't have to if she doesn'twant to and anyfriend of OYO is a friend of mine!
What your problem Starstricke..... ca't we forget and forgave .......... I guess not
no, she hates me.....she took an instant disliking that i rele dnt get  i wouldnt get dragged in 2 it D its a waste of time and effort 4 u
I promised remember that I would define your honour.
its unecessary in these circumstances. this rele is a waste of time so i dnt wonna talk bak
Alright........am peaceful person but I don't like people talking bad about my new friend
 anyways whose your fav character in Naruto the manga/show
GAARA!!! or kakashi  u?
KAKASHI * grabs her kakashi doll and hugs* he is soooooooo cu...te....
oh i 4got u luved him so  he is an anime version of my bro
REALLY........ I also like Rock Lee's charater........ I love KAKASHI!!!!...even if he's a perv * sighs* Kakashi
 wow....u wnt like the comment my friend princess H and J left on 1 of the sakura pics hehehe
So they are Sasuke fans ..........I've never meet one before......... their rare
.....they r anything but sasuke fans
WOW..........Everyone I know at school HATE Sasuke with passion in thier hearts
passion, dnt u mean DEATH!! ok mayb thats abit far but at the very least wif hatred
EVERYONE HATES HIM....... I think he's cute but am not a fan of his
that kid is freaky, the eyes r just......not normal ya know!
hey D and Anni!
hi, i think every1 is gone again
why am i always too late well at least i get to talk to u!
clarad thinks u hate her
why i dont hate her at all?
u should tell her that, she seems 2 b so damn obsessed wif goin around shoutin u h8 her.
Hello world I free!!!!!!!!! I've been sitting in an office all day long and it gets really annoying!!!!!!!!!!
i never did any thing to her that would make it seem that i hate her?hey Kari ^____^
 things suck so bad right now
i just feel so crap ya know, its 1 of those days, and the exms r here!
Hello wonderful poeple!! I missed you Narutootaku!!! *tackle hugs*
y r u so happy?
I am on a suger high. I never knew I could get a suger high from eatting an apple!!!!!
 no, neitha did i
Yup Yup isn't wonderful!!! Lalalalala
Well when your bored out of your mind and You eat an apple then you will become hyper. But this is only for emerganceys!!!
lol u get a suger rush on about anything!
Yup Yup
Hey yukari thanx for saying im ur friend. And as for anime133 ur bro is sounds violent from the stories u tell me about him.
 he is...in a way
huh what u on about im so confused
So am I
my bro, well i tell her stories where he goes mad and hurts every1....but only when hes provoked
Oh Now I get it sort of
When I'm provoked people became seriouly scared since am not a person who gets mad easily
she just had 2 bring that up!  also u and P_H should do the friend dance soon, she thanks u 4 sayin ur her friend (look up)
I know and when I see her again I'll ask. And people run when I get mad. I really don't get mad eaily too but if I do you really want to run or your dead
Who me? ........... I get so made sometimes that I hurt people really badly even my friends........ stay away when I'm mad
 wow! i bottle up my anger, i know its bad when i lose it (which isnt often) it rele upsets me. it will effect me 4 days. im still upset now from...b4
It's ok really he did deservie it you know.
but i.....i dont like it. deservin it or not i shouldnt
I guess it's just how your rised. I was rised in the contry where if you didn't know how to fight you'll get pushed over and bullied a lot.
GET OVER IT my friend * hugs* life is just a moment if we let consume us with gief what's the point then to go on to the next step in life
i spose. i woz raised 2 b polite and kind. ive never been pushed around coz people think i will beat em up. tallness does help in that area
Where do you get these saying? There realy kool. and tallnes does help. I'm one of the tallest people in my class too.
what? i dont understand that? what sayin?
Who me yukar........i or Anni ........ Am short that's not fun
The tallness thing was for OYO and The saying was for D
my skol friends say i have the look of death, they kinda get scared of it even after 6 years of knowin me and though they know im nice
Lol wow, I'm also hard to anger, but once I'm angry I usually do crazy stuff... ^^;; Once I almost threw a chair at a guy in school because he pissed me off, and once I hit another guy with a thick Harry Potter book over the head... He was lucky it was a book, and not a chair or a guitar. I'm what you call a berserker lol. Heh, I guess we're all here berserkers... ^_^;;
Yup Yup. Hi Sis. Where you been? Haven't talked in a while!
