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i vote for naruto_sakura00041.jpg
is that a little boy or girl--i havent watched the show
no that is a boy or girl that asked sakura for food
exacltly. aw i feel so bad for the kid. u can hve my ipod. ok that was over doing it.
Shes not going to give you a kiss so back off.
it's a girl. And Sakura is so sweet
little boy/girl: ahh my eyes they burn because your so ugly sakura: your right im ugly and i suck too oh and if you dont leave my suckienes will rub off on you and your face will look like a trolls just like mine.
thats NOT inari. that is some little kid that sakura meets while she is escorting tazuna to his house, back from the store. the little boy has no home or food or anything, so sakura gives him some carrots.
i thought she was telling the kid off it realy does look like it lol ooops my mistake
look at her!about beat up little kid,but then again it's not like she COULD
POOR CHILD....... Sakaru can be mean sometimes when she clueless
i think she thought anotha man woz touchin her arse, just mayb
Sakura thought that they were a pervert and she was going to let him have it, but then she realized that it was just a really poor kid trying to get some money/food from her because they didn't have any.
YA know what i wish i can go into da tv so i can beat her ass,shes soo mean,poor boy
thats a girl.At least she got foood!!
it is not the bridge builders grandson omg omg his grandson is way different and its a girl
She tugged on Sakura's dress from her butt and she thought it was another perv. But she just wanted food.
That little girl looks scared. why? I haven't seen this episode
That's a neat image you have there http://www.gorgeousanime.com
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