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Album name:Momochi Zabuza
Rating (8 votes):
File Size:45 KB
Dimensions:640 x 480 pixels
Displayed:13893 times
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Laiyo [Feb 15, 2006 at 08:19 PM]
Jump Zabuza!!! xD *cheers* ILOVEYOU!! ♥♥♥
Konoha's_Phoenix [Apr 04, 2006 at 11:24 AM]
AHHHHHHHHHHH!! KAKASHI-KUN!! nuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!
Laiyo [Apr 04, 2006 at 07:02 PM]
YEAH!! ZABUZA-KUN! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Konoha's_Phoenix [Apr 04, 2006 at 09:38 PM]
o_O wow! how'd you get those hearts?
Laiyo [Apr 06, 2006 at 09:48 PM]
& h e a r t s ; (without spaces) will make a heart! Like this: I ♥ Zabuza-kun. ^_^ Or like this: Phoenix-san ♥ Kakashi-san. ^^ Lol.
Konoha's_Phoenix [Apr 07, 2006 at 08:05 AM]
YAAAAAAAAY!!! I ♥ Kakashi-kun! ♥ ♥ ♥ ^__^ ! How did you figure this out Laiyo-san? O.O You must be magic!!
shamangirl_123 [Apr 07, 2006 at 04:59 PM]
waaaaaaaaahh!i cant make the hearts.waaaaaaaahhh!somone teach me
Laiyo [Apr 07, 2006 at 06:22 PM]
Yesh, Phoenix-san!! I -AM- magic!! Very Happy Ahh, the magic of true love ♥... Lmao J/K Heh, I can also do this: ♠ Or this: ♣ lol! And shamangirl_123, you just have to type & h e a r t s ; without spaces. ^^;
Konoha's_Phoenix [Apr 07, 2006 at 07:12 PM]
WAHHHHHH!! TToTT more Laiyo-san magic!! Teach me teach me teach meeeeeee!!
Laiyo [Apr 07, 2006 at 10:51 PM]
Lolz! For the ♠ sign: & s p a d e s ; For the ♣ thingy: & c l u b s ; There you go! ^_^ ♥♠♣ Magiiiic! xD *explodes a confetti firework*
MilaOftheDesert [Apr 07, 2006 at 11:35 PM]
Awesome I ♥ you Laiyo ^^ lol
shamangirl_123 [Apr 07, 2006 at 11:41 PM]
lemme try:♥
Konoha's_Phoenix [Apr 08, 2006 at 07:48 AM]
YAAAAAAY!! thank you Laiyo-san *bows*. Oh, but i know how to do this :p ! It looks alot better then the emoticon and the bottom! I use it alot :p
Laiyo [Apr 08, 2006 at 10:47 PM]
Welcome, welcome! Very Happy Heh, I like these: :3 x3 and this: >x-D Lol. And lol Mila! xD *huggles*
MilaOftheDesert [Apr 08, 2006 at 10:56 PM]
Wheee! Yay I love smilies. x] This place makes me feel all fuzzy inside, so much love and smilies. xDDDD
Laiyo [Apr 08, 2006 at 11:13 PM]
Awww. x3 ♥ Yup, love. ^_^ And cards!! xD ♣ ♠ ♣ ♠
MilaOftheDesert [Apr 08, 2006 at 11:33 PM]
Yay cards make me feel loved. xD
Konoha's_Phoenix [Apr 09, 2006 at 09:33 AM]
o_O tHEY DO? oh well, I feel loved to! Yeah! I want to do the happy dance now! Phoenix: Kakashi, will you join me? ^-^ Kakashi: What the heck, sure i'll join you *joins Phoenix in the happy dance* Very Happy
Laiyo [Apr 09, 2006 at 08:12 PM]
xDDD LMAO I just imagined Kakashi doing the happy dance... xD It looked kinda cute, actually. ^^ CHIBI KAKASHI-SAN!! xD *imagines chibi-Kakashi doing the happy dance, then trying to pull a scowling chibi-Zabuza into the happy dance* x333 ...AWWWWW!!!! Embarassed
Konoha's_Phoenix [Apr 09, 2006 at 10:15 PM]
Laughing Lol! YAAAAAAY!! happy dance! (Chibi-style Cool )
MilaOftheDesert [Apr 10, 2006 at 12:17 AM]
Yay I wanna be a chibi and do the happy dance!
shamangirl_123 [Apr 10, 2006 at 02:34 PM]
can i join?