Yay Friend Dance *starts friend dance* Fun
Will you teach it to me plz? AND LAIYO you dont hit anyone especially with a Harry Potter book
yeah u dnt want PH comin ova there  she is what u would call obsessed
Whats the friend dance? and i dnt rele get that mad were i start hitting people! but i do get angry and then i snap at like every1 anmie can tell you what im like, but the rest of the time im sweet no lie lol
calm down PH, just breathe! and STG is snappy when she wants 2 b, but we all r in a way  STG can i call u flowa like i usually do in skol?
Wow super cool fight seen! I hate usin the word "cool", but what else can i say?
i cant  i wanna know? STG i think a friend dance is when we all have a dance like you know in the Fresh Prince Will Smith and Jazz have that hand thing. By the way Ani im much more calmer now
i do believe u being calmer is not possible!
Well i am and i am sorry if i went OTT but you know how much i like them books Ani dont you.
even when i say he is slightly gay u pull out ur friendly chainsaw!!  do u keep ur potter books sealed away in like a clean dirt free container?
OMG how did u know
yea of course u can call me flowa! u dnt need to ask!!
yayayayayayayay! and PH, STOP WATCHIN ALL THOSE FREAKY MURDER MOVIES! i think they gettin 2 ya
ok now would you like to tell me what stalking has to do with murder movies?
 GUESS! hahahaha!
Na they just ring you up and tell you that they gonna kill you then YOUR LIKE IN DEEP SHIT! HAVE U NEVA WOTCHED NUN OF THE SCREAM MOVIES!
i try my best not 2
I don't like muder movies and the friend dance is a dance where we become friends
i like any movies and wow i thought sasuke fangirls were obsessed but it apears that harry potter fans are kinda the same!
only this harry potter fan!  and u dnt think that people get stalked in murder movies?
Yeah we are u can just ask anni how obsessed we can get
U....can get!
I HAVE TO SAY...... THAT I HATE HARRY POTTER. I never liked and I think it's because it's not GOOD. and I love scary movies. I must of watched the RING fifty times.
HARRY POTTER IS GOOD! and i know im gonna cry in the last 3 movies
potta sucks!!  eeek *runs and hides*
 no no of course im not, i am most definately not!! u can put the chainsaw away now
2 l8 i've already put the chainsaw on attack mode!!
I stay by my statement ...... I HATE HARRY POTTER.....I don't like . I read the first book and hated ever since
I don't read the books I just wiat until the movies come out
I show the movies and hated it more >:0
I don't hate it
calm it PH. also that is what i thought this pic woz about, and i saw it 2!!! youtube  (thanks 2 kari!)
NP It's a good place to get all the new anime
huh? What? When? Who?
u do realise that clarad just sed she hates harry potter and that he sucks, normally ur chainsaw comes along right? (oh and eerrrmmm, run D)
Neh, Harry Potter isn`t so great.
ssshhhh, she will hear ya daisy_chainsaw
this sounds like one obsessed harry potter fan for you to fear her like that ^-^
When the chainsaw comes out I usually just back away slowly and then run
 funny! that is entertainment ^-^
Yeah it is we usually do things like this a lot. It's fun!!!
Meh, I like Harry Potter. I am not an obsessed fan, and I DO think that those books make good weapons. ^_^ I mean, come on. You can give someone a concussion with a HP book! xD And PH, you have to admit that not EVERYONE will like the HP books, any books for that matter if it comes to that. Buuut... you can always have fun with the chainsaw!  @Yukari: The movies are good, but they'll make more sense if you actually read the books. I advise you to read them. I thought they were good. ^^
I love to read don't get me wrong right now I'm reading a 600 page book but the Harry Potter books I just don't read don't know why and don't really care but yes I agree with Laiyo the books do make good weapons but chainsaws are always much more fun
im thinkin u 2 value ur lives slightly
Take all ur comments back before the chainsaw cums out before i decapitate ur all ur bodies into itsy witsy little bits and smush them up
 she will do it!
of course i will
Nah, she won`t. Besides, we`re not bashing the book, we`re just politely expressing our opinions about it. Don`t expect people to like everything you like.
Ditto, Daisy_Chainsaw. I like Harry Potter books, and I think that they're well-written and the plot is well-thought out, but I won't go like, OMIGISH!!!  over a Harry Potter book, and I will sure as hell use one as a weapon if needed. -_- @Yukari: You like reading? Well, good! ^_^ I don't like people that don't like reading. >_o (lol j/k) Oh and, PH, I am not afraid of chainsaws >_<
PH Laiyo more than likely sleeps with a chainsaw near her bed. I'm more scared of Laiyo then I ever will be of you
this PH person sounds so scary though, dragging you down to hell and regular burnings  i feel ALOT more scared of PH no doubt about it. SHE BURNS PEOPLE!! Laiyo seems like nothing!
