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Kiba rocks, my second favorite character.
run dude run
I dont know why I like him so much. He's only in for like, 3 episodes of the anime and the Chuunin exams of the Manga...IT MUST BE TRUE LOVE.
didn't your mother tell u not to run w/ kunai?
mrs inuzuka, what are you talking about? hes in a lot of episodes!! anyway, I LOVE KIBA HE IS SO CUTE!! ANYONE THAT GOES NEAR HIM (besides me) SHALL FACE THE WRATH OF.........uhh.... THE AGGRESSIVE RHUBARB!! do i make myself clear?
yes u do make yourself clear,clearly u r on idiot, Akamaru_shampoo
yo leave akashampoo be but what the hell u cant kill me i can near kiba if i want u cant stop me yeah oneandonly aint here do the shika shake
yes! im an idiot and im proud! but i never said ud be killed, i just said ud face the wrath of the aggresive rhubarb(which is now the tempermental message chair by the way)..
run,buddy run!! and i can go near kiba too!!so nnnnaaaahhhh  wat is he runnin from,any way?
*Kiba* Run, Run as fast as you can, you can't catch me I'm the gingerbread man!Mwa-ha-ha-ha-haaaa!
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