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Haku: *thunderous voice* ZABUZA... I... AM... YOUR FATHER!!!! Zabuza: ... Haku: ...I MEAN... UNCLE!! ERR, BROTHER!! COUSIN??? UM... GRANDFATHER? GREAT-GRANDFATHER?? GREAT- GREAT-GRANDFATHER??? Zabuza: .... -_- Haku: *snaps fingers* Ah-ha! *thunderous voice again* ZABUZA... I AM... Not related to you in any way. *hangs head* Zabuza: *gasp* NOOO... *shock*
Lol that made me go wtf?! xD I can imagine Haku getting all dark going "Zabuza, I am your father." XD
Well, even -Haku- forgets to drink his medications from time to time. ^_^ Haku: Heeey!!! ...It was only ONCE, I swear it was!! >.<
Wuts with you and medications Laiyo? Is that your life source or what because mine is CHOCOLATE!! Kakashi: HEY!! Phoenix: And Kakashi-kun..^___^
Haku: Oh, Laiyo's life sources are chocolate, Zabuza-san, drawing, popular people's life energy and music. ^_^ Medications are just a means of keeping her insanity under control... most of the time, anyway. ^^;
Phoenix:uuuuukay... Kakashi: I'm glad to hear that i'm Not Phoenix's--Phoenix:*clings to Kakashi's shoulders* My life sources are Chocolate, Flying, Drawing, Burning things aaaaaand KAKASHI-KUN!!! Kakashi: Why me? Phoenix:*huggles* Oh come on ya know you love me! Kakashi:N-n-not beyond reason...
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