Hey nee-chan ^_^
AM SCARED OF ALL OF YOU ....... you guys get into random convetations of random sluff
you have to admit laiyo doesnt sound as bad as PH...i mean forgive me for fearing the devil child more but PH sounds pure evil
Well Ph sounds scarier but I never meet Laiyo to know who is more EVIL
i guess you are right, maybe i should not judge before really knowing them
Yup I did that once and I got punched in the face. It still hurts when I think about it
i have never done that before but still got punched ^-^ people can be so evil
PPL ARE EVIL in genral ....... ppl never say thank you when you open the door for then or say sorry when they bump into you ..... yesterday I meet Ben from Billy Talent HE bumped into me and then he said sorry and gave me front row seat. HE IS HOT and a looker . he didnt stop looking at me. hehehe
Hahahaha >Zack<. It's quite obvious that you just don't know me well enough. Trust me. Friendly hint: you do NOT want to know me well enough to find out whether I'm more evil than PH.  Unless you have a couple of spare limbs that you wouldn't mind having ripped out, of course. --^_^--
PH has pretty much burnt all mine off so its been done Laiyo. I must admit Zack is wise 2 fear the devil child more but i belive u can b evil 2
Oh, trust me. ^_^ Ripping out limbs isn't ALL I do. But I'm in a good mood today, so... Also, I'm wondering... if PH burned all of your limbs of, what are you typing with? o_O *thinking* I wonder if it's rippable... o_O
my nose  and rather rippable, PH is neva is a good mood  i have 2 go skol wif her
 That's gotta suck >_O Are the teachers afraid of her? xD Meh, I'm in a good mood pretty often... unless it's a rainy schoolday and I'm hungry.  *after a few minutes of pondering* I think I will let ya keep your nose. ^^ I already ate. >x3
she doesnt talk 2 the teachers, they dnt notice her. and thanks 4 lettin me keep my nose, no doubt PH will burn it off tuesday
Lol teachers don't notice me much either! xD I can sit RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM when they're taking attendance, but they still won't see me. >.< But my best friend is a real master of blending in, she beats even me o.O Annnd... HIDE YOUR NOSE!!! O_O Nooooo what are you going to type with on Tuesday... TT-TT Put a fire-repelling cream on it, manufactured by Laiyo, selling for only $9.99!  (First bottle for free! ~.^)
i only have english pounds �...and anything 2 keep my nose
I accept pounds as well! xD But you can have the first bottle free. ^_^ *hands a bottle to anime133* Enjoy!
Ain't I nice. x3 (Bwahaha) And no, don't worry, your nose is NOT gonna fall off when you apply the cream. ^^ Guaranteed. Or your money back. No wait-- it was a free sample wasn't it? >xD *insane laugh* ...Hahaha. Cough. Juuuust kiddin'. You can use it without fear. x3 Er. Um.
i neva even considered that...  how cautious am i OoO
Not very, I see (lol j/k)  But you should be. ^^ With people like me and PH (and Mila, Yukari and Phoenix) prowling around, you just never know. >x3 And don't eat random chocolate bars off of strangers!
....i cant eat chocolate  BUT I WONT EAT ANYTHING FROM STANGERS! i just use their nose cream
^_^ Lol, well, at least you're not gonna EAT anything from strangers (whether chocolate or nose cream  ) But why can't you eat chocolate?
Konichiwa! Mina-san!
well its not that i cant, its that i dnt like it coz i cnt rele taste it
I LOVE CHOLATE !!!!!!!!! YAY *does a chatwheel*
go sakura and i thought she couldn't fight
Hello Laiyo and Nee-chan and D and OYO. What's up? I love chocolate but I still think Laiyo is still eviler. *warning* Don't say anything mean about Zabuza*end of warning* but besides that she can be nice just don't get on her bad side like Itachi did. Laiyo is he out of the hospital yet?
yeah let her!  oh crap *runs and hides*
Killing off Harry Potter? I saw that coming a mile away. ♥
Woohoo! Go Sakura! Kick his ass!
