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i think shino is holding him in this one.
shikaluver:  shino-kun...kibaluver:why do you keep on blushing everytime you see (...) it might also be hinata
That is most definitely Shino's coat.
akamaru is so cuute! i want a cute doggie that can fight tooooo! my doggie can't fight!!! no fair! -pouts-
That is not Shino it's a nurseguy person healing Akamaru because Naruto beat Kiba and Akamaru up in the Chunin Exam. I saw the Episode.
I hate that episode soooooo much!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All bcaz of that stupid fart!!!!!!!!!!!! If Naruto wasn't stupid, and unhygenetic, then Kiba would of kicked Naruto's ASS!!!!!!!! but he did fart, and he is unhygenetic, so kiba lost.......;.;
I dissagree with you KibasOneAndOnly, cuz the fart rocked!!! I mean can you come up with a more creative way to beat someone!! I mean come on every one farts!
hinata has a blue out fit anyways
actually...i think this is when the team shikamaru, naruto , chouji kiba and neji come back from there mission and kibas sister is healing akamaru
ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? Kiba looses to Naruto because of a FART??? And why beat up akamaru? I mean, who beats up a puppy  ?
Akamaru's too old to be a puppy. He's 7 year's old, that's like 43 in dog years.
oh...but still! a small dog nonetheless.
Naruto doesn't beat up Akamaru. Kiba accidently hit Akamaru thinking he was Naruto.
wth...? sry this epi doesnt air till saturday for me
w/e well i just want to hold akamaru like that and cuddle him
Shino is a fagmuffin. I hate him. He's creepy and buggish.
_ _* DONT MAKE FUN OF SHINO. (he is cute...inhis wn creepy way.  )
But he is a fagmuffin. He's probably plotting about feeding Akamaru to his freaky bugs or something. I think he's gay. Don't ask me why, I have my reasons. Gay or emo.
aww..poor little Akamaru,i wish Naruto didn't trick Kiba into hurting Akamaru,also zaku'slover if Akamaru is 7 then in dog years he's 49 not 43!besides he's 3yrs old and in dog years that's 21.
Uh... well: 1st It IS a nurseguy person - I am quite sure because I just saw this episode and I was thrilled to see they also care for Akamaru. 2nd Actually, the first year of a dog counts 5 human years, the second one 6 human years, all the others 7. But I want to mention that there are many different opinions about this theme.
Ahhhh! How sweet.
cmon people! of course its not shino! kiba cant risk akamaru getting fleas!.....SHINO IS EVIL!!!! EVIL EVIL EVIL EVIL EVIL!!!!
hey Akamaru_shampoo shino is not EVIL hes awsome and hot no jokes
what what the heck is goin on every body actually seems peacefuller than most kiba pics ive been too
eeeeeeewwwwwww!!! shino is the sickest person to ever ezist!! i hop he burns in h***!!hes a creep and a sicko!! EVIL man, the boy is pure EVIL!! EVIL i say, EVIL!! im srry people,i hust hate shino soooo much! that sicko,probably plannin to do sumthin to the poor dog. disugsting little pig.
 how could you something like that to KIBA WAAAAAAAA  oh Shino yeah he can go ta hell
no, i meant shino!!i h8 him sooo much hes a creeper,buddy. and i would never say anything like that to kiba!!if i did, i would kill mi self.
good *sighs* I haven't seen your gallery in a while haven't I?
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