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He's so cool and he's upside down... ineresting *evil thoughts*
Don't worry Kakashi... In you're current condition, I might have to step in to stop these girls doing you any real harm.... not that I don't have those evil thoughts ALL THE TIME, but I love you too much to risk hurting you in your current state. When you're better, Kakashi, when you're better...
he should get down before all his blood is down in his head
Awww...he looks so adorable. I just want to pull down his mask and kiss him....-ugh-that just reminded me of spiderman...
i agree with K M R S kakashi u should get down before blood rushes to your head..(happened to me once...i passed out...) be careful kakshi!!!! u look bored...so i was thinking after u get off the tree will u go with me for some ramen???
Kakashi: -has a big headache-
OK, get down here right now! You, my love, are going to bed!
Yes you are! Going to bed...with me that is.
Kakashi: sure, AEK, sounds good, how about around 3:00pm? is that a good time?
Kakashi: KG, u must know that my mask must stay, but if u really want to pull it down, let's go inside, ok? i don't want everyone to see what i really look like......
@_@ *faints and turns sweaty* .......(thank you KS!!!<3) Of course Kakashi...*follows him inside* @_@.....
(no problem, we all luv him ya know! *smiles*) Kakashi: *walks inside and sits down, and waits for KG*
-runs inside-
Kakashi: yeah i do this regularly, dnt mind me
@_@ Kakakshi!! *runs towards him and hugs him* *lifts up and ..and..pulls his mask down...to see another one..* Waaa...Kakashi..
u will neva beat the mask of kakashi!
Thats my sexy Kakashi!
*Jumps up, grabs Kakashi's hair, and swings* Weeee!
Blood rushin 2 hed...
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