Hahaha, you got that right, Yukari-san. ^_^ And Itachi should be checking out of the hospital next week (unless he says something bad about Zabuza-kun again. -_-) @PH: Isn't Anime133 supposed to be your friend?  Anyway, I heard that Rowling wanted to kill of two characters, then she changed her mind and decided to let 1 of them live, but kill off two OTHER characters. So... it might not actually be Harry that dies... I dunno...
i thought they were friends as well  i guess that is how evil she is, burning her own friends, sick
yeah we r friends AND DNT SAY SHE IS SICK!! cant u take a joke u idiot!
dont be mad ... I think he might sick as in cool  or not
 calm down...i dont want to fight, please
im calm! very calm  just dnt say bad things about my friends got it
yea!!! but Zack is my friend soand you are too anni ... SO EVERYONE CLAM DOWN
I AM CALM!! if i woznt things will b alot worse
alright i didnt mean anything bad by it let us just be peaceful ^-^
Sure, let's!  Err....... ZACK!!! Is it true that you look like the guy in that underwater picture????  (Gaara: Sheesh, Laiyo, you're scaring people!  Laiyo: But I just wanna knooooooow! TToTT)
...looks like you guys made more enimies...oh "joy"  ...Just make sure you clean up the blood and guts from your fallen enimies you guys (Laiyo, Yukari, Clarad)! It's really gross and smelleh! >:p
 what? i dont remember any underwear picture
Hey Pheonix! *waves hand wildly* What's up. i haven't talk to you in ages
UnderWATER picture, Zack. ^^; UnderW-A-T-E-R! Not underWEAR... (Gosh, when I was typing that for some reason I'd /thought/ someone would think it's underwear...) Lolz.
WHAT  ppl are talking about me????? UNDERWEAR  I want to see Zack's underwear ...  ... j/k
I think you messed the point D and I got another hate letter from that girl/boy. This is wht I wrote: You spell it wrong. It's suppose to be shut the hell up but you put shout the hell up. If your going to insult omeone don't make mistakes other wise their just going to make fun you
what did he spell worng ..... which word .. poor you *hugs*
He spell 'shut' wrong but he's just a pain in the butt trying to be so cool when he's making simple spell mistakes
hahaha ... I think I know who he is .. but not sure .... maybe an old anime friend from my old school or the girl who hates me in my new school ,,,,, but I think it's the guy  why do ppl hate me
Hahaha make fun of his spelling mistakes! xD It makes them sooooo pissed it's funny. ^^ Awww poor you, D... *pats* (lmao Zack's underwear..... x3 The things we talk about here. >.o Sooooorry Zack! >o<)
I don't know but he thinks your Denyse
why does he hate you? and lol Laiyo yes it really did pissed him off so now he hates me and D. Ain't it great!!!?
am glad he cant comment on here yet ...... and I dont remember why he hates me ... why do these things happen to me  what is so great about ppl hating me  DEVON
he's mad that I know his name. ROTFL but don't worry I'm taking care of it. I told to go to an anger mangement program and tune down his anger a lot
lol ..... YAY Don-kari my protactor ............ and what does rotfl mean
it mean "roll on the floor laughing" and it's fun making him go haome crying yo his mommy
lol  he really is a jerk ... we went to school together everyday untill something happened and i think thats why he hates
oh Well he plans to make your life a living hell but i wrned him that if he comments on here that he'll no only me fighting him but another 5 people too and i don't see the link laiyo-nee
YAY *hugs* ............ and what video is it Layio
Real Ninjas at youtube *points up at previous message* I'd post the link, but the stupid thing won't let me arrgh!
*hugs back* No prob. You like sis to me and i won't let you go into battle alone
you have to put spaces ... than it works ^_^ and thanks DON _KARI
NP D-nee
h t t p : / / w w w . y o u t u b e . c o m / w a t c h ? v = q e 8 U D S d k D I U & s e a r c h = r e a l % 2 0 n i n j a There. Watch it. Now! xD No seriously, you'll love it, it's awesome! x3
YAY .... and my net bf is on ....... EVERYTHING IS GREAT TODAY
ok i go watch
me too
it won't load for me
I saw it ... before on Mel'nee page .... VERY FUNNY
Yay I'll join your battle  And that's too bad Yukari-san  The video was sooo funny.