Konoha's_Phoenix [Apr 10, 2006 at 04:20 PM]
Ofcourse! Jump in! Very Happy all are welcome to the happy dance!(chibi style Cool )
MilaOftheDesert [Apr 10, 2006 at 10:28 PM]
Wheee! Imma chibi x3
shamangirl_123 [Apr 11, 2006 at 03:10 PM]
yaaaaaaay!chibi mode time! *turns into an old hag*........opps......ok 4 real!chibi mode!*turned into an old hag agian*.....ok......chibi mode on!and for real this time.*turns into chibi naruto*oh well it's the best i can lets dance! XD
Laiyo [Apr 11, 2006 at 06:36 PM]
Yaaay! *turns to chibi too and helps chibi-Kakashi drag the chibi-Zabuza into the dance* *reaches out and pulls a chibi-Gaara out of thin air* Chibi-Gaara: (in a chibi voice) Nuuuu you got me again Laiyo!! Waaah! *struggle-struggle*
Konoha's_Phoenix [Apr 11, 2006 at 06:43 PM]
Yay! *Turns chibi and runs out of picture and returns with chibi Haku and bunny* YAAAAAY Now it's a party XD
Laiyo [Apr 12, 2006 at 06:21 PM]
*tackle-hugs the chibi-Haku and bunny* Yaaay! Very Happy *turns off lights, brings cake and explodes fifteen confetti fireworks* Wheeeee! xD
MilaOftheDesert [Apr 12, 2006 at 09:04 PM]
Ooohhh pretty fireworks O.O Wheee! Cake! x3
Konoha's_Phoenix [Apr 12, 2006 at 09:36 PM]
I'm confuzzled....who's birthday is it o_O?
MilaOftheDesert [Apr 12, 2006 at 10:05 PM]
The chibi happy dance! It celebrates its first birthday today! xD
Laiyo [Apr 13, 2006 at 08:18 PM]
Yaaay! xD *stuffs self with cake* *sees a pouting Gaara nearby* *stuffs self AND Gaara with cake*
shamangirl_123 [Apr 13, 2006 at 10:41 PM]
yaaaaaay!*still in chibi mode*cake cake!*goes over to cake,trips over somthing and landed face first in the cake*cake face cake face!*turns into chibi itachi for some reason*no!turn back into chibi Naruto!CHIBI NO JUSTU!*turns into old hag* -_-;try agian.CHIBI NO JUSTU!*turns into chibi naruto agian*yaaaaaay!*trips and falls in cake agian*
Konoha's_Phoenix [Apr 14, 2006 at 07:19 PM]
YAAAAAAY CAKE!!! *looks at Kakashi with a hint of evilness in her eyes* Hey Kakashi.....want some cake^-^ (hint,hint*mask) Kakashi:uhhhh no i'm good! ^__^; Phoenix:(CRAP!!) oooookay then (later i'll try icecream! no one can resist that!) Very Happy
shamangirl_123 [Apr 14, 2006 at 10:41 PM]
anko:ok you chibis!time for ice cream! chibis:yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!ice cream ice cream!!!!*everyone runs to anko* anko:ok,ok u chibis one bowl for everyone! me:*walks and trips and spills ice cream bowl*sniff...sniff... Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad gaara:.........u can share mine..... me:yaaaaay!thank u gaara-kun! gaara: Embarassed
MilaOftheDesert [Apr 15, 2006 at 01:27 AM]
Me: HELLO PEOPLE! I got chibi Neji to join us. ^^ Neji:... Me: -.- Neji don't be such a party pooper today. *throws ice cream in his face* xD Lighten up! Very Happy
Konoha's_Phoenix [Apr 15, 2006 at 12:17 PM]
^o^YAY ICE CREAM!! (Perfect, shamangirl you rock!)*grins evilly* Hey Kakashiiiiii! want some icecream Kakashi: What? Shocked NOOO!! I mean uhhhhh, no thanks *looks away quicly* Phoenix:*Tranports infront of Kakashi* C'mon, Ya know you want toooo! Kakashi:*is imobalized* N....noooo i don't! (Crap I'm, Losing.......powerrrr! must resist icecream!)
