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I hope you're not throwing them at me Kakashi. I know I've refrained from giving you any really lavish kisses recently, because of your condition, but I'm only doing it for your own good. It's not that I don't WANT to, 'cause I do!
Kakashi thinking: When will I be off these freakin' crutches?
K B K I think he is trying to kill you... Look at the way he climb up the tree to avoid you.....*Climbs up the tree and joins kakashi*
KG that's stupid...why would he kill KBK when it clearly says he like KBK more than the rest of his crazy physcotic fangirls...(besides he's throwing them to naruto,sasuke, and sakura for them to use)
I just like him, I don't love him... KBK would have the best chance of having him as a boy-friend then ALL of us like what AEK said...
Hhhh... that's a nice thought... *daydreams* hhhh!
What about the other dude? (Man in background: Hey, Reb!)
(thinks: Why does everyone seem to know my name all of a sudden?)
it's... you know (starts with an "s", you are after him now)
Nah.... Shikamaru's too young for me. Plus, I love Kakashi-kun! <3
Kay you know what??? KBK does not have a better chance than me...We both are the same and we have more chance than you'll ever have so why don' t you just shut up before you get on my nerves???!! Or before Kakashi gets pissed at you and decides to use his jutsu on you.
Wait when its his chakra that wore out why doeshe need crutches he didn't hurt his legs did he???????
No, I think he only used them to help him climb the tree... Naruto and Sasuke don't use them because they climb at a running start, but Kakashi didn't run, so he needed SOME support, I guess...
Well he is fine if he could walk he could run he didn't hurt his legs so why couldn't he run. He can run faster than almost anyone iv'e seen so.....
Well, he could do it really-really fast, but then the others wouldn't be able to follow/understand what he did (especially Naruto, no offence to him. ^^'). Remember the point was to show them how and what they were supposed to do.
MMmmm thank you KS for changing the subject.
lol i like pretzels... er i mean... i like Kakashi
Sexy..talented..perfection...*muches on pretzel* I DON'T MEAN THE PRETZEL..
That's Kakashi trying out for House Of Flying Daggers... they turned him down because his hair was too big.
Tip 4 u KBK, Duck( Or just take all sharp objects away from him )
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