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Me: Aaaaaah Zabuza, gaaaze into my eyyyyes... *dreamy sigh* Zabuza-kuuuuun...
uuuuuuuhhhh, Laiyo? Those are Kakashi's eyes.........or eye for that matter-__-;
Yeah, I know. Arrrrgh can't one dream around here anymore??
sHARINGAN... blah
Yup. Water Dragon Bullet pwns all.
Zabuza: (checks his face out) No wonder girls r all over me...HOLY CRAP! ONE'S COMING RIGHT NOW!!! Me: ZABUZA!!!! KAKASHI!!! Kakashi: RUN FOR UR LIVES!!!
*Zabuza tries to run away, but slams right into Laiyo* Me: Ah-HA!!! Now I got ya!!!! >x3 Won't escape from me THAT easily now, you big hot muscly... hot... YOU!!! *glues self to Zabuza and gropes him all over* This time, NO MERCY!!! Bwahahahhahahaha!!! *goes on groping*
Hey! Save some Zabuza goodness for me!
Sure! Just bring the whipped cream, would ya!  And don't forget the chocolate! >xD
Zabuza: I AM NOT AN ICE CREAM!!!...why do feel really hot?..AHH!!! I MELTING!!! Me: Mwhahahaha!!! (starts eating him)
YAAAAY PHOENIX-SAN!!!!!! *stops licking chocolate off of Zabuza for a moment and tackle-hugs Phoenix* Wheeee!!!~ Man... I'm so sorry but e-mailing will have to wait until the Thanksgiving long weekend (which is coming up soon here in Canada)!!! Wh00tness! ^O^
You're from Canada? Cool...i had friend that's from canada! But she's Canadian-French. Now she's in Georgia...I miss her.
Aww I'm sorreh  But I'm not Canadian-French... ^^; I'm hardly even Canadian, I moved here from Russia a couple of years ago.
Then ur Russian? Or r u one of those people that move around a lot cuz there parents are in the military. I'm confused....what r u?
I'm a BLOODTHIRSTY WEREWOLF! >:3 Just kidding lol. ^_^ No, I'm Russian, I was born near Russia and Russian is my first language, which I still speak very well and hope not to ever forget. And I only moved once, and it was to Canada a couple of years back. Blah. I don't really like moving... -_o ...But I guess if I didn't, I would have never met Zabuza-kun and all the wonderful people that are now my friends. x3 So I guess moving isn't THAT bad... o_O
COOOOOL!!! My sis use to take Russian. And she only taught me how to say grandma....barbooshka....I don't know how to spell it ^^; Well..I wuz born in america but I'm Korean and I can't even speak it which is sad for me. *sigh*
Aww... that is sad.  Don't ever forget your culture! >.< And yes, grandma is babushka... with the emphasis on the first syllable, BA-bush-ka, not ba-BOO-shka (many people say it the wrong way  ) I can even spell it in Russian, don't know if it'll show up for you though: б а б у ш к а (babushka) Only without spaces, 'cuz otherwise it doesn't show up at all. ^_^
I know a lot bout my culture just not the language. Anyways my sis is right next to me right now and she jus said hello in Russian but I can't spell it out. But u know it obviously.
Did she say "Privet"? ^_^ Lol
YEAH!!! She can talk to ya if ya want or if she wants to but now she's at school.
Sure!! xD I'd be happeh to talk to her in Russian!
Uh....she still isn't here right now...so I'll just (...) heh heh
Errr.... o_O ...?
Sorreh, didn't come out right. But my sister doesn't know how to put it in english...so....I feel stupid. ^^;
Type it in english letters...? o_O
URRrr....she's barely home so I guess just forget it. ^^;
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