MilaOftheDesert [Apr 15, 2006 at 04:09 PM]
Me: *is stuffing ice-cream into Neji's face* ^^ Having fun yet? Neji: NO! Are you tryin to kill me?!?! Me: *meep* No... Sad I just wanted you to be happy... Crying or Very sad Neji: Oh no! I'm sorry fine I'll have fun *eats some icecream* See? Fun. Me: Yay! Neji you're having fun *huggles Neji* x3
Laiyo [Apr 15, 2006 at 08:18 PM]
*Meanwhile chibi-Laiyo and chibi-Zabuza are sitting quietly on a tree branch, trying to eat ice-cream out of a bowl* *chibi-Naruto comes up and sees them* chibi-Naruto: Well, you know how the song goes: 'Laiyo and Zabuza sitting on a tree, F-U-C--..." *gets ice-cream /ACCIDENTALLY/ dropped onto his face* Me: Now now, Naruto-chibi-chan, that was just dirty. --^^-- Naruto: Yeah, like YOU'RE the one to talk... *swirly eyes*
Konoha's_Phoenix [Apr 16, 2006 at 02:25 PM]
Phoenix:pleeeeease Kakashi-kuuuuun. NO ICECREAM!!! Phoenix:Fine then Kakashi-kun you've pushed me over the edge! Kawaii no Jutsu!!(this is secret art Naruto taught me, You're eyes get super cute and you look all puppy dog-ish. It's like all out Chibi-mode XD)Kakashi: ShockedI...I uh. Oh fine!!*Faces away from everyone and takes off mask*SATISFIED KNOW!! Phoenix:*is lying on the ground practically dieing of laughter from the ice-cream covered Naruto* Kakashi:-__-;*pulls up mask*
shamangirl_123 [Apr 16, 2006 at 04:07 PM]
gaara and me:*ice cream all over our faces* me:i'm.....i'm.....sooooo sawwweee... Sad *earlier,i fell in the ice cream bowl*'s okay.... me:you mean your not mad? me:yaaaaaay!*glomp* gaara: Embarassed anko:ok you chibis!time to burn the floor with some dancing!! chibis:yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!
Konoha's_Phoenix [Apr 16, 2006 at 05:01 PM]
Kakashi and Phoenix (in unison Very Happy ): I don't dance......ever!(both think.....unless it's the happy dance Cool ) Phoenix: I'd rather kiss a Vaca. Kakashi: Same here!*both Sit and stare at the danceing chibi's* Phoenix: Popcorn Kakashi:*looks around <_< -_- >_>* Sure.*both munch popcorn*
Laiyo [Apr 17, 2006 at 01:43 PM]
Laiyo and Zabuza: *still sitting on a tree branch* Naruto: Okay okay ladies... *pushes away some fangirls* *stares up at the tree* Hey you there! Laiyo-san! Are you going dancin' or what?? ... Laiyo-san?? LAIYO-SAN?? What are yoy doing up ther-- *gets thrown at with an empty ice-cream bowl -again-* *swirly eyes* G-aaah if you wanted private time, all you needed to do was ASK!! >:-O *faints*
shamangirl_123 [Apr 18, 2006 at 12:01 AM]
me:c'mon gaara-kun!let's dance! gaara:.......i don't dance.... me:don't dance or don't know how? gaara:of course i know how to dance..... me:ah ha!i knew it!u don't know how to dance! gaara:.......... me:c'mon!i'll teach ya! gaara:wha?! me:c'mon! gaara:......... me:ok!now let's do the chicken dance! gaara:*sigh* u look ridiculuas. me:well sawwe mister i don't know how to dance. gaara: Embarassed*music turns into a slow waltz* me:ah man!i thought we were doien the chicken dance!
MilaOftheDesert [Apr 26, 2006 at 11:30 PM]
Me: Brings in Chibi Orochimaru (xD) Orochi-chan, comeon lets waltz. xD Oro: WTH?! Why did you bring me here? Why am I a chibi?! NO! Me: -.- You're such a big meanie, you're even meaner than Neji-kun... awww comeon I bet not even YOU could resist the cute little chibi me *gets puppy dog eyes* >_< pweeese? Oro: Confused fine... Me: *squeel* Thankies x3 Heehee Oro: ... -.- Me: ^^ Aww you know you're enjoying it, even if you are an evil snake man xP
shamangirl_123 [Apr 27, 2006 at 12:00 AM]
me:i'm bored.... gaara:.......... me:what? gaara:you know..... me:oh don't tell me.... gaara:yep me:aww man!fine...we'll dance to this... gaara:you really don't have to.... me:c'mon this is the only song you know how to dance to... gaara: Embarassed
MilaOftheDesert [Apr 27, 2006 at 12:28 AM]
*...Neji is stuffing his face with icecream in a lil corner* Me: Oh Orochimaru you're such a good dancer ♥_♥ You're so romantic ^^ Oro: Eh? Hmmm... I am aren't I? *Neji pops out of nowhere* Neji: From what I hear, he's gay. Me: *throws a bowl of ice cream at Neji* NEJI! You baka, he is not! Neji: I'm sorry! That's all I've heard ;_; Me: *glare* ...Come on Orochimaru lets go find a nice tree to sit in, just like Laiyo and Zabuza-san. Heehee...
