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Exactly the reason why I love fog. Maybe one day when I'll be walking around in the mist I'll walk into Zabuza-kun... Zorro: Keep dreaming. -_-; Me: *dreams*
I'm sorry but I can't help thinking about aerobics when I see this pic. xD
Lmao! xD
Yeah... me and my crazy mind...
Lol!! And when Kakashi was summoning his Ninja Dogs with that scroll, he looked like a ballerina. Lol, no offence meant to him, but it was just soooo funny watching him twirl that scroll like a ribbon! xD (Zabuza and aerobics, Kakashi and ballet!!    Lmao, way lmao. ^_^
XD its so fun to see funny moments
-__-.........what did you just say about my Kakashi-kun.........*Dark clouds roll in*
*tries to blow away clouds with a fan -no pun intended-* ^^;; Hey, I didn't mean it in a BAD way! (see I sad there: 'no offence meant')  Kakashi-san ish cool.  ^^ But I just couldn't help it, those were some really funny moves! ^^
-__- what-ev.
Lol comeon its just playful teasing xD
Yup! Playful teasing ish fun!!
Don't mind me i'm just moody sometimes, but hey what can you do?
Eat chocolate!  Always helps. ^^
Yup Yup
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