my battle with devon  LOL its was sooo funny . I love when gai sings that he doesnt wear underwear
I think I've seen it once but yes do join the battle it should be fun. Devon get mad real easliy
I know ... he onced almost punched me .... but lucky for me that he just pushed me ... what a jerk
I hope you punch/kicked/knee/elbowed him back
Lol, the part with gai and no underwear WAS funny  And the part with Gaara and the Sandman song... lmao. Oooh, that Devon sounds like a creep... >_O Once a guy was threatening to punch me (he actually hit me), but I started going on about how weak he was, hitting girls, and that he probably had no guts to pick on anyone strong than him and calling him spaghetti-arms and stuff like that. You should've seen how quickly he got away. ^^
lol Well, maybe that's whats he made at you for. And why did he punch you nd lol Laiyo-nee. Once some guy in in like preschool ue to kick me everyday and day. I was so mad. i threw him to the ground by his ears and punched the crap out of him and the teachers were right in front of us and all they did was turn their back on us
who are you asking me or layio ..... well me and Devon were in another fight about him and his attiude and he was so pissed that he was about to punch me when I just kicked ... didnt know untill after that I kicked him in the balls ..... no it's not this ... I think he was kicked out of school because of me maybe thats why he was mad at me .. WAY TO GO DON_KARI and that was funny Layio
Oh, I don't remember... He was just being an annoying jerk, and he thought that I'd be easy to pick on... (I sorta look like I'm easy to pick on. ;^^) Let's see, what was the total amount of abuse that he got subjected to while -trying- to bully me... Well, there was lots of verbal abuse (once in front of a girl he liked, who found it hilarious and laughed at him so much), and once I hit him on the haed with a guitar. ^_^ He was scared of me after that. ^___^
YAY LAYIO ........ that girl was a loser and that guy was a jerk .  HOW DARE PPL PICK ON OTHER PPL  makes me so mad to hear that , I hope you guys are alright after the fight
lol i would have loved to see that and help out with both the vurbal and phiscal abuse
huh? what do you mean Don-kari
Hahaha, yeah, that would be lots of fun. ^_^ Later, he threw one of my books to the floor (thought I wasn't looking) Little did he know that I was right behind him! When he saw me, he started running away across the tabletops (literally). That was hilarious! And which girl are you talking about, D?
the girl who laughed at you when the guy was making fun of you ,,,,, that girl
Lol Laiyo-nee. Very funny ROTFL
what does rotfl mean
Sorry it ment ROTFL wtich means "roll on the floor laughing"
That girl was laughing at the guy when I was making fun of HIM, not the other way around. ^^ We're sort of friends. And ROFL means Roll On Floor Laughing (with The, or without  )
THANKS GUYS FOR EXPLAINING IT TO ME *hugs both of them* and sorry I missunderstood .... and I was bulling a lot in school by lots of kids but I never did anything about it  still dont ... but sometimes I became another person who has such huge anger in side of me that brows up in someone's face ....  but it wont for you guys
Point out the bullys and I'll take care of them for you D-nee
thanks Kari-nee  but that when I was a kid and you the same age as me .... wow and you so much braver than me
Aw well thanks. i just don't put up with people giving me crap and walking away without something bad happening to them
awww ..... not like me .. I can never stand up for me or for me friends and I feel bad about it
Sorry it's taken me a while to answr I had to go to Taijutsu class but don't worry D-nee. Like the others say I'm very loyal that's why a lot of people say my animal is the wolf nd I do love wolves but that's not the point. The point is that I'll never let you down or don't intechly
that rele doesnt make sense but ok, i can understand watch ur tryin 2 say with my pyromaniac princess translator book
Erm.... I never said anything about hating Harry... *shifty eyes* I think that it will be Snape that dies. And Voldemort... It would really make no sense to kill of Harry, HE IS THE MAIN CHARACTER DAMMIT! I HATE IT WHEN PEOPLE KILL OFF THE MAIN CHARACTER unless the character gets on my nerves, but Harry doesn't get on my nerves!!!!! XO I'VE HAD IT WITH BLOODY TRAGEDIES!!! *runs around aimlessly with a giant axe*
*moves out of way* Well, I also never said that h8 Harry! Laiyo stop swinging that axe. You'll hurt yourself. *doesn't care about the people Laiyo has already cut* *takes axe away*
HARRY POTTER SUCKS ..... sorry couldnt help myself to yell ... I just like it
Laiyo here is the bastard that is bothering our sister D-nee 8gives back axe* Go get him
WHY NOT YOU ...... YOU NEED TO GET A LIFE ..... AND NOT MINE ... I cant believe you would follow me this far to make my life hell  my friends will protact me from guys from you ... JERK
You're the problem Devon just leave her alone and I'll let you wlk away with your life
hey we could just ignore him and go along with our usually day
Can we please stop the fighting  clarad002 leave Clarad001 alone!  I hate to fight but this is just stupid!
I HATE YOU DEVON ..... and how are you Kari-nee ? am I was doing fine until someone showed up and ruined it ..... anyways *sighs* I LOVE YOU KAKASHI
Konichiwa! Mina-san!
lol The same D-nee as always and Hi Nee-chan I haven't talked to you in a while so what's up?
Gas prices.
 lol gass prices
Yes they have been going up
So much bloodshed on this page.
forget about him ..... so Gisele 17 we have never meet until now ......... HI AM D
Hi D!
D this is my sister Nee-chan
BTW I wont be here next week.
Where are you going Nee-chan?
awwwwwww *hugs* hey do you want to be friends Gisele-chan
YAY! NEW FRIEND!  I'm going to 4-H camp.
YAY ... lets do the new friend dance *starts to dance * AM TOO SEXY .... oops worng song .... *chances song* HAPPY NEW FRIEND
 Yay the new friend dance!
Yay and I hope you have a good time at $-H camp
It's on an island! YAY I'll be surrounded by water!
YAY WATER YAY ...........
Sun, surf, and water park! YYYYAAAAYYYY!!!!
YAY .... am so jelling ..... aww I want to
Crap. Sorry I gotta go. I have to go to Atlanta.
... i live close to that ocean ...... YAY ..... and I hope you have a good time ^_^
Hey is jekyl island because if it is I've been there to the 4-H camp
Yes it is jekyll... What year did you go?
I went this year! that is so funny!!!!
Did you go to DPA?
It's a 4-H thing it happened this past March.
Yes I was there this past march! It was fun!
What was your project?
4-H? ............
I love it!
ok .......  ......... ok
i loved it too and the volentriers tooks us around the island it was very much fun
Did you go to DPA March 3rd - 5th?
I think 5th I'm not sure can't remeber
What was your project? I did performing arts vocal. singing ^_^
Huh what do you mean I went on a fuild trip there for school
School? DPA is a weekend event.
*comes out of the room, cleaning axe of blood* Well, that did it. ^_^ *closes the door, behind which is a body of Devon* Bwahaha. >x3
I'll help you get rid of the body!
Ican help just feed it to my pet man eatting plant! It's hungry!
 well 3 guesses who this new clarad002 reminds me of, but u will only need 1
Konichiwa! Mina-san! ^_^
Hey Nee-chan! What's up?
My caffeine levels!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Yukari *waves and jumps up and down* Sorry i've been gone, But i'm just to busy with my art and being lazeh that i don't come here often! ^__^;; Suuuuu, um...Pudding anyone? *holds out a tray of chocolate pudding*
Yeah pudding *jumps up and down* I want some1111
........ -_- AM HERE ............ and pudding ie bad for anyones health
So I don't care it be pudding
What's up with you Clarad? Swearing ususally isn't your thing...right? O.o. And also...DO NOT DIS THE PUDDING!! THE PUDDING IS AWSOME! TTOTT
I didnt ....... and pudding is cute
Pudding is...cute? Oh...kay.♥
I LOVE when ppl pud ... SO CUTE.>.<
Hey peeps. What cha been doin? *eats bowl of pudding*
CAN I have some of that Kari-nee
Here you go *gives a bowl of pudding to D-nee*
Anyone who insults pudding must die!
Please don't kill D-nee, Nee-chan
Fine! I'm on a sugar rush so I'm in a good mood.
sugar rush......
Well, suger rushes are always good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yup Yup and HI NF!!!!!!!!!
It's great to be 13.
Yup Yup even if I'm turning 14 soon
Really when's your b-day?
It's the 20th of september
I share my b-day with Naruto. 10/10
same b-day with naruto
is okay but my friends think I'm the girl version of Naruto.
Kool NF
I don't luv ramen enough 2b Naruto.
I like ramen but not like Naruto
I had a bad ramen experience so I like it less now.
lol What happen Nee-chan?
I went to this asian place with my friend. I ordered ramen she ordered LIVE SQID! AND SHE ATE IT! I waited till she ate it all and told her they could kill her.
WHY is it ... that i leave for 5 secs and everyone cames back ... it's like you guys dont want to talk to me
lol So you don't like ramen as much now! and I would have done the same thing sis. So what did you do for 4th of july?
Gomen. Here have some pudding.  i pushed my boyfriend off the boat and sped away. ^_^
Gomen D-nee1 Can I have some more pudding I just got done with my 15th bowl and lol. I sat at a braves game and it started to rain I mean rain like cats and dogs no it rained harder that cats and dogs! I was completely soaked and I had a white shirt on so you could so like see through it and it was cold too. And the wind was blowing so hard
15th bowl?
Damn that sucks.
Yup yup 15th and now going on to 16th!!!!!!!! and yeah it did and I didn't even get to see the frieworks *pouts* That was why I went to the game in the first place
no one listens to me  ........ *pass another bowl of pudding* I LOVE RAMEN  and KAKASHI
Who doesn't love kakashi?!
im listening
*passes another bowl to D* we should like revolt or something!! *get's 17th bowl of pudding* P.S. I eat when I'm upset
Me too! Browniees, cupcakes, cake, candy, and ICE CREAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
why are you upset, kari-chan?
1: 4th of july and 2: I'm reading fruits baskets and it's really really sad1111 *crys*
I LUV (...)
oh well I LUV Kyo and he's going to be locked up!!!!!! I hate Akito!!!! Did you know that Akito was a girl?
Yes damn Akito! I wish he/she would pick a gender already.
I hate Akito for locking up Kyo and hurting Rin. Rin is my secon fav. charater and tuuro reminds me of me! but I HATE Akito!!!! She should really pick a gender
Akito iza hoe!
Yup Yup so why do you LUV Yuki?
He's more open about his feelings ^_^
Well, I like Kyo because he trys to act tough on the outside but is really kind on the inside and I like the cat too and I like to way he dresses and he's cute too
True. I think Shigure is hilarious.
yes he is hilarious!!! I like Uo-chan too
U don't mess with Uo. She'll use her lead pipe to kick ass!
Yup Yup, she a yaukee thug
I have 2 leave. i need sleep.
oh Ok, Nee-chan I'll talk to you a later
u 2 r like the only harry potter fans i know
hey what Kari???
just whated to say hey and I'm leaving soon
We r all leaving schl so sssssssaaaaaaddddddd
yup going to college
Peace to everyone. ^_^
You guys are going college? ZOMG, you`re old!!!♥ Your mom goes to college!!!
xcuse me but i am not old If u live in the UK u leave school wen ur 16 or 17 and then u either go work or college!
Yeah, and? I`ll be leaving school when 17 too, and I live in the U.S.
I going to college in 1-2 yrs ... hehehe I CANT WAIT
so wat we r older then u, guess wat...it happens!
yup ... lots of ppl are old in this site ... the older I meet is ...... the same age as me hehe so deal with it .... there will be older ppl always
Yeah but u culd be more nicer and she/he is sounded as if she thought we wer ancient "ZOMG, you`re old!!"
i know, and it woz like there woz a problem us bein older
i know.
ok i think daisy_chainsaw gets the idea now ^-^
I maybe 13 but truning 14 this september but a lot of people think I'm older because the way I act
hmmm....anyways! Sakura kicks ass in this picture for sure!
Hmm, you guys are right. I should respect my elders. *giggles and sticks out tongue*
Don't stick out your tongue unless you want it cut off. These are my friends and I think you shoud taken this surously
In all seriousness, no one is actually going to cut my tongue off.♥
you never know
No. Really. No one will.
Like i said "you never know" and you really didn't have to be so rudw to them. I say that you're old when you hit the mid 50's not 16-17 years of age.
Chillax. I was just being giddy. But if they`re going to take it that seriously, then they truly are old at heart.
No their not. D for matter. I look after her. She is less mature then me. No offense D
YAY D IS UNMATURE YAY ... * runs around like a nut* @_@
And you're completely werid
I feel very young... I am only thirteen years old. And some of you people are going to college, oh well...
yea... wonder how its lyk... going to college..
YAY COLLEGE YAY ......... you dont want to know .. it's all about pressure to get in ... and it depresses ppl and you make emenies and your friends became your lost ... you lose everything and gain a new life ... -_-`
How depressing... -_-'''. As if things weren't already depressing.
am sorry if am making you more depressed ^_^ cheer up .. after that I think it gets better ^_^
What's wrong, Mila? and I'm 13 too almost 14.
Ah, well I'm turning 14 next year. I just feel young when most of the people at this site are around 16.
Yeah but I don't really care
Maybe I shouldn't care either. Most people are nice anyway.
You may look older D but you really are a kid
Like me said I'm more mature but it's needed. If not for me you all would be in a fight in every album or at least J would be
I know ... thats why we all love you *big grin*
And I love you all too
*hugs* amage the the mess of you werent here hehe
*hugs back* I don't think I want to. Wait to late *winces* It isn't a pretty site
Haha I love you people. And you are only as old as you feel.
Yup yup and i feel like a 10 year old for some reason
YAY THAN AM 10 .............. YAY *runs around and trip over * ouch
i agree with Mila
I feel older for some reason.
i feel like im older than myself
you and Mila -chan
-_-" -________-
maahahahahhhhaha @_@
youre laughing that way again, nee-chan
sorry couldnt help myself
D-nee you fell down *turns into mother mode* Do I need to get the badages again?
what's wrong, NF?
YES WHATS WRONG ... and my knee hurts Kari-nee
... bandages.... again?
Now Now no need to cry. Let me see you knee and yeah again. She use to keep hitting her head on her desk and her head started to bleed so I had to bandage her head and like you send before D-nee if i wernt here you would be dead
poor nee-chan
I think so ......... thank you Kari-nee  it hurts
it'll be ok. *weeps tears away* Ok just let me out a bandage on here and youu'll be as good as new *puts bandage on and kisses it* ok how does it feel?
NP I just like to take care of my little sister *ruffles hair*
hehehe ..... thats funny because am older ..... am short so I can get away with this hehehe
i was about to say the same thing (about being older)
lol But you at like a younger sister so I think you as a younger sister
wow (pls dont ask why i said that)
Wow you guys talk so much, aww so fast. I can't keep up.
It's because there are three people talk
nee-chan....... -_-'
Anyway aww the talking stopped. Btw what's going on?
D-nee was running around and fell and hurt her knee and then I came to the recuse and bandaged up D-nee's knee
Aww poor D. I hope your knee is ok.
It should be. I did bandage it up
Yay good.
So how has everyone been?
I'm back from Jekyll Island!  Green Crew represent!!
OW it took me like...A WHOLE 5 MINUTES JUST 2 GET 2 THE BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE....  im ok now...
sakura is actually beating someone up?
Has anyone else noticed that there's more comments on the Sakura pictures than ANYWHERE ELSE ON THE SITE??? o_________O
I have noticed that too ..... WEIRD .......... *runs around *  it's the end of the WORLD
I haven't haha, but it seems the Naruto pictures have the most comments.
i think all three have alot of comments ( sasuke, naruto , sakura )
I don't think Naruto has as much as Kakashi... but then again I haven't checked that much.
yeah i forgot about kakashi..
nice kick and i thought i'd never get to write my comment
WHOA.  ...2...MANY...COMMENTS...geez why so many comments?
i feel srry for that guy
*sigh* i feel as if im going through physicall and mentall deppresion and i need 2 get the hell out of here as far away as possible...2 japan....boy my head hurts...dizzy...*faint*
HotGimmick shut up. SAKURA KICKS A$$!!! WOOT WOOT!! DO THAT 2 INO IN THE CHUNIN EXAMS!! *ties with her* ...never mind... WHO HATES INO TOO??
Sakura rules when she fights!Which is not often.Its ok!
right! well, @ the beggining she doesnt fight in missions, but shes still really smart and has A+++ chakra control! Then after the fight with the sound ninja, she REALLY KICKS A$$!! and ino sux all the way through until she becomes less of a bi@tch
i hated sakura in the begging, the middles she was ok, no she's a pretty good charecter, since sasuke's gone.she pays more attencion to naruto-kun now!
ya know this is from the episode when they were at the land of waves.those were good episodes but i am now on episode 162  :roll:and in the more early episodes sakura will be as strong as Tsunade(fifth hokage)she will be able to transform her chakra to strength in her arms.thats insane strength!o,and she will be a medic ninja,she will be able to concentrate her chakra to her hand and be able to heal people!  i can't believe i explained all this in one explanation1
o.O ...YOU GUYS HAVE ALOT TO SAY LOL..wow..i skipped most of it  but what i did read was funny. Yosh Sakura does kick ass when she's fighting I must say...if youve read the manga she kicks sasori's ass near the end o.O..but chaknow not goin into detail there...-coughcough- yeah this is funny
Nice one!
i dont HATE sakura its just she does nothin
im w/ u sdd
was she being sexually harrassed in this pic?(well,there goes my theory of her being a prostitute)
ADD ME TO YOUR MSN MY E-MAIL ADDRESS IS.... [email protected]
it tood an hour to scroll to bottom
i agree! it took forever! now there nothing to comment about....besides that....
Hehe... I like potatoes...
that guy must be thinking..oh man i got pawned by a girl??
go sakura!
um wth y r ppl that hate sakura looking at pics of her?! shes so awesome everyone that hates her get a life and fuck urself
That's a neat image you have there http://www.gorgeousanime.com
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