shamangirl_123 [Apr 27, 2006 at 06:50 PM]
that was fun gaara-kun!♥ gaara:i didn't think that it would last that's go get some mor ice cream!♥ go ahead...i'll just sit here.... me:ok!♥u want 1? gaara:no.... me:r u sure? gaara:yeah.... me:ok do u want somthing 2 drink? gaara:i'll take a pepsi me:ok!♥ gaara:*wachtes MilaOftheDesert and orochimaru go into tree*what r they doning?they can't be....... Embarassed me:here gaara-kun!♥ gaara:thanx.... me:let go sit in a tree! gaara:ok...Embarassed
Laiyo [Apr 27, 2006 at 06:54 PM]
*Laiyo and Zabuza-kun jump down from their tree* *Laiyo spots Mila* Hey, it's Mila!! And... you. -.- Oro: Yikes... Laiyo doesn't like me much, whatdoido, whatdoido??? Laiyo: -____-;; ... *makes up her mind* Meh, I guess I won't go chasing you around THIS time, Oro, but ONLY because you're with Mila and you're a chibi. ^^ And you can use our tree, BTW, because we're going danciiin'! xD Zabuza: But first... Laiyo: Dancing!!!! ToT Zabuza: Hmph. Fine. Dancing it is... -_- *is dragged away by Laiyo*
MilaOftheDesert [Apr 27, 2006 at 07:46 PM]
Me: Thank you Laiyo xD *cuddles Orochimaru in tree* *cuddling turns into something else o.O* Neji: *pops out of nowhere again* *calling* Mila-san, Mila-san! Where are you? Sorry if I made you mad! Are you up in that tree? *looks up* Ah there she is, Mila-sa-- O_O .... Surprised Embarassed Ehehe I'll just leave.... ^^;; I'll just get some more icecream... ya that's it. Me: ^^ ♥
shamangirl_123 [Apr 27, 2006 at 07:54 PM]*falls asleep on gaaras shoulder* gaara: Embarassed Embarassed naruto:hey hey!whacta doien? gaara:*throws pepsi can at naruto* naruto:@.@ what is it today?throw your trash at naruto day?
MilaOftheDesert [Apr 27, 2006 at 08:03 PM]
Me:*came back from tree* Well it's cuz your annoying, Naruto. Haha you're too nosey.. why don't you find Hinata or Sakura to dance with? Anyway... I'm hungry! I want pizza, could we order some pizza? Neji: Yes... Pizza would be nice... *burp* Ughh I had too much icecream Me: Why did you do that stupid? Then it's best you don't eat anymore. Who did you try to be like, Chouji? Ughh get some rest. Neji: *barfs out all the icecream* Me: Eww... Neji. -_- Neji: OK, all better! Very Happy So how 'bout that pizza?
shamangirl_123 [Apr 27, 2006 at 08:35 PM]
naruto:sakura-chan......hinata?why i dance with hinata? neji:cause she likes u... naruto:hmmm?no she doesn't neji:anybody with eyes can see let's order pizza!♥ naruto:hey gaara!let's go eat *empty ice cream bowl gets thrown at him*naruto:@.@
MilaOftheDesert [Apr 27, 2006 at 08:49 PM]
Me: Ok what what kind of toppings do you guys like? I myself like pineapple and olives, so I'll get one of that... so what other pizzas? Naruto: RAMEN PIZZA! Me: -.- I don't think they have that... Neji? Neji: I'd like some plain cheese pizza. Me: Ok Hmm... Orochimaru we'll share my pizza! ^^ Oro: Pineapple and... olives? o.O Me: Yes! ♥ Ok so what other pizza, Gaara what do you like?
Konoha's_Phoenix [Apr 27, 2006 at 09:40 PM]
Phoenix: o.O Is that........KIIIIIIIIIL!!!*Transforms into chibi-Phoenix and flys at Oro* NYAAAAAAA! Kakashi: Grabs her by her tail feathers* No! No killing Mila's Date! Even if he is a freaky gay snake man! Phoenix: Awwww*transforms back* CAN I ATLEAST THOUGHT RAMEN PIZZA AT HIM!!! PLEEEEEEEEASE!!*puppy dogs eyes* Kakashi: Rolling Eyes Oh fine! Phoenix: WEEEE!*throws pizza's randomly*
MilaOftheDesert [Apr 27, 2006 at 10:31 PM]
Me: Erm.. thank you Kakashi for not letting Phoenix kill my date. ^^; Dear me, does everyone think he's gay? Oro: *dodges flying pizza* TT_TT Why me? And I'm not gay... Crying or Very sad Me: *pets Oro* Awww it's ok... I still wuv yooh, even if you are a fweeky snake man. x3
Konoha's_Phoenix [Apr 28, 2006 at 08:08 PM]
Kakashi: Sure any time!! Come on Phoenix-chan Lets get you some ice-cream before you explode! Phoenix:Fine!! I ran out of Pizza's anyway! Plus chouji ate most of them.......oh and I'LL GET YOU SOME DAY ORO YOU B- Kakashi: No, can yell at oro later now come help me finish off the ice-cream Very Happy Phoenix: Embarassed What ever you say Kakashi-kun ♥__♥
MilaOftheDesert [Apr 28, 2006 at 08:47 PM]
Me: Gah >_< thank you for BEING here Kakashi, I guess you're the only thing that will calm her down. And Phoenix, you will never lay a hand on Orochimaru, not as long as I live! Muahahahahaha! Anyway.... When did Chouji get here? Chouji: I was always here. Me: Oops ... I guess I didn't notice ehehe ^^; Hey does anyone want to play a game?
Laiyo [Apr 28, 2006 at 08:56 PM]
Me: Aaaah I'm tired... *collapses onto a chair* Zabuuza: Hey, they're bringing pizza! Me: Oh, great! I want meh usual cheese mushroom olive pepperoni!! xDD Zabuza: *swirly eyes* Okay, whatever you wish... Me: *sees Oro go by* Grrr... *gets death-glared at by Mila* Hey, hey, relax! Smile ; I'm allright with Oro, just as long as he doesn't transform into a woman... o_O *sits back and waits for the pizza* *Meanwhile, a chibi-Haku appears out of nowhere* Haku: ALL RIGHT! HAKU'S IN THE HOUSE! *break-dances*
MilaOftheDesert [Apr 28, 2006 at 09:22 PM]
Me: WHOOOT! Hakuz in da houuzzz!! N Orochi isn't gonna turn into a lady, he wont dare -_-.... Right Orochimaru? Oro: Um *nervous* ... yeah! What she said! Me: See? ^_^ Ok YAY! Haku's here to partayyy! Very Happy
Konoha's_Phoenix [Apr 29, 2006 at 06:47 AM]
Phoenix:*looks up from icecream*, go Haku! Kakashi:O.o uhhhhh yeah, Why don't we go pick up the pizza's now. Phoenix:Um*Watches the bunny and Haku do the worm* YES, lets *Pulls Kakashi out* Kakashi:How are we going to get there? Phoenix:*evil grin* Kakashi:What are you thinking....Phoenix:PREPARE FOR DEPARTURE TO THE PIZZA STORE! *Transforms into Phoenix-form* Kakashi:NO NOT THAT!! Phoenix:*grabs Kakashi with talons and flings him up on to her back*WEEEEEEE! Kakashi:I think i'm going to be sick!
shamangirl_123 [May 08, 2006 at 11:43 PM]
*wakes up*hmmm?ah i'm so sorry gaara-kun gaara:it's okay..... me:*jumps down from tree*naruto:so,what have u 2 been doing up there?me:whats that suppose 2 mean?!we didn't do anything! swear!gaara:mind your own bussiness worm...naruto:what you call me?!gaara:a worm... go over there garra-kun...naruto:wait till i get my hands on u;...hey look at haku!hes good!gaara:yeah...ummm... me:*wachting haku**still wacthing haku*gaara:uhhh...
Laiyo [Jun 12, 2006 at 06:52 PM]
Haku: Ho-kay, bros and err... ladies! Cool I'm tired now... Anyone have some ice-cream? Cool Me: *finishes the last few slices of pizza while sitting on Zabuza's lap* Yumm, that was fun... Hey Haku, wanna pizza-box?????? Zabuza: ... Haku: Why would I want a pizza-box? Zabuza: Don't mind her, she's chocolate-high. -_- Me: Wheeeeee, what a nice lap you've got Zabuza-kun! Haku: Shocked Embarassed *turns away* ...*phew* Cool Zabuza: Err... Laiyo... A bit quieter, if you please... everyone's staring!! --O